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8 Ways to Boost Traffic on Your WordPress Blog

Guest post by Jane Hurst, https://www.lifehack.org/author/jane-hurst & https://blog.getresponse.com/author/jane-hurst

Do you write your blog just to see your written words on the screen? No! You write your blog so other people will read what you have to say, and to draw people to your website because they are so interested in what you are saying. But, before you can get people to read your blog, you need to get them there. Simply writing and posting a blog isn't good enough. You need to figure out ways to entice people so they can't wait to find out what you are going to talk about next. Here are eight ways that you can boost traffic on your WordPress blog.

  • Re-Blog Old Posts - Just because you have posted something once, it doesn't mean that it isn't worthy of being posted again. For one thing, if it is quality information, people will want to read it again. Also, many people may not have seen it the first time around. Share each post many times.
  • Find other Writers - Look for bloggers within your niche that have large followings, and ask them to write for your blog. When they become contributors, their followers will follow them right to your blog, and you can end up with a lot of new followers yourself.
  • Use the Right Tweet Text - You need to make sure that you are using the right default tweet in your posts. This will ensure that users will be able to click on a link and start following you on Twitter. An optimized tweet would have the title of the post, the URL, and your Twitter handle. Don't use the whole title tag, as it takes up way too much space.
  • Vamp Up Your SEO Campaign - In order to rank high on search engines, you need to take full advantage of SEO. Think about hiring a professional SEO to do a SEO campaign that is going to attract new followers to your WordPress blog, and ultimately to your website, and you will make more money.
  • Repurpose Content - If you have quality content, you can re-blog it. You can also turn it into other types of content. For instance, a great blog post could become a great podcast. Other options include screencasts, slide presentations, and e-books, which can be downloaded as a PDF just by tweeting.
  • Have a "Start Here" Page - Your about page can do so much more than it is now. It can be turned into your "start here"? page, or something like it. This is going to give visitors a quick rundown of what they can expect to find on your website. Basically, this is going to get them to your site quicker, so they can start spending money quicker.
  • Offer Resource Pages - People love to read how-to articles, watch videos on how to do things, etc. You can give them what they want in the form of resource pages. For instance, if you love using certain cooking gadgets, write about why you like them and how readers can use them to create awesome meals. Link posts like this to your resource page.
  • Tell Visitors what to Do - You have a goal, and that goal is to get people to visit your website and spend money. So, tell them exactly what you want them to do, but in a way that makes them think that it is something that they really want to do. For example, at the end of a video, thank them for watching, and then offer a link to your website, and tell them why they need to visit.


  • Anonymous
    May 29, 2017
    awesome information shared, thanks bro ill go for updating my posts