다음을 통해 공유

It's here... The PDC

I feel the electricity in the air already.  I'm at the LA Convention center preparing
for my different presentations and even this early on the PreCon day, I can feel the
excitement.  Logo buses on the street, PDC logos everywhere, conference attendees
scurrying around figuring out what sessions to go to.  You can tell this is BIG. 
And I mean BIG.  It is going to be a long week full of sessions, meetings, and
customers and I can't tell you how excited I am.  This is our chance to showcase
where we are going tomorrow with ASP.NET "Whidbey" and Visual Studio "Whidbey" --
show our vision for the future of Web development and begin to prepare you for it. 

On Tuesday, https://www.asp.net/whidbey/ will
go live with information about our improved Web platform and tools.  Whitepapers,
presentations, sample code and more.  Check it out!  I want your feedback
about what we are building.  I'm going to try and be good about logging this
experience, but it does get busy, so I can't promise anything. 

On with the PDC!


  • Anonymous
    November 04, 2003
    Hi, Brian just discovered your blog! You probably don't remember me but we met once and discussed various upcoming technologies at new years, I came with Aubrey, Mary's best friend. Anyhow how are you doing? Hope everything is good! Anyway too bad I didn't get to see you @ PDC. Avalon looks awesome! Anyways good luck, I'll be checking up on your blog periodically.
  • Anonymous
    November 04, 2003
    Hey Mike, definitely remember who you are :) -- glad you enjoyed PDC, had no idea you were there! Avalon is some seriously cool stuff, make sure you check out ASP.NET "Whidbey" too, you'll like it. Good luck with things.