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Technical Preview of Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2010

If you haven't done so, please checkout the "Office2010 The Movie" trailer at https://www.office2010themovie.com/. You can also sign-up for an Exclusive Ticket to Technical Preview by following the link at the bottom left corner. The 2010 version of Office comes with a new version of Business Contact Manager with many exciting new features.



  • Anonymous
    June 25, 2009
    Hi, After the last BCM 2007 SP2 which included no new functionality and failed to fix some basic interface bugs (not saving customized column views when switching away from BCM pages for example) I get the feeling that BCM2007 is dangling in the wind..? The focus is surely now on BCM 2010 and I doubt that any revised version of BCM2007 will surface leaving us users with a substandard product! Don't get me wrong, I like BCM 2007 but it's got a long way to go in the user friendly department. My two cents :) Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    July 08, 2009
    I am very dissapointed with the response of BCM 2007. Nothing in functionality was addresses, as said above the interface problems and there are lots of them have not even been addressed. Even after hundreds of complaints. Expecting users to update to 2010 is a very big ask based on the past response. I can see why there is now alternatives out there to Microsoft. And as usual we who are using BCM 2007 will be left cast adrfit. This is disgraceful for a software company when customers have made the investment. Microsoft is trying everything it can to get market  share back but they seem to lack the most important point, we are already customers, why don't you just help us, then you might get back your marketability. BCM 2007 is a typical case in point.

  • Anonymous
    July 14, 2009
    We're in the process of sorting out a CRM solution. The uncertainty surrounding the continued development and support and Business Contact Manager is a real problem Dynamics, while very robust, is probably overkill for what we need (an would likely be a real challenge to implement with our staff). BCM is much more user friendly but has significant limitations (relationships and permissions in particular). Also, the VARs we've spoken with have all said that BCM is being discontinued, which certainly puts a damper on our enthusiasm - and our interest in investing in training staff. At this point we're on hold. Not a good place to be. It sure would be nice if Microsoft would, at the very least, confirm that they will continue to develop, and support Business Contact Manager.

  • Anonymous
    July 16, 2009
    Quite the opposite. A new version of BCM for Office 2010 is described at http://blogs.msdn.com/bcm/archive/2009/07/14/business-contact-manager-for-microsoft-outlook-2010-technical-preview-released.aspx. Look for additional posts in the next weeks about features and improvements!

  • Anonymous
    August 18, 2009
    this is just for outlook 2010 in general 3 points i hope you addressm, which are i dire need of attention

  1. Mail Merge needs to be able to add fields in the email body as well as in the attachment, or at least add attachment support to mails sent with mail merge with user fields in the email body, please
  2. support for Chinese or other characters in the contacts when imported from CSV's or Excel, currently, the only way to get imported characters to display correctly is through Access 2003
  3. Delay Delivery should be an option built into Mail Merge, so we dont have to go through and open every email. Currently, there is a limit of 120 minutes in a delay function, but for drip marketing cmapaigns we need the calender with months ahead of time, the email would then sit in the outbox without sending until the first send/recieve after the specified date also, there needs to be support in the emal options to turn on or off sending to all email addresses listed for a specific contact, so either email1 is sent only, or emails 1, email2 and email 3 are all sent out individually when a contact is selected i sincerely hope you address these issues if i wanted to program in visual basic, I would simply make a better program than outlook. I believe thats your job, not ours.
  • Anonymous
    September 01, 2010
    The comment has been removed