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Reporting Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2010 Beta Issues

It's great to see so many of you downloading and installing Beta. We have been receiving lot of feedback on this blog. In order to address your feedback, I would like to request all of you to submit your feedback through Office Send-A-Smile/Send-A-Frown feature. When you install Office, you will see yellow smile and red frown on your task bar. Click one of these and write detailed feedback. We would like to hear both positive and negative feedback. If you wish, you can also provide your contact e-mail so that we can contact you directly if we need information. This would tremendously help us streamline the feedback process and resolve your issues.


Mukesh Agarwal


  • Anonymous
    November 24, 2009
    I downloaded and install Office 2010 Professional then downloaded and installed BCM 2010. I can't seem to load it into Outlook. I went into add-ins and enabled it but it says unloaded. I un-installed,re-installed and restored my database, but I get nothing from BCM.

  • Anonymous
    November 24, 2009
    I downloaded and install Office 2010 Professional then downloaded and installed BCM 2010. I can't seem to load it into Outlook. I went into add-ins and enabled it but it says unloaded. I un-installed,re-installed and restored my database, but I get nothing from BCM.

  • Anonymous
    November 25, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    November 25, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    November 25, 2009
    Hi.  I really like BCM, and like the 2010 upgrades.   My biggest issue/challenge in the previous version was with importing accounts/contacts, and maintaining the linkage.  I was able to import accounts, and was able to import contacts, but was unable to import an account AND a contact and have the contact linked to the account. Has this been addressed in 2010?  Or is the only way to link a contact to an account still do manually link them one at a time within the UI? Thanks, Oscar

  • Anonymous
    November 25, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    November 25, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    November 28, 2009
    Hi and congratulations for the new BCM! I've been playing around with it for the last couple of days and I'm absolutely amazed! I have some questions though:

  1. Is it possible to Group By a field (any default or user created field) selected by the user in the Reports (..just like we can do in the View Settings of any List or Search Folder)? Or are we stack with the default reports' groupings?
  2. Is it possible to rename the default fields on the various forms or just the user-created ones?
  3. In the Opportunities form what is the meaning of the field "Close Date"? Actual close date or estimated one? I'm asking this because until now I was entering the actual close date of the opportunity when it's state was changing to Closed Won or Closed Lost. Until that time I was leaving the Close Date field empty. But I noticed in the current version of BCM that this field is used by some gadgets to perform calculations, so if I leave it empty while the Opportunity handling is in progress, these gadgets show no information. Do you think that I should create a new field called "Actual Close Date" and use this instead, while leaving the default "Close Date" field's role to "Estimated" close date?
  4. Are you planning to let the user create custom entities based on the Opportunity object (just like you have done with Accounts and Business Contacts)? That would be very very useful as we could create entities such as Sales Quote and Sales Order based on an Opportunity. Right now I'm tracking my Sales Orders (which are Opportunities with Closed Won state) by entering the prefix "OP:" in the Opportunity title when the sales pipeline is in progress and if it closes with "Closed Won" I rename it to "SO:" and fill in extra information in custom created fields regarding the Order such as Invoice ID and Date, Payment Status, etc. I'm looking forward to your answers. Thanks again for the amazing work!
  • Anonymous
    November 30, 2009
    Hi My answers to your questions
  1. Is it possible to Group By a field (any default or user created field) selected by the user in the Reports (..just like we can do in the View Settings of any List or Search Folder)? Or are we stack with the default reports' groupings? Ans:- Unfortunately reports are group by the first column. Thanks for you feedback on this.
  2. Is it possible to rename the default fields on the various forms or just the user-created ones? Ans:- No you cannot re-name default fields.But you can remove them from the form and use a user defined field instead.
  3. In the Opportunities form what is the meaning of the field "Close Date"? Actual close date or estimated one? I'm asking this because until now I was entering the actual close date of the opportunity when it's state was changing to Closed Won or Closed Lost. Until that time I was leaving the Close Date field empty. But I noticed in the current version of BCM that this field is used by some gadgets to perform calculations, so if I leave it empty while the Opportunity handling is in progress, these gadgets show no information. Do you think that I should create a new field called "Actual Close Date" and use this instead, while leaving the default "Close Date" field's role to "Estimated" close date? Ans:- Yes you are right few gadgets, like top customer etc. depend on the close date. I would recommend to use that as a tentitive close date irrespective of the opportunity being closed won or lost. You could also create a user defined field as per your need but gadgets are already pre-defined and depended on default fields.
  4. Are you planning to let the user create custom entities based on the Opportunity object (just like you have done with Accounts and Business Contacts)? Ans:- This is a good feedback and we may consider this for our future releases. Let me know if you have any other questions Thanks -Vinit [MSFT]
  • Anonymous
    November 30, 2009
    I've been testing Outlook 2010 and BCM 2010 for a couple of weeks now. I especially like the "Conversations" concept in Outlook. The ribbons make it much more consistant with Office. The problem I'm having is that I cannot get Office Accounting 2009 to sync up with BMC. I've uninstalled BMC and Office 2007 and installed the 2010 versions. Office Accounting 2009 does not see the BCM database. I have even tried backing up the Office Accounting 2009 database, uninstalling everything and reinstalling with no luck. Outlook sees BCM but Office Accounting 2009 does not see BCM. Any ideas? Without a connection to Office Accounting 2009 it's back to Office 2007 and BCM 2007.

  • Anonymous
    November 30, 2009
    @Matiss Jekabsons If you question is related to Expected Revenue on opportunity, this is automtically calculated by multiplying total value of an opportunity with he probability value. @jrbonin, Thanks for your feedback regarding OA. As you might be aware, Microsoft has made a business decision to discontinue Office Accounting 2009 distribution. You can find more information at http://ideawins.com.  With this decision, Office Accounting 2009 will no longer support integration with the 2010  version of BCM. We understand that BCM-OA integration was a great feature for our small business customers and added great value to BCM. However, given the current situation, this feature will not be available. Mukesh Agarwal [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    November 30, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    November 30, 2009
    Hi, Thanks for the detailed explanation of what you are trying to do here. Unfortunately, first column of all the reports are fixed and cannot be moved around. Hence, you can only group by the first column. Also, after reading your scenario i have a suggestion for you. If you create a user-defined field, say called Managed by, and then have your sales rep etc. associated to that field. Now, you can launch the business contact by assigned to or any other Business contact report, push the filter button. On the dialog, go to advanced option, select the field "Managed by", assign the value and push ok button. Now your report is filtered by the user defined field Managed by. You can save the report and then the report would show under saved reports on the ribbon. I hope this helps. Thanks once again for the feedback. We really appreciate it. -Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    December 01, 2009
    Under Project Management section when adding contacts to the project account the list only pulls up only one contact out of the business contacts.  It appears to only be pulling the original contact made in business contacts and non after.   I would love to see this integrate with ms project or ms project server taking just major milestones from the individual projects.

  • Anonymous
    December 01, 2009
    In my opinion when customizing a form; the 'Save and Close' is too close to 'restore defaults'. is there a way to move or deactivate the restore defaults? many thanks

  • Anonymous
    December 02, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    December 02, 2009
    Hi beckymad24, Could you try running the following in a command prompt? msiexec.exe /x {050BF7DA-82C4-416A-8294-7AFEB8ED94E1} let me know if this helps? Thanks Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    December 02, 2009
    Vinit, Thanks for the prompt response!  I appreciate it.  I tried running the command above, and it popped up an uninstaller, I click Yes (to uninstall), then it gave me this:  "This action is only valid for products that are currently installed." I also tried uninstalling everything (all Office products) and started from scratch... this time with the 64-bit versions.  I installed Office 2010 Beta x64, then tried BCM 2010 Beta x64 install.  ANd I got that same error message about the Lanaguage Pack neeing to be uninstalled on the BCM install, so no difference. Any other thoughts?  I'm willing to try anything.  As a last resort, I am not opposed to uninstalling again and going back to the Technical Release versions of Office and BCM. Thank you!

  • Anonymous
    December 02, 2009
    This is beckymad24 again.  Continuing my previous post on the ever-so-weird error message I am getting when trying to install BCM Beta 2010 The next thing I tried was to actually install the Microsoft Office Langugae Pack 2010.  I did, and now it shows up in my control panel Programs section (yeah!).  Then I uninstalled it from my computer, thinking that now, surely, my computer would recognize that it a being uninstalled and will let me install BCM Beta 2010. Sadly, the same error pops up, even after explicitly installing and uninstalling the Microsoft Office Language Pack 2010. So.... BCM Beta 2010 still won't install b/c it still thinks the Microsoft Office Language Pack 2010 is on my computer somewhere, and I still get this error message: "The English (United States) Langauge Pack must be uninstalled before running Setup.  Use Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel to uninstall Microsoft Office Langaguge Pack 2010 - English (Business Contact Manager for Microsoft Outlook 2010)." Sigh......

  • Anonymous
    December 02, 2009
    Hi beckymad24, Can you go to registry entry by typing regedit on the run command. Then look for the following keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftBusiness Solutions eCRM and HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftBusiness Solutions eCRM and delete both the keys. Try launching BCM setup after that and see if it works now. Thanks Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    December 02, 2009
    Vinit- Your registry fix worked, and my BCM 2010 Beta install now works - THANK YOU!! Appreicate the help, Vinit!

  • Anonymous
    December 03, 2009
    I have tried to install BCM 2010 into a working (although sometimes "not responding" Office 2010. It gets a fair way through the installation and then stops during the second phase of the SQLServ2008 installation. It refers to the log files to use when talking to customer services. I get the feeling that Customer Services is not the place to go for 2010 beta tech support? Any pointers please? Thanks in advance - Terry

  • Anonymous
    December 03, 2009
    Hi,  I am running BCM quite well. However, When I installed the Language Pack for both Office (and set this language as the default, same as the OS's which has a Lang Pack itself) and BCM and then opened the database it pretty much freaked out. Told me first that the language was incompatible with the database, then disconnected me from it (is remote) and of course wont let me connect to it. Had to change the default language back to English to be able to use it. Not cool. Already sent a frown, but wanted to open discussion :(   TY!

  • Anonymous
    December 04, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    December 04, 2009
    Hi Terryd, Can you try uninstalling SQL Express 2008 completely from the machine including SQL Express Native Client 2008? Once you are done with that, can you try installing SQL Express 2008 with "MSSMLBIZ" instance name? Thanks -Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    December 04, 2009
    Hi fosormic, You cannot use a en-US database with other language BCM. The database and BCM language have to match. So,in that case you'll have to create a new db for your new language. You can still export and import data in different lang databases. Thanks -Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    December 04, 2009
    Hi Gadjo, Could you explain what user fields from account form you are trying to see in contacts? Also, from what i understand there is no way in BCM to share a field value between BCM entities. Thanks Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    December 04, 2009
    I have tried to install the BCM 2010 beta on a desktop machine after loving what I saw with it on a laptop and run into problems early in the installation with a problem installing .NetFramework 3.5 SP1 with the message: Business Contact Manager for Microsoft Outlook 2010 setup failed to install .NetFramework 3.5 SP1. Click help to see troubleshooting instructions. In installed programs I have the following apps installed which I believe are related to BCM: .NET Framework 3.5 and .NET Framework (English) v1.0.3705 SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition [ENU] Otherwise the installation is very basic- Vista SP1, Acrobat Reader, network printer and whatever MS has installed for the Live Essentials. I left a frown yesterday with contact details as well. Would love suggestions how to get this working. What I have seen so far on the latop, I really like the changes you have made. George

  • Anonymous
    December 04, 2009
    Hi George, Could you try installing .net 3.5 sp1 from here http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=AB99342F-5D1A-413D-8319-81DA479AB0D7&displaylang=en and see if it works? Thanks Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    December 04, 2009
    Thanks Vinit - It failed, but from the error log, it shows .Net 2.0 SP1 is not installed, but when I try to install that, it tells me it is already installed as part of Vista. I have taken all versions of .Net off the computer using the MS .Net Framework Cleanup Tool. Not sure what to do next, other than a complete Vista OS reinstall, followed by Office 2010 Beta reinstall. Thanks for your help, George

  • Anonymous
    December 06, 2009
    Good morning Vinit. Thanks for the reply. I might be missing the obvious but I seem to have installed: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2008 Browser SQL Server 2008 Native Client SQL Server 2008 Setup support files SQL Server Native Client SQL Server Setup Support Files (English) SQL Server VSS Writer No mention of Express? Do I remove all of these? I run a programme that uses Pervasive PSQL v10 Workgroup if that has any bearing? Thanks and regards - Terry

  • Anonymous
    December 06, 2009
    Also... the error log is found in: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL10.MSSMLBIZMSSQLLog

  • Anonymous
    December 07, 2009
    Good morning all, I am experiencing the same issue JomoDrew experienced where the add-ins for BCM are disabled. Mine is a bit different as it happened where BCM got stuck while Outlook was closing. What I did (IE was misbehaving as well, not closing some windows) was to force close IE and then reboot (using reboot -f).  When Windows came back up, Outlook started and closed on the Splash screen. When I restarted it, it offered me to disable the BCM add-ins as thats where the crash seemed to be.  Now it won't enable again. Will send a frown as well for record. I also wonder if it might be related to some .pst (index) corruption I started experiencing 5 days back, also reported.  But not really sure. Any ideas how to re-enable the plugins?  Thank you all and hi to the community.

  • Anonymous
    December 08, 2009
    Hello all, These are the exact instructions to re-enable BCM if it has been disabled by Outlook after crashing.  Fixes the issues I had just reported. To enable BCM add-in, please try the following steps and let me know if it works for you:

  1.      Start Outlook 2010 Beta
  2.      Click the File menu, and then click “Options”
  3.      Find and click “Add-Ins” on the left pane (should be the 2nd from the bottom) of the “Outlook Options” dialog watch this step carefully:
  4.      At the bottom of the dialog, find “Manage:”, and in where it shows “COM Add-ins”, change it to “Disabled Items” and click “Go…”
  5.      If you find “Business Contact Manager” and “Business Contact Manager Add-In”, select them one at a time and click the “Enable” button.
  6.      Restart Outlook.  BCM should load this time. Thank you John from the BCM team.  Kuddos.
  • Anonymous
    December 08, 2009
    I have been exploring Office 2010 and BCM 2010 for a while now and I am very very impressed with the new versions.  I do regret your decision not to continue development and integration of OA into the package as I have found that capablity to be very useful in the previous version. My query relates to BCM and installation on my (HTC Touch) PDA.  Can you explain how I can complete this?  The installation onto the pc has worked seamlessly from the start but I cannot sync the PDAs? Thanks

  • Anonymous
    December 08, 2009
    Where can I find the path to connect to the remote database? I tried to just type in the computer name but that doens't work. The first time it gave me a long path name and worked great. So I went through the database tool and shared the database. I tried to go back in the tool and share the database and it dones't show up now. What can I do?

  • Anonymous
    December 09, 2009

  • Anonymous
    December 10, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    December 10, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    December 14, 2009
    Hello, Regarding Tabs under Contact Management: When creating new tabs, the View Settings are not saving causing us to adjust them every time we view the tab.  Can this be corrected? Regarding Database Sharing: Shared users are not able to connect if it requires changes to account/contact records.  If they do any work offline, that work will not allow them to reconnect.  We have to drop the offline database and reconnect in order to go online.  It asks which changes you want to accept (local or shared) and proceeds to point of finishing, then reports it canceling and going offline.   Thanks, Mike

  • Anonymous
    December 14, 2009
    Is there anywhere I can see a guide on how to use 'Mass E-Mail'? I cannot send a mail merge in word using HTML, absolutely nothing happens when you try to send the emails by HTML (plain text and attachment work fine) I wonder if i need Word 2010 (currently i'm only running Outlook 2010) rather than 2007 Many thanks

  • Anonymous
    December 14, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    December 15, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    December 15, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    December 16, 2009
    I would like to customize globally the History of a Contact.  I change the columns, however, it appears they do not save.  I am trying to add columns:  To, From, Date Received, Date Sent, etc. Thanks Tim

  • Anonymous
    December 17, 2009
    Does BCM 2010 offer the capability of creating a mail merge doc using  Bus. Project data fields?  We often have several projects at any given time for an individual Bus. contact, so creating user defined fields within the business contact for this data & merging from the contact is not feasible.  We would like to be able to generate emails & letters that merge info from the user defined fields of our Bus. Projects.

  • Anonymous
    December 18, 2009
    Please help! Our database is located on my computer and shared with 2 other users.  Unlike 2007, I can not find how to manage permissions in 2010.  The shared users are limited in their ability to make some changes like adding new items to lists.  Am I missing something?  

  • Anonymous
    December 20, 2009
    Will the BCM 2010 Database Tool work in a SQL 2008 64bit install?  If so is there an advantage to using a full 2008 SQL install over the default SQL Express install?   What are the ramifications to our data after the Beta expiration and the retail versions of office 2010 are available? Thanks in advance. Kevin

  • Anonymous
    December 20, 2009
    Hi. I work hard with the BCM. I have found a bug in BCM 2010 which allready was in 2007. When you send an e-mail where a file is attached, by clicking on the "E-Mail Button" in the account- or businesscontact window, to someone who is NOT using outlook - this person is geting a "winmal.dat" file. Please fix this!

  • Anonymous
    December 21, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    December 21, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    December 22, 2009
    Hi quaytech, Could you please turn on logging and post the error logs here? Thanks Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    December 22, 2009
    Hi Mashmike, This is a known issue and we'll fix it for our future releases.For now can you go to registry edit and delete the following key [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTTypeLib{FB0E72B9-41D3-46FC-9593-0846ECA9E143}1.0�win64] @="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Small Business\Business Contact Manager\WinFormsHost.dll" See if this helps. Thanks Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    December 22, 2009
    Hi Mike, If the other users connected to the database are not admin on the machine or the database, they wont be able to customize BCM account or contact form. You have to be an admin on the DB to achieve this. I hope this answers your question. Thanks -Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    December 23, 2009
    Please make a blog entry about your mobile phone concept. At this time I think there is no Pocket PC-version of BCM 2010. The point for me not to use BCM was, that there was no way to get the project tasks to my Pocket PC on the road. Is there a way for BCM 2010? Will there be a mobile version not only for Windows Mobile? What is about BCM for Blackberry, iPhone or Android?

  • Anonymous
    December 23, 2009
    When I make a link with Drag & Drop of a project or a project task to OneNote 2010 and than open this link there comes the normal Outlook tasks form, not the project or project task form. (One of those issues is still there in BCM 2007. please fix it.)

  • Anonymous
    December 23, 2009
    Are there no plannings to connect BCM 2010 with OneNote 2010? Because it is Beta? There is no way to create a company, a contact, a project, a project task and so on in OneNote 2010... And between Outlook 2010 and OneNote 2010 it is not the same functionality between Outlook 2007 and OneNote 2007? Because it is Beta?

  • Anonymous
    December 29, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    December 31, 2009
    The old polling interval modification no longer seems to have any effective on database update times.  Is this no longer an issue with the newer database schema in 2010?

  • Anonymous
    December 31, 2009
    "If database is shared out to other user's, all business contacts and accounts are opted-out for email auto linking." All users contacts can be autolinked at one point which resolves the glaring shortcoming of this option in a real world environment. However, after this - 1 second or 1 week - when user X adds a contact to customer B, users A-Z will have no access to any email correspondence unless some ridiculous process of selecting all contacts and autolinking them all is completed by each user everyday or multiple times a day to avoid missing communications history. I cannot fathom why this has yet to be addressed.  Can their not be a simple option set that autolinks automatically ALL contacts added the Business Contacts?  

  • Anonymous
    January 04, 2010
    Hi Khowland, Yes, you no longer need the polling interval modification as it has been fixed in 2010. Is the auto-linking enabled or you are linking each item manually? Could you also explain your scenario in deails? Like how many users are there? How many contacts? etc. Does this happen only after you add a user to the database or just by adding a new contact/account? Thanks -Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    January 04, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 05, 2010
    [V] [15:45:06.5247024]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: About to UnPublish old OFT forms. [V] [15:45:06.5559212]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: Will UnPublish message-class='IPM.Contact.BCM.Account' [V] [15:45:06.5559212]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: Will UnPublish message-class='IPM.Activity.BCM' [V] [15:45:06.5559212]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: Will UnPublish message-class='IPM.Activity.BCM.Campaign' [V] [15:45:06.5559212]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: Will UnPublish message-class='IPM.Activity.BCM.Opportunity' [V] [15:45:06.5559212]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: Will UnPublish message-class='IPM.Activity.BCM.Project' [V] [15:45:06.5559212]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: Will UnPublish message-class='IPM.Activity.BCM.ProjectTask' [V] [15:45:06.5559212]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: Will UnPublish message-class='IPM.Activity.BCM.BusinessNote' [V] [15:45:06.5559212]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: Will UnPublish message-class='IPM.Task.BCM.Campaign' [V] [15:45:06.5559212]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: Will UnPublish message-class='IPM.Contact.BCM.Contact' [V] [15:45:06.5559212]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: Will UnPublish message-class='IPM.Task.BCM.Opportunity' [V] [15:45:06.5559212]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: Will UnPublish message-class='IPM.Activity.BCM.PhoneLog' [V] [15:45:06.5559212]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: Will UnPublish message-class='IPM.Task.BCM.Project' [V] [15:45:06.5559212]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: Will UnPublish message-class='IPM.Task.BCM.ProjectTask' [V] [15:45:06.5559212]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: Will UnPublish message-class='IPM.Activity.BCM.PhoneCall' [V] [15:45:06.5715306]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: About to delete 0 forms - this is the number of forms found for the message classes above. [V] [15:45:06.5715306]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: UnPublishing complete [V] [15:45:06.6339682]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: ExplorerWrapper:HandleFolderSwitch: Enter [V] [15:45:06.6339682]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: ExplorerWrapper:HandleFolderSwitch: Exit [V] [15:45:07.1802972]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: ExplorerWrapper:HandleFolderSwitch: Enter [V] [15:45:07.1802972]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: ExplorerWrapper:HandleFolderSwitch: Exit [I] [15:45:08.3041740]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: Gadget.StartInBackground: queuing background thread [E] [15:45:09.9431610]BCMRes: The client operation failed. [E] [15:45:09.9431610]BCMRes:    at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.CGlobals.QueryAllRows(IMAPITable Table, PropTag[] PropTagArray, IRestriction Restriction, SortOrderSet SortCriteria, Int32 RowCount)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.Globals.QueryAllRows(IMAPITable Table, PropTag[] PropTagArray, IRestriction Restriction, SortOrderSet SortCriteria, Int32 RowCount)   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.BackgroundTasks.MapiChangeTracker.Folder.InitSubFolders()   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.BackgroundTasks.MapiChangeTracker.Folder.Init()   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.BackgroundTasks.MapiChangeTracker.Folder..ctor(MapiChangeTracker tracker, MsgStore store, Folder parent, Byte[] key, EntryId eid, String displayName, String containerClass, IMAPIFolder imf)   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.BackgroundTasks.MapiChangeTracker.MsgStore.Init()   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.BackgroundTasks.MapiChangeTracker.MsgStore..ctor(MapiChangeTracker tracker, IMsgStore ims, Byte[] key, EntryId eid, String displayName, Boolean defaultStore)   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.BackgroundTasks.MapiChangeTracker.AddMsgStore(Byte[] key, EntryId eid, String displayName, Boolean defaultStore)   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.BackgroundTasks.MapiChangeTracker.InitMsgStores()   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.BackgroundTasks.MapiChangeTracker.Init()   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.BackgroundTasks.MapiChangeTracker..ctor(BackgroundSession session)   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.BackgroundTasks.BackgroundSession.Logon(Object data)   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.IrisErrorHandling.BCMThreadHelper.WCFunction(Object o) [E] [15:45:09.9431610]BCMRes: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. [E] [15:45:09.9431610]BCMRes:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.BackgroundTasks.EmailAutoAssociator.BackgroundInit(Object state)   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.IrisErrorHandling.BCMThreadHelper.WCFunction(Object o) [E] [15:45:09.9431610]BCMRes: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. [E] [15:45:09.9431610]BCMRes:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.DefaultStoreSync.DoBackgroundInit(Boolean disabled)   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.DefaultStoreSync.FireSyncError(Exception ex)   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.DefaultStoreSync.BackgroundInit(Object state)   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.IrisErrorHandling.BCMThreadHelper.WCFunction(Object o) [V] [15:45:09.9587704]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: Gadget.DoBackgroundWork(): gadgets in queue: 2 [V] [15:45:10.0992550]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: Gadget.DoBackgroundWork(): gadgets in queue: 1 [I] [15:45:10.1460832]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: Gadget.DoBackgroundWork(): background thread done [E] [15:45:15.0162160]BCMRes: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. [E] [15:45:15.0162160]BCMRes:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.BackgroundTasks.EmailAutoAssociator.GetRootFolderList()   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.EmailTrackingDialog.BuildFolderTree()   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.EmailTrackingDialog.EmailTracking_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) [V] [15:45:28.7680974]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff80040102, message: [V] [15:45:28.7680974]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: Business Contact Manager for Outlook does not support this operation. [V] [15:45:28.7680974]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiFolder.CreateFolder(FolderType FType, String FolderName, String FolderComment, IMAPIFolder_CreateFolder_Flags Flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIFolderImpl<IMAPIFolder,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMAPIFolder>.CreateFolderManaged(MAPIFolderImpl<IMAPIFolder,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMAPIFolder>* , UInt32 ulFolderType, Char* lpszFolderName, Char* lpszFolderComment, _GUID* lpInterface, UInt32 ulFlags, IMAPIFolder** lppFolder) [E] [15:50:30.3158072]BCMRes: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. [E] [15:50:30.3158072]BCMRes:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.DefaultStoreSyncSettings.AddStoreInfo(MAPIFolder folder, String name, String type, String text, List`1 controls, String defaultStoreId)   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.DefaultStoreSyncSettings..ctor(DefaultStoreSync syncManager)   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.BcmStoreCommon.ConfigureDefaultStoreSync()   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.OutSpace.OutlookContactMirroringSlab.OnAction(String element)   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.OutSpace.OnAction(String slab, String element)   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.BaseExplorerWrapper.OutSpace_OnAction(String slab, String element)   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.Connect.OutSpace_OnAction(IRibbonControl c) [V] [15:50:45.1854760]BusinessLayer: ReattachOldDatabases: Enter [V] [15:50:46.6849384]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: FIRSTUSE: Creating database:MSSampleBusiness [V] [15:50:46.6849384]BusinessLayer: Create db DO: server='TONY01MSSMLBIZ' dbname='MSSampleBusiness' orgname='MSSampleBusiness' script1='C:Program FilesMicrosoft Small BusinessBusiness Contact Manageren-USdb_create_script.sql' [V] [15:50:46.6849384]BusinessLayer: Create db: dbname=MSSampleBusiness server=TONY01 [V] [15:50:46.7161772]BusinessLayer: Create db in C:Documents and SettingsStation 4Local SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftBusiness Contact Manager [V] [15:50:49.9962512]BusinessLayer: delete db: dbname=MSSampleBusiness [I] [15:50:50.0118706]BusinessLayer: Entering Single User Mode

  • Anonymous
    January 05, 2010
    Ooops!... Sorry!, I forgot to say what I was posting or anything... Anyhooo.... please find above my log for the problem with autolinking.... this log is from the Host of the SQL database...... others are working fine, autolink is all good (????) thanks for the help!

  • Anonymous
    January 08, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2010
    I am attempting to install BCM 2010 beta on a newly installed Win 7 x64 computer where I jsut installed Office 2010 beta (install all option).  I keep getting the install BCM install screen, it appears to install SQL express, then says it needs to reboot to continue.  After rebooting the cycle repeats. I have tried to install as Admin but no difference.  Applications does not show anything has installed. What is wrong?  How do I install?

  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2010
    Hi, From you post, we read: "This version of Business Contact Manager requires Microsoft Office 2010 Professional Plus Beta". Does it mean that BCM 2010 will only be made available with Office Professional Plus? If so, please advise, so I would loose no time with some great tool that unfortunately would not be made available to anyone not qualified for volume licensing... Thank your

  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2010
    IN BCM 2010 beta, the new customization is great... An issue that I have is that you have customization to rename accounts and contacts.  Why did you not allow for the same customization for projects?  Would love to be able to rename projects as well, so that we can customize seperate project forms under each new individual name... As it stands, we have to make one big "generic" project form.  Let me know if this is gonna be corrected or if there is a bypass.. Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2010
    Hi Ana Maria, Could you please send a frown in Office with your email information and someone from support with contact you. Thanks -Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2010
    Hi jjacksonesq, The mapisvc.inf file should exist after Outlook installation. Is outlook working fine? Thanks -Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    January 13, 2010
    In my case the PC i was installing BCM 2010 on was on a domain controller with the desktop (where I had located the install) being a redirected folder ie. the desktop to the server.  This caused various issues depending on what OS.  XP results differed from Win7 results.  Must install from local drive or USB for successful installation.  Just my experience, maybe not yours.

  • Anonymous
    January 13, 2010
    Vint Outlook 2010 seems to be working fine.

  • Anonymous
    January 13, 2010
    Hello, I can no longer run reports.  I tried uninstalling and reinstalling BCM with no luck.  Below is the error msg I am receiving: Business Contact Manager for Outlook was unable to connect to the database and extract data for the report. Please reconnect to the database and re-launch this report. If that does not work you may have to restart or reinstall BCM. Details: This parameter does not yet have a valid data type Thanks, Mike

  • Anonymous
    January 13, 2010
    Hi, Was using 2007 with BCM, downloaded office 2010 beta as wanted to be able to change the layout of the BCM form, various errors, removed 2007 and reinstalled 2010 from scratch, all works now except BCM. When click on the BCM link in outlook get this error: "An unexpected error has occured. MAPI was unable to load the information service BCMMS.DLL. Be sure the service is correctly installed and configured." Running windows 7 on a new machine david

  • Anonymous
    January 14, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 15, 2010
    I cannot for the life of me get BCM to install.  I have unistalled and reinstalled the program, it won't show in my addins.  I get the sql 2008 error, if I delete the download and restart, I sometimes get an installation, but it never shows up in outlook.  I have followed the advice on the page, I can't get it to work.  

  • Anonymous
    January 15, 2010
    Hi ChrisJax, Could you please send a frown with your contact information? Someone from the support team will get in touch with you as soon as possible. Thanks Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    January 15, 2010
    Hi Mike, There might me some customized field value which is causing report module to fail to retrieve data out of database. We have seen similiar issues reported by other customers and will be fixing it in our future releases. Also, could turn on logging ( by going to backstage-->Business Contact Manager -->Turn on logging) and repro the problem? please post the error log here. Thanks Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    January 15, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 18, 2010
    I can't install BCM 2010 everytime I select to create a new database I receive the following error message: Cannot create a new database. The operation has been rolled back. Please make sure the database service is running.

  • Anonymous
    January 18, 2010
    Hi Mzemelis, Could you please turn on logging by typing regedit on the run command prompt and go to the following key HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftBusiness Solutions eCRM ? Under the key change the value for BCMLogging to 255 (Decimal). Then try creating a new database. After if fails go to C:Users"Username"AppDataLocalMicrosoftBusiness Contact ManagerLogsBCM.log and find the error message when Database fails and post it here Thanks Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    January 19, 2010
    Vinit, Here is the error log after running the report.   [V] [11:34:08.6126796]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: Start Logging [V] [11:34:16.9861586]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: ExplorerWrapper:HandleFolderSwitch: Enter [V] [11:34:16.9861586]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn: ExplorerWrapper:HandleFolderSwitch: Exit [I] [11:34:18.2142288]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: Gadget.StartInBackground: queuing background thread [V] [11:34:18.2192291]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: Gadget.DoBackgroundWork(): gadgets in queue: 3 [V] [11:34:18.2842328]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: Gadget.DoBackgroundWork(): gadgets in queue: 2 [V] [11:34:18.3152346]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: Gadget.DoBackgroundWork(): gadgets in queue: 1 [I] [11:34:18.3502366]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: Gadget.DoBackgroundWork(): background thread done [V] [11:34:20.3953536]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff80040102, message: [V] [11:34:20.3963536]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: Business Contact Manager for Outlook does not support this operation. [V] [11:34:20.3983537]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiFolder.CreateFolder(FolderType FType, String FolderName, String FolderComment, IMAPIFolder_CreateFolder_Flags Flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIFolderImpl<IMAPIFolder,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMAPIFolder>.CreateFolderManaged(MAPIFolderImpl<IMAPIFolder,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMAPIFolder>* , UInt32 ulFolderType, Char* lpszFolderName, Char* lpszFolderComment, _GUID* lpInterface, UInt32 ulFlags, IMAPIFolder** lppFolder) [V] [11:34:26.6897136]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Reports2: UIReportRun.Run Called (0) [V] [11:34:26.7047145]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Reports2: UIReportRun.OnAsyncWork Called startedReports:1 ThreadId:6 [V] [11:34:26.7597176]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Reports2: ReportInstance.FetchData called [V] [11:34:33.9401283]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Reports2: ReportInstance.FetchData called [E] [11:34:34.1311392]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Reports2: This parameter does not yet have a valid data type [E] [11:34:34.1411398]BCMRes: This parameter does not yet have a valid data type [E] [11:34:34.1411398]BCMRes:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Reports2.ConversionUtils.GetReportColumnDataTypeFromUserFieldTypeID(Int32 idUserFieldDataType)   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Reports2.UserFieldsAdapter.CopyUserFieldsData()   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Reports2.UserFieldsAdapter.AddUserFieldsInfo(DataSet datasetReportParam, ReportInstance reportInstanceParam, BCMEntityType[] bcmEntityTypesParam)   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Reports2.Report.FetchData(BcmDataStore bcmDataStore, String sqlConnectionString, ReportPreRunCustomizations& reportPreRunCustomizations)   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Reports2.Report.Run(BcmDataStore bcmDataStore, String sqlConnectionString, ReportPreRunCustomizations reportPreRunCustomizations, ReportDocument reportDocument, ReportArgs& reportArgs, Boolean firstRun)   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Reports2.ReportRun.Run()   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Reports2.UIReportRun.OnAsyncWork() [E] [11:34:34.1621410]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Reports2: This parameter does not yet have a valid data type Thanks, Mike

  • Anonymous
    January 20, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 21, 2010
    Hi, Looks like you have "MyPicturesFolder" to a share or removable drive, and it’s not there. Only configure static drives for special folders, or ensure all the special folders are available, and then run setup again See if this helps Thanks -Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    January 21, 2010
    Vinit, Is there a way to format contact records, specifically the name field?  When importing records the format is not always the way we want.  This makes it difficult to utilize email word/publisher merge effectively.  With thousands of records, it would be very helpful to have the ability to edit/format records via Excel/Access or some other program.   Thanks, Mike

  • Anonymous
    January 22, 2010
    Working with Office 2010 beta but when attempting to install BCM 2010 the install fails - information of why is of no value at all.  Message is simply: "Business Contact Manager for Microsof Outlook 2010 (beta) failed to install. Click help to see setup troubleshooting guide."  Then the error message  "The system cannot find the file specified". No solution at all is presented (that I can find anyway)  Any one with some ideas?

  • Anonymous
    January 23, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 25, 2010
    Vinit, I got BCM to run reports again by removing all of the fields I created that were "Relationship".  Now, after running the report, I can not filter the report, or use filter in any other setting such as "View Settings".  Below is the Log after trying to run the filter: [V] [11:00:50.8617177]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: Start Logging [E] [11:00:59.3502032]BCMRes: An item with the same key has already been added. [E] [11:00:59.3502032]BCMRes:    at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add) &nbsp; at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2.Add(TKey key, TValue value)   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.LookupUI.WidgetListOfChecks.SetupList(String[] items, Object[] itemValues)   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.LookupUI.WidgetBase.SetDataProperties(PropTag mapiProp, IrisEntityType entityType)   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.LookupUI.QueryFilterBizContactsAndLeads..ctor()   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.LookupUI.QueryForm.Init(QueryFor queryFor)   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.LookupUI.QueryForm..ctor(QueryFor queryFor, String filterXML, Tabs visibleTabs)   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.Reports_Surface.ShowFilter()   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.Reports_Inspector.DoFilter() Thanks, Mike

  • Anonymous
    January 25, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 25, 2010
    Hi Try the following go to registry edit and delete the following key [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTTypeLib{FB0E72B9-41D3-46FC-9593-0846ECA9E143}1.0�win64] @="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Small Business\Business Contact Manager\WinFormsHost.dll" See if this helps Thanks Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    January 25, 2010
    I too am having problems installing BCM. I have tried the recommended fixes listed herein but still not working. Please help. I'd send the frown face thingy, but I deleted it...THANK YOU!!!

  • Anonymous
    January 27, 2010
    I have created a Marketing Activity which involves a Direct Mail Print with a Mail Merge to an Word 2010 document.  I launch the activity and complete it, but my Activity Status remains "not executed" and the "Mark Closed" button is grayed out.  Any help would be appreciated.

  • Anonymous
    January 27, 2010
    Hi NaSnit, Could you please turn on logging ( by going to backstage-->Business Contact Manager -->Turn on logging) and repro the problem? please post the error log here. Thanks Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    January 27, 2010
    Vinit, Please help...I have been working on this for several days now and need to find a solution.  I have uninstalled and reinstalled BCM and outlook several times.  When I create a new DB everything works fine.  When I import contacts from a previous DB or just from an Excel sheet, I can no longer use the filter.  I suspect it has to do with some sort of customized list/field but can't locate which one is causing the problem.  Is there a way to figure this out by reading the error log?  Below is the log after hitting filter.   [E] [13:34:24.2316653]BCMRes: An item with the same key has already been added. [E] [13:34:24.2316653]BCMRes:    at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add) &nbsp; at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2.Add(TKey key, TValue value)   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.LookupUI.WidgetListOfChecks.SetupList(String[] items, Object[] itemValues)   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.LookupUI.WidgetBase.SetDataProperties(PropTag mapiProp, IrisEntityType entityType)   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.LookupUI.QueryFilterBizContactsAndLeads..ctor()   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.LookupUI.QueryForm.Init(QueryFor queryFor)   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.LookupUI.QueryForm..ctor(QueryFor queryFor, String filterXML)   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.ShellUI.CreateMinorTab.btnFilter_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) Thanks, Mike

  • Anonymous
    January 27, 2010
    Hi Mike, Are you seeing any errors when you trying to import the db? Can you make sure you are mapping correctly when you are bringing in data in to BCM? The logs doesnt really help much here. How many user fields are you trying to import here and what type? Thanks -Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2010
    Hi Vinit, I finally found the problem.  When I imported the DB, I had all the same fields and lists, but for some reason it made duplicates in one of the lists by addinga (0) at the end.  It did not show the duplicate entries when viewing through the back stage tab under BCM, customize, edit lists.  It only showed the dups when opening the record and editing the list from inside the record.  I deleted all the dups from the list and the filter works now.  FYI-What I have learned from this extensive process is that I can not run reports when I create relationship type fields in Contact records and when importing records with custom fields, duplicates could be created without knowing unless you view through the contact record, opening the drop-down field and selecting "edit list".   Mike

  • Anonymous
    February 02, 2010
    Hi NaSnit, You should uninstall Micorosft Office 2007 Primary Interop Assemblies from Add/Remove Programs and you wont see that problem again. I hope this helps Thanks -Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    February 04, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    February 04, 2010
    Hi all, in one of the comments above, someone talked about being able to mirror BCM contacts with Outlook contacts. Can someone tell me how that works? Thanks, AvaSim

  • Anonymous
    February 05, 2010
    Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone has encountered the following issue: I'm trying to send a mass mail, a newsletter, using inline images (one of the many reasons I use Outlook). However upon receiving the email, the images do not display. Instead, some of the emails I have tested arrive to their destination and only a partial piece of tag is actually showing in the email contents, like: <CID: 002933...>. Is this issue known? Is there any solution? Thank you very very much, in advance. Luddz

  • Anonymous
    February 06, 2010
    Bit frustrated here - I and others have reported this issue since mid Dec 09.  I cannot see any reponse. This is the issue as reported in mid Dec 09: Working with Office 2010 beta but when attempting to install BCM 2010 the install fails - information of why is of no value at all.  Message is simply: "Business Contact Manager for Microsof Outlook 2010 (beta) failed to install. Click help to see setup troubleshooting guide."  Then the error message  "The system cannot find the file specified". No solution at all is presented (that I can find anyway)  Any one with some ideas?

  • Anonymous
    February 06, 2010
    I have repeated problems re installation of BCM2010. Office 2010 beta installed like a breeze on my Toshibe G50.  These are steps I followed:

  1.  BCMv4-Beta-BCMSetup-x86-en-US downloaded again
  2.  BCM extracted files
  3.  "Setup is initializing componets
  4.  Netframe 3.5 SP 1 (since installed already this step was terminated by installer
  5.  Outlook2007DataExportSetup    5.1  Downloaded then Files 1-5 for installation    5.2  "....can not be verified"  I selected 'Yes'
  6. Message:  MS Office customization was successfully installed. I might mention here, this is totally difference from the 1st of 3 attempts to install.  Nothing like instruction on the blog. I hope you folks can help!
  • Anonymous
    February 10, 2010
    A few comments on related accounts as shown on the Business Projects area: Feature Request
  1.  This feature should also exist on the opportunity stage and be transferred over to the project when it is created from the opportunity.
  2.  It would be nice to have a way to define the "role" of that company in the opportunity or project. Problems with Existing Feature
  3.  The related accounts don't show up as a history item or related item back on the individual accounts pages.  So, there is no way of knowing that they are related to the project when looking at the account (as if it was linked).
  4.  Reporting tools don't allow to view the related accounts for a project.  So, its basically a hunt and peck process to find a company that is related to a project (but not linked) via the Related Accounts feature.
  • Anonymous
    February 10, 2010
    bcmteam, checked the registry at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTTypeLib{FB0E72B9-41D3-46FC-9593-0846ECA9E143}1.0�win64 This key was not present.  A win32 key was with similar values, I did try to delete it, but no change.

  • Anonymous
    February 11, 2010
    Fredless, Can you check this other registry key, and rename it to something else, then try launching Outlook / BCM again? [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTTypeLib{00062FFF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}9.4�win64] We have just discovered this key very recently. Please let us know if it helps with resolving the problem.

  • Anonymous
    February 13, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    February 16, 2010
    I've just installed W7 ultimate and had to reinstall Office 2007 and BCM. When I tried to restore my database (BCM 2010), I've got the abose mentioned massage, and caanot restore it. Can you please give me some ideia how to solve this issue? Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    February 16, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    February 16, 2010
    It was my mistake. Actally I installed Office 2010 again, and not 2007 as writtrn above. Another thing is that I had w7 32bits, and I have now w7 64 bits.

  • Anonymous
    February 16, 2010
    Please give us information about your concept for integration of Mobile Phones. If we all should buy Office 2010 with Business Contact Manager in the summer, we need to know these informations. Do you will have only a version for Windows Mobile 5/6 and/or Windows Phone 7? What is about Blackberry, iPhone and so on? There are longtime contracts with the telecommunication provider and it is not so easy to change the contract. So please give us more information as soon as possible!!

  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2010
    @GerSch In 2010, we have added a new feature that enables two-way sync between Business Contacts and Outlook Contacts folder. If your phone supports syncing to Outlook contacts (which most of the phones do) and if you enable this feature, you can sync business contacts with your mobile phone. The feature can be enabled through File -> Business Contact Manager -> Synchronize. Note that this only syncs basic business contact information. Regarding a mobile application for BCM, we expect to support the 2007 version of BCM for Smartphone and PocketPC for BCM 2010. -Mukesh [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    February 19, 2010
    Question - I am stillunclear as to how many custom fields are available in 2010. For example, in the Business Projects module, there used to be a max of 40 fields, are there now 300 fields or some other amount?

  • Anonymous
    February 20, 2010
    @bcmteam One of the great problems with BCM for Smartphones and Pocket PC is at this time, that there is no way to get the project tasks on the Windows Mobile Phone, not in the BCM-client and not in the task list of Pocket Outlook. So for mobile workers the project funktionality of BCM is useless. Is there a solution with BCM 2010 and Windows Phone 7? For me this is the point not to use BCM 2010!

  • Anonymous
    February 22, 2010
    I have installed Office 2010 pro plus beta and BCM 2010 beta.(all English versions) When I launch Outlook 2010 Beta, there's a pop-up for BCM configuration. I have tried to set it up by both of Express and Custom way, but it shows error on database creation. (Database creation is unsuccessful.) Then I have checked whether SQL is started, and folder permissions as documentations here. But still I can't enable BCM. Is there any language specific limitations? Here're my systems details. +OS - Windows XP Pro SP3, x86, Korean +Office 2010 pro plus Beta, x86, English (I installed pro plus, but can not install BCM using this installer, ProfessionalPlus.exe, so I had to download and install BCM 2010 individually.) +BCM 2010 Beta, x86, English I couldn't get succuss on db creation, so I tried to create database by installing BCM Database Tool. I can create database but I cannot connect to this database from BCM setup. Is there any workaround? Please advice.

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2010
    @marucci,   Can you turn on the BCM logging and then check the BCM and SQL logging to see what detailed error message you get when db creation failure happens?   To turn on BCM logging: Please turn on logging by typing "regedit" on the run command prompt and go to the following key: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftBusiness Solutions eCRM Under the key change the value for BCMLogging to 255 (Decimal). Then try creating a new database. After if fails go to C:Users"Username"AppDataLocalMicrosoftBusiness Contact ManagerLogsBCM.log and find the error message when Database fails and post it here. The SQL logging file can be found under: $Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLLOG Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2010
    @bcmteam: What can I sync between BCM and Outlook? Only the contacts? The companies, too?

  • Anonymous
    February 24, 2010
    @bcmteam Thanks for your reply. There's one thing I am afraid, Please be noted that I am using non-Latin letters as my computer name. I am using Korean characters for my computer name. Here're logs from BCM and SQL. Since I am a Windows XP user, I cannot find the Path you guided, but I could find logs in the following path. C:Documents and SettingsseanLocal SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftBusiness Contact ManagerLogs C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL10.MSSMLBIZMSSQLLog


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  • Anonymous
    February 25, 2010
    Hi, I love the new program and so do my clients. however I have come across a strange problem and I'm trying to figure out what causes it. Clients are havind difficulty scrolling down or opening attachments in sent emails inBCM. These email attachments can be read by the creators but not by the recipients.There also seems to be quite a few  options missing in the sent message.  The emails are first opened in Outlook and then linked to a specific client. After this the email is moved to a shared folder. Any help here would be great.

  • Anonymous
    February 26, 2010
    @sostrow Are you linking the emails before you move them to the new folder?  

  • Anonymous
    February 26, 2010
    Yes. Would that make a difference if we didn't?

  • Anonymous
    February 28, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 01, 2010
    We have done the “linking” both ways.  At first, we were linking the emails from our inbox and then moving them to a “Completed/Linked/Filed” folder which indicated the message was complete and that it had been linked to the proper business contact. We then learned that even the person that “linked” the message from their inbox could not view the entire message from the business contact communication history if they moved the message after “linking” it.  So, we changed the way we did it.  We would move the message from our inbox to our “Completed/Linked/Filed” folder and then link it to the proper business contact.  When we do it in that order, the person that actually linked the email, can view the entire message, but everyone else can only see a preview.

  • Anonymous
    March 01, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 01, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 02, 2010
    I have read about the coming Outlook Social Connector for XING. How compatibel is it with BCM 2010. Can I see in the contact history the XING-messages, too? What is about the contacts? It seems that the XING-contacts synchronizes with the Outlook contacts and then with BCM, or? Not optimal!

  • Anonymous
    March 03, 2010
    Going back to my issue with the limited views on BCM, I have clients who say that they have full viewing capabilities on BCM2007. Is the linking a new feature in 2010?

  • Anonymous
    March 03, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 08, 2010
    My system: Windows 7 Ultimate 64b Office 2010 Beta 32b (I had to use this, because I couldn't synch Office 62b with WM 6.1) Now I cannot open any item on BCM. Is there any turnaround for this?

  • Anonymous
    March 10, 2010
    Communication history is not showing on shared user's business contacts.  The history shows in the reading pane, but not the contact card.  I'm thinking it has something to do with Sql Server because there was an error when installing, but I'm not sure.  We uninstalled and reinstalled a couple of times with no luck.

  • Anonymous
    March 10, 2010
    Hi I'm having exactly the same problem as quaytech.  I've uninstalled Office 2010 and also BCM 2010 and re-installed and still cannot link any contacts and get the same error message.   I've also tried disabling various add-ins...  Incidentally, I also have a problem with the Windows Search Email Indexer add-in - not sure if related...  It always disables itself - if I re-enable it, the next time I restart OUtlook it's disabled.  This seems to be stopping the Social COnnector showing any Outlook history... Please can you let me know what you think the problem is as it's incredibly annoying and I don't seem to get much joy using the smileys! My error log is as follows: [V] [10:11:22.6160132]Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils: Start Logging [V] [10:11:34.8310132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [10:11:34.8310132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [10:11:34.9530132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [10:11:34.9530132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [10:11:34.9540132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [10:11:34.9540132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [10:11:34.9540132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [10:11:34.9540132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [10:11:34.9540132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [10:11:34.9540132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [10:11:34.9540132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [10:11:34.9540132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [10:11:34.9550132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [10:11:34.9550132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [10:11:34.9550132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [10:11:34.9550132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [10:11:34.9550132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [10:11:34.9550132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [10:11:34.9550132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [10:11:34.9550132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [10:11:34.9550132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [10:11:34.9560132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [10:11:34.9560132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [10:11:34.9560132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [10:11:34.9560132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [10:11:34.9560132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [10:11:34.9560132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [10:11:34.9560132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [10:11:34.9560132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [10:11:34.9570132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [10:11:34.9570132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [10:11:34.9570132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [10:11:34.9570132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [V] [10:11:34.9570132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: MAPIException: hresult=0xffffffff8004010f, message: [V] [10:11:34.9570132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore: [V] [10:11:34.9570132]Iris.Mapi.MessageStore:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Mapi.MessageStore.MapiProp.OpenProperty(PropTag OpenPropTag, Type InterfaceType, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty_Flags flags)   at Microsoft.Interop.Mapi.MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>.OpenPropertyManaged(MAPIPropImpl<IMessage,Microsoft::Interop::Mapi::IMessage>* , UInt32 ulPropTag, _GUID* lpiid, UInt32 ulInterfaceOptions, UInt32 ulFlags, IUnknown** lppUnk) [E] [10:11:37.8360132]BCMRes: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. [E] [10:11:37.8360132]BCMRes:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.BackgroundTasks.EmailAutoAssociator.GetRootFolderList()   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.EmailTrackingDialog.BuildFolderTree()   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.EmailTrackingDialog.EmailTracking_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) [E] [10:11:41.0520132]BCMRes: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. [E] [10:11:41.0520132]BCMRes:    at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.LinkEMailControl.UpdateCheckBoxes()   at Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.EmailTrackingDialog.SaveState()

  • Anonymous
    March 13, 2010
    I am unable to install BCM on computer.  i am running windows 7 and have office 2010 pro plus.  when i go to install bcm it takes awile during the sql server installation and then a pop up says unable to locate files or folders

  • Anonymous
    March 16, 2010
    Hi guys Love the new features and feel of BCM 2010, I’ve been doing some development work over the last few weeks ready for the release. I believe there are some big opportunities for IT consultants like myself to offer some great customizations to our clients. I've been working with the XML string that BCM supplies containing the 'product and services' list entries for an opportunity and think I may have picked up on a bug. Basically my script picks up the XML string containing the current 'products and services' list entries for further analysts. But if I run my script, change the 'products and services' list entries in any way and rerun my script I get the original information from before I made the change.... The only way I can get the updated version of the products and services list entries is to save and close the opportunity, open any other opportunity and close it without making changes or saving it, reopen the opportunity I made the changes in and rerun my script. Is this expected behaviour? If so how can I get BCM to provide my script with the updated ‘Products and services’ list entries XML string? Many thanks Dan

  • Anonymous
    March 16, 2010
    Given the lack of integration for MS accounting, is there any planned functionality for linking the 'account' button to third party accounting applications? Overall very happy with the beta and will be recommending purchasing the RTM, although without a direct path to link sales records via an accounting package it will be difficult to sell to senior management :-(

  • Anonymous
    March 16, 2010
    Does the 'outlook social connector' stay active when closed? Company policy prevents social network interaction so this will be a redundant part of Outlook to us, I assume that it can be turned off or hidden through group policies but I would like to be reassured that it doesn't just sit there doing nothing but consuming resources....

  • Anonymous
    March 16, 2010
    Update XML string issues: Sorry largely my bad... Forgot to clear all dim's at the end on my sub..... Still have to close and reopen the op to get the updated XML string which is a pain. Why? TFC10: I know where you’re coming from... I found BCM 2007 and accounts 2009 to be a little OTT for a lot of my SME's. I'm writing an invoicing and account payment tracking system ready for launch alongside BCM 2010 it you interested. I will use reports to drop 'accounting guys' stuff into excel so they can do what they need with it from there. Cheers Dan

  • Anonymous
    March 17, 2010
    any further news on my above problem (also with QUaytech)? I can't make ANYTHING link with the auto linking / Link & Track.  Keeps coming up with the error: "Business COntact Manager could not complete your last action or actions.  Please try again"  This is obviously pretty unhelpful. I get the same message wherever in BCM i try and acccess the tracking, be it from the Inbox, from within the settings on File menu or from within a Business Contact.  I've already posted my error log above, and I've uninstalled and reinstalled BCM and Office countless times - nothing is helping. Pleeeeeeeease can someone help at all? :)  I've searched everywhere and can't find any solution!

  • Anonymous
    March 22, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 23, 2010
    hi, I have a question, how can set decimal quantities in the lists of products and services? It lets me put decimal numbers or numbers greater than 1000

  • Anonymous
    March 24, 2010
    Hello, When I try to synchronize my contacts professional contacts with Outlook, I get the following error: "Hora del archivo Win32 no válida." Deputy log record: [E] [18:35:39.7570720]BCMRes: Hora del archivo Win32 no válida. [E] [18:35:39.7570720]BCMRes:    en System.DateTime.ToFileTimeUtc()   en Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Support.EventProviderVersionTwo.TemplateDSSCachedStateLoaded(EventDescriptor& eventDescriptor, Boolean StoreChange, Int64 BcmVersion, DateTime DefaultTimeStamp)   en Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Support.BcmEventProvider.EventWrite_DefaultStoreSync_CachedStateLoaded(Boolean StoreChange, Int64 BcmVersion, DateTime DefaultTimeStamp)   en Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.DefaultStoreSync.HandleDataStoreConnected(Object state)   en Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.DefaultStoreSync.DoBackgroundInit(Boolean disabled)   en Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.DefaultStoreSync.BackgroundInit(Object state)   en Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.IrisErrorHandling.BCMThreadHelper.WCFunction(Object o)

  • Anonymous
    March 25, 2010
    Will it be possible, to use the BCM 2010 beta database in the final version of BCM 2010?

  • Anonymous
    April 12, 2010
    I am using BCM 2010 - It appears the biggest issues is that you can not slice the contacts and accounts together.   For example you want a list of contacts belonging to the Food and beverage industry which is an account filter.   May be I am missing somthing but it appears to be a pretty fundemental requirement that is missing - Any help?

  • Anonymous
    April 12, 2010
    I am using BCM 2010 - It appears the biggest issues is that you can not slice the contacts and accounts together.   For example you want a list of contacts belonging to the Food and beverage industry which is an account filter.   May be I am missing somthing but it appears to be a pretty fundemental requirement that is missing - Any help?

  • Anonymous
    April 13, 2010
    Changing the View Settings in Communication History while in the BCM home page, under the Business Records tab (not when viewing individual records), causes serious problems.  Anyone sharing the database will lose the ability to view communication history on Contact Records, and can even cause Outlook to completely stop responding.  I reported having a problem viewing communication history a few weeks ago, and this is the cause of that problem.  Be aware: if you change the View Settings for Communication History while in Business Records (not while viewing a contact record), you will have problems.  

  • Anonymous
    April 14, 2010
    I am running Office 2010 and have installed BCM 2010.  I like a lot of the new features but I am having one issue.  In BCM 2007, I was able to link emails to business contacts and have it show up in the contacts history.  I haven't been able to do the same in BCM 2010.  It shows the email as linked but nothing shows up in the contact or account history.  I have even tried entering a new activity (Phone Log) which also doesn't show up in the History view.

  • Anonymous
    April 16, 2010
    I have had to reinstall Office 2007 as all my databases were unreadable. How do you reinstall the BCM 2010 Database, the system seems to have lost all details of this database. I did a lot of work with 2010 and I was using it happily for over a month, but all the new data is no longer availaple.

  • Anonymous
    April 20, 2010
    Neeed to understand how to correct this issue. Installed BCM 2010 32Bit on Windows 7 64Bit Dell Intel P8700 @ 2.54 GHz with 4 GB RAM. Installed Office 2010 Beta 32 Bit so that my add ins would continue to function. Running Clear Context, Xobni, Easy Mail Merge and Go2Meeting. I had Dynamics client installed for a client facing requirment but uninstalled it prior to the BCM installation. Both Sql server 2005 and 2008 installed. When I run Outlook I get the following: Cannot display folder. There is not enough free memory to reun this program. Quit one or more porgram...

  • Anonymous
    April 21, 2010
    I could not install the business contact manager from my Office 2007 small business edition onto my new computer with Vista. I tried upgrading to office 2010 with small business contact manager but still have SQL server error when trying to install. Any suggestions?

  • Anonymous
    May 06, 2010
    When moving from Outlook 2007 to BCM 2010 beta, it appears that our user defined fields are not being imported into BCM. We have an significant amount of data in those user defined fields in Outlook 2007 contacts/Outlook 2010 Beta contacts and we really need that information to move automatically with the import etc. How do I make that happen?

  • Anonymous
    May 08, 2010
    Here there i am just starting to get in the Business Contact Manager 2010. I tried to install it but there appear an error. "this version of business contact manager is not compatible with the installed version of outlook. Install the correct version of Business Contact Manager or Outlook. but both are X64 and 2010 Version. i have got no idea what to change. en_business_contact_manager_for_microsoft_outlook_2010_beta_x64_x16 Outlook 2010 en_office_professional_plus_2010_x64_515489 thanks in advance for your help

  • Anonymous
    June 26, 2010
    Hi, I'm experiencing the same difficulty as definition_records above. I.e. have Outlook 2010 Professional 64 bit installed and tried to install BCM using BCMv4-Beta-BCMSetup-x64-en-US and receive the "this version of business contact manager is not compatible with the installed version of outlook" error. Any assistance would be appreciated.

  • Anonymous
    July 10, 2010
    I need help.  I have upgraded to Office 2010 and cannot open Business Contact Folders.  The error message which pops up says:  "The set of folders cannot be opened.  Store not configured."  How can I access all  of my business contacts???  although it would surely be handy to have working properly, I don't care about BCM working at this point, I just need my Business Contact info.  Thoughts, suggestions? Thanks for the help.

  • Anonymous
    August 24, 2010
    Hi, o have little problem with new 32bit installation of MSO2010PROPLUS CZ (14.0.4760.1000) + BCM2010 CZ (4.00.9925.00). In have problem with customizing forms. Button "New" in option Add field doesnt work. I click on it but nothing happens.. Thx for help!

  • Anonymous
    August 25, 2010
    Is there anyway to run a report/list of opportunities filtered and sorted by state?  The distance between the contact, account and opportunity records is so great that there doesn't seem to be a way to use attributes of one record when reporting on another--even though there is linking.  For example it is a pretty basic need to be able to pull a list by state/region--not just by "Assigned to."  Sine "State" is in the Account or Business Contact record, I cannot get to it.

  • Anonymous
    September 04, 2010
    I am using BCM 2010 with a single user database. I have imported contacts and linked email messages. I want to be able to view the communication history. I am using show history under business contact which lists the emails. I want to see who sent the emails. If I right click to change columns and select To and click ok. The column Required Attendees is displayed in the  list rather than the To column. The From column does not work either. Does anybody know of a workaround?

  • Anonymous
    September 10, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    October 08, 2010
    Hi, I'm a big fan of BCM and particularly love the complete integration in Outlook, enriching Outlook and making it a one-stop-shop for all my activities (instead of seperate applications). I've recently upgraded to Office 2010 and BCM 2010, and stumbled upon a slight inconvenience... In the contact search bar, or in the check names functionality (for email addresses) the business contacts from BCM don't show up anymore. As if it is less integrated (in 2007 this worked seemlessly). However, BCM is working and all business contacts etc. are accessible through the BCM 'menu'. Some of my colleagues have the same problem. With other colleagues, it works perfectly. I've tried reinstalling BCM, but that didn't remedy the problem. Any thoughts on what maybe causing this? Thanks very much in advance! Valentijn

  • Anonymous
    October 14, 2010
    I have loaded BCM2010 and like what I see! I have imported Accounts and Contact successfully. Is there any way of importing opportunities from a .csv file?

  • Anonymous
    January 25, 2013
    Hi. We have a problem wit5h BCM phone logs. We have a field in phone logs called Call Type which we use heavily. Recently we tried to get the report for phone logs using that field (for our sales team activity) and found out that there is no way to add the column with this field in the report. It does not show in the list of the columns which can be added to the report of phone logs. Appreciate urgent  suggestion on how to fix this bug in BCM as we need that report badly. If someone knows how to fix it please assist!