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Frequently Asked Questions for Business Contact Manager for Pocket PC/SmartPhone

Where to find Business Contacts Application for Pocket PC(touch Screen device) and SmartPhone (Non-Touch Screen device)?

There are two separate applications

Pocket PC- https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=7BC78C14-7143-41D9-84A9-BD628DB7B6A0&mg_id=10118&displaylang=en

SmartPhone- https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=d9620097-e8f9-41f3-ae66-a7067dac7ace&DisplayLang=en

In order to install BCM mobile, you device should be connected to a computer which has ActiveSync (for Windows XP) or Windows Mobile Device Center (for Vista).

How do I sync my Palm/ Blackberry/ other non-windows mobile devices with Business Contact Manager

Business Contact Manager for PPC/SmartPhone is only compatible with Windows Mobile Devices.

Can I configure how many history items I can sync to the device ?

Yes, you can. Follow these steps:

  1. Make sure that you device is connected to ActiveSync/Windows Mobile Device Center on the computer.
  2. In the application list View , double click on the Business Contacts icon at the bottom. You will notice Business Contact Synchronization Settings dialogue.
  3. Click "History Settings" button that opens up various filter options for you to select.
  4. Configure what history items you want to sync. .

My device is connected to the desktop but Business Contacts doesn’t sync?

If you have your device connected to the desktop and it seems to show “Synchronizing” in active sync list view for Business Contacts for ever, please disconnect your device and connect it again.

Can I sync both Business Contacts and Outlook Contacts?

Business Contact Manager for mobile devices only supports syncing Business Contacts. Outlook contacts can be synced independently through ActiveSync/WMDC.

I uninstalled Business Contacts for Pocket PC / SmartPhone from the desktop but why is it still on the device?

Uninstalling Business Contacts for Pocket PC/SmartPhone on the desktop doesn’t uninstall Business Contacts from the device. You have to do it separately by going to Active Sync’s Menu Item Tools | Add/Remove Program. On the dialog window Uncheck the Business Contacts option on the Application List View and follow the instructions on the device.

Why don’t I see caller ID for my Business Contacts on my PPC/Smartphone?

The Caller ID feature is currently not supported. In order to workaround, you can duplicate your Business Contacts with Outlook Contacts, and sync Outlook Contacts to the device. In the future version of Business Contact Manager for mobile we will look at improving this functionality.

What history items get synced to my mobile?

Following items are supported by mobile version of Business Contact Manager.

  • Opportunity Summary
  • Phone Log
  • Business Notes
  • Email
  • Tasks
  • Appointments

Please note that history items can't be modified or created on the device.

Can I store Business Contact Manager data on external device storage such as SD card?

Current version of Business Contact Manager doesn't support external storage.


  • Anonymous
    February 12, 2008
    PingBack from http://msdnrss.thecoderblogs.com/2008/02/12/

  • Anonymous
    February 12, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    February 26, 2008
    Re: installing BCM mobile on a PocketPC Mini SD, I was asked during installation where I wanted to install it.  I said SD Card and it's working just fine.  Am I missing something?

  • Anonymous
    March 03, 2008
    I am running Outlook 2003 with BCM update using a POP3 server. I am looking to get a smartphone that will sync with my outlook business contact manager. I am considering Moto Q Global with ATT smartphone, windows mobile 6. The official microsoft bcm sync download for smartphone specifies MS Outlook 2007 (not '03) and mentions nothing about pop3 servers.  Can I sync BCM to a smartphone with Outlook 2003 and a Pop3 server or do I need Vista (or something else)? thx

  • Anonymous
    March 04, 2008
    My T-Mobile Dash (WM6) loads Business Contacts extremely slowly. I thought I would not sync some of the BCM data and see if that helps. Unfortunately, your stated solution for "3.Is there a way to omit synching few of the history items that I may not need (for performance sake)?" does not work for me. The application freezes whenever I click "History Items".On a completely unrelated note: one of the items that is missing from BCM is the ability to mount a capaign for individual contact. In other words, I would like to setup each contact on a campaign so that they get  several emails/articles over a period of time. The campaign could also include reminders for me to call or take other actions.I could apply this campaign to each of the contacts.This type of setup allows for a lot more customized campaigns than sending a mass market email campaign.Is there a plan to add such a feature anytime in the near future? Any estimates?Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    March 11, 2008
    I just tried to sync BCM (Outlook 2007) (activesync 4.5) to my Tilt pocket pc and was able to get the business contacts, but they are sync'd to "company" not "account".  Any way to get it to sync and show "Accounts"?  

  • Anonymous
    March 14, 2008
    Hi chakrCan i know how many contacts you have on the desktop that your are syncing to device. Is this a vista or xp machine?For you other question,Campaigns were design for large groupings of people, not on one on interactions.   Projects and Project tasks would fit you better in their reguard.  You could setup a Project for the “campaign”, then add task with reminders for each of your emails/phone calls you wants to do.Thanks-Vinit

  • Anonymous
    March 14, 2008
    Hi SusclayWe dont support syncing Accounts to Pocket PC/Smartphones yet. You could change your company name for business contacts to account name and then you can view them by company on device.Thanks-Vinit

  • Anonymous
    March 21, 2008
    Vinit,About the T-Mobile Dash issue:I have about 1200 contacts the last time checked.As far as using Projects goes, i will try it and see if it works for me.Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    March 21, 2008
    Vinit,I looked at the "projects" suggestion you made. I found that to be completely unsuitable to what I need and what I was referring to. Projects have nothing to do with the individual Campaigns that I am referring to. What I am referring to is an automated lead specific campaign where a lead gets a set series of emails over a period of time.For example:Campaign named "short term lead"  could have the following items.Campaign start date (variable)Send intro email  on day "a" ("x" is customizable" Send "article 1" Word document by email on day "b" Set appointment reminder on calander on day "c" to see if client has any questions. Send follow up email with "how is business" html document on day "d". Send email with "power pitch" PowerPoint file on day "e" Set appointment reminder on calander for closing call on day "f". End campaignWhenever I get a new short term lead, I assign the "short term lead" campaign to that lead and the lead automatically gets emails per the schedule in the campaign and I get reminders if there are any reminder items.The campaign itself is not tied to any particular lead and can by assigned to any many number of leads. I may have different campaigns associated with different leads based on what campaign is appropriate for each lead. Right now we use a proprietary system and we use about 6 campaigns for couple of hundred leads (the only pain is it is not compatible with BCM so we are duplicating some effort and the integration with Outlook is not seamless). The campaign durations range anywhere from 1 month to 2 years depending on when we believe the particular client is ready for the service we offer. So, for me all client interactions are automated and when I need to make a call it will show up as an appointment on my calander (not on Outlook unfortunately). Based on the results of the call, I may decide to switch the campaign and get the client on a new campaign if the original campaign is no longer appropriate.Does that make it clear?If this is not clear, let me know what your email is and we can take this discussion offline.Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    March 24, 2008
    Hi ChakrYour BCM should be able to sync 1200 contacts.it would probably take a while to load in the History Item dialog beacuse of the data you have.Also its a one time activity it would take 4-5 mins because of the heavy data.Regarding your campaign issue , now I understand… unfortunately, BCM can’t do that now, but the product team will definitely consider it for a future version.ThanksVinit[MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    March 26, 2008
    1-How can i sync. Project Tasks on my mobile 6?2-How can I sync. Project Tasks with Outlook tasks?

  • Anonymous
    March 26, 2008
    Unfortunately Projects and Project tasks are not currently synced to you Mobile. We do support syncingOutlook Tasks associated with Business Contacts.ThanksVinit[MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    April 03, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    April 03, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    April 15, 2008
    I recently installed Outlook 2003 BCM & Pocket BCM Version 2.0 for my Pocket PC Mobile Device running Windows Mobile 6.0Pro.  All updates are current.  Other then an occasional failure to recognize the device altogether, I have no problem syncing the device and Business Contacts to the device.  How do I get my WM6.0Pro device programs to recoginze the Business Contacts as a default.   For example the Picture Program and Phone Program automatically look to "Save to Contacts" and not "Save to Business Contacts?"

  • Anonymous
    April 15, 2008
    HiThis is currently not supported. We are taking this in to account for our future releases.ThanksVinit[MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    May 19, 2008
    For the last two years I have been  using Outlook 2003 and my regular  "contacts" syncs wirelessly with my TREO 700 (Palm version) perfectly fine.  But, it will not  sync/download my  contacts in "Business Contacts" or "Accounts in Business" contacts from  Business Contact Manager for Outlook to the TREO.  Do I need to upgrade to  2007 Business Contact Manager for Outlook?I assume I have to also upgrade to a new Treo (or similar device).  I'm flexible with what device I should switch to ---in fact I was even considering the IPhone-- if there's any capability of adding BCM to it.Any help would be greatly appreciated  thanks, John

  • Anonymous
    May 19, 2008
    Hi JohnBoth Business Contact Manager 2003 and 2007 PPC applications create seperate stores on the device,hence, your Business Contacts will not show up in Contacts on your device.Currently we just support Windows Mobile Platform.ThanksVinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    May 22, 2008
    I'm trying to sync a Palm Treo 750 that's running Mobile 6.  I was able to sync BCM to the Treo 750 on Mobile 5 (prior to a warranty replacement of the device).  It obviously isn't running the Palm OS.  Can I expect to use a Palm Treo 750 device running Mobile 6 and the BCM client?  I need to know whether I'm wasting my time with this.  See below.Please advise. Thanks.The article titled: Take your Business Contacts with you on your smartphone or Pocket PC athttp://office.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook/HP011209791033.aspx?pid=CH101207721033says:Begin Text:After you have installed Business Contact Manager for Outlook on your computer, you can take your Business Contacts with you by synchronizing them with a smartphone or Pocket PC mobile device.Note BlackBerry and Palm devices are not supported.Install Business Contacts on mobile devices running Windows Mobile 5.0 or Windows Mobile 6.0End Text

  • Anonymous
    May 22, 2008
    HiYes, you should be able to sync your client with any mobile phone as long as it runs Windows Mobile 5.0/6.0ThanksVinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    May 25, 2008
    Hi bcmteam,I have a few questions/concerns :)1)  I saw a post from you some time ago regarding an issue with call display not working with the BCM on PPC's - it was stated that this issue will be fixed in an upcoming release.  Is this issue fixed with the current download for PPC's?  If I want to call someone from my BCM list in the PPC, I am assuming I have to open the BCM application, then find the user - as opposed to simply opening the 'contacts' on the smartphone - seems cumbersome.  This leads to my next issue...2)  Trying to keep my contact db properly sync'd has been a thorn in my side for years.  I have used ACT! and Outlook - then sync'ing to my smart phone.  I really hoped that BCM was going to remove the ACT! portion of my issues - however, the BCM does not sync with Outlook?  ...or does it?  I saw a post that this was a planned future feature.  Currently, to keep everything sync'd properly, I have to export from BCM, import to Outlook contacts, then sync?  This just does not make sense to me? No different from using ACT!.  With the Outlook Contacts still being the 'master' to sync 'properly' on a PPC it is in my opinion, that the BCM should simply replace the Outlook Contacts - then, all these sync issues would be eliminated. I don't want two separate contact databases?...Especially in one application? (outlook contacts and bcm contacts)?A third party software co. has developed a sync tool that does this sync properly (BCM to PPC Contacts) - is that the answer to my issues?  I sure hope not!!!Any input/insight would be greatly appreciated!

  • Anonymous
    June 30, 2008
    Hello!I installed the plugin for my smart phone (no touch screen) and synced everything successfully. Unfortunately I had to learn that I can only scroll trough my 400 contacts. hitting the first letter of the last name doesn't do anything. Is it true, that you cannot navigate via text input?Thanks a lot for helping.

  • Anonymous
    July 01, 2008
    Hi Berlin WolfIt should ideally work. What smartphone is it? and what's the OS?ThanksVinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    July 08, 2008
    Hello,thanks for your answer. I use the Qtek 8500.

  • Anonymous
    July 11, 2008
    Hi Berlin WolfI have a Moto Q with Windows Mobile 5.0 and it works perfectly fine for me. Does it even work for Pocket Contacts for you?ThanksVinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    July 14, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 15, 2008
    What is best BCM Smartphone Platform?  Windows Mobile 6.1 or Chupra Sync on Palm OS?

  • Anonymous
    July 15, 2008
    With Pocket Contacts it works perfectly.Another issue: "Security Update for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 (KB948109)" won't install. How can I help my machine to be successfull with this update?

  • Anonymous
    July 16, 2008
    Hi Berlin Wolf,Then i'm not too sure why its not working for you. Did you try re-installing it?Can you try installing SQL SP2 from Microsoft download website and see if that says what the reason for failure is?ThanksVinit[MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    July 16, 2008
    Hi GassnerThanks for your feedback. We'll consider this for our next release.ThanksVinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    July 17, 2008
    Is this the one...?Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=d07219b2-1e23-49c8-8f0c-63fa18f26d3a&DisplayLang=en

  • Anonymous
    July 17, 2008
    I run Windows in English and Office 2007 in German. Which language to select?

  • Anonymous
    July 17, 2008
    what language is your bcm?if you language of BCM is German, you should install SQL Server Express Edition for German from the link below http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=31711d5d-725c-4afa-9d65-e4465cdff1e7&DisplayLang=enLet me know how it goes.ThanksVinit[MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    July 17, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 17, 2008
    So i believe you do have SQL SP2 on your machine. You can go to Windows update and checking View Update history.ThanksVinit[MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    July 19, 2008
    I ticked "show updates" in "Add and Remove Software", but no SP2....

  • Anonymous
    September 11, 2008
    I am using BCM 2007 and a Moto Q. Synch works fine, except for when I want to go to a contact by typing the first letter of their name. What's odd is that it does work fine for when I'm in Contacts, but when I'm in BCM, it's different. It works for all the letters of the alphabet, except for those keys that have numbers above them. They have a little blue bar across the top. This would be the equivalent of the numeric keypad. I've tried hitting the function key, then caps, but they still don't work.

  • Anonymous
    September 22, 2008
    I have a htc Shadow with WM6.0.  BCM load all 4000 contacts but ONLY scrolls through all the names.  I can copy all hte names into contacts before syncing and the contact application does fine allowing me to type characters and narrow my search. Contacts also goes very fast were BCM si very slow and hangs much of hte time. Anyone with Chapura experience?

  • Anonymous
    September 22, 2008
    I am trying chapura for WM and BCM. I am told my BCM should list contacts under the tree under my folders.  It does not unless I select the toolbar command "Go" and "Folder List"  and contacts is there. Chapura does not list the folders so I cannot add them.  Is bcm the problem or chapura.

  • Anonymous
    September 30, 2008
    I always wonder if we just stump the developers, demonstrate their lack of responsibility in the products they develop or their desire to childishly avoid confrontation when they have failed. I still ahve not received a very simple answer concerning the problem with your BCM for Windows Mobile product.  If I could t-y-p-e  s-l-o-w-e-r I w-o-u-l-d.  So here is an example for you to understant (or not). I open my BCM Contacts list  (Contacts do the same) I create new appointment Using a macro the contacts on bottom of form is listed "John Doe" Subject:  Pick up to deliver heart transplant  for security persons name is password. Location:  Lady of Mercy Hospital I print out my calendar as I make deliveries I look at the Calender it says: "Pick up to deliver heart transplant  for security persons name is password." THERE IS NOT NAME. I can't pick up heart. Do I have to retype a person or persons names everytime I create an appointment? But without digging down into the taks I just drove through Dallas trying to find a contact number.  I am already in Arkansas and just now getting to that number via scrolling through them all.

  • Anonymous
    September 30, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    October 22, 2008
    Just got a new laptop with Vista on it, 64 bit version. I downloaded Windows Mobile 6.1 to my phone, but it hangs when trying to synch to my BCM contacts. After calling various tech support lines, the lady at Motorola told me BCM isn't supported with 6.1? Can this be true?

  • Anonymous
    October 23, 2008
    Hi Is this Windows Mobile 6.1 Firmware on the device or the Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 on the desktop? There have been some issues with WMDC 6.1 on the desktop and we have recommened to revert back to WMDC 6.0. Business Contact Manager for Smartphones/PPC should work without any issues on Windows Mobile 6.1 firmware on the device. Thanks Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    October 28, 2008
    Hi, I've just got an HTC Diamond Touch smartphone and it's running WM6.1. Have been using BCM with outlook 2007 from my PC and now want to use my smartphone along side it. I've tried to install BCM on the smartphone only to be advised that the device type is unsupported?? The PC is XP, activesync is 4.5 and it's all part of exchange 2003. I'm stuck, any help would be gratefully appreciated!

  • Anonymous
    October 28, 2008
    Hi I believe HTC diamond is a touch phone hence you need BCM Pocket PC/Touch Screen Application http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=7BC78C14-7143-41D9-84A9-BD628DB7B6A0&mg_id=10118&displaylang=en Thanks Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    November 10, 2008
    How do I get the project tasks of BCM 2007 to my Pocket PC? I can see the task in the To-Do-Bar, but not in the task list, which only is synchronized with my Pocket PC. It makes no sense to have all the task out of my office, but not the project tasks, or?

  • Anonymous
    November 10, 2008
    Hi Unfortunately Business Contact Manager for PPC was designed not to sync Business Projects and hence Project Tasks don't get synced to the device. We'll definately consider this for our next release. Thanks Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    November 12, 2008
    Do you have plans for the next release that OneNote and BCM should working together in a better way?

  • Anonymous
    November 12, 2008
    The next release of BCM für PC and PPC comes with Office 14 next year?

  • Anonymous
    November 13, 2008
    Hi GerSch, As we are currently working on our next release, it would be nice to know your scenarios for having integration between OneNote and BCM. As far as PPC release we dont have any official dates yet. Thanks Vinit [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    November 16, 2008

  1. If I create a Project Task for myself I can see this task in my normal Outlook 2007, but if I delete the Project Task in BCM 2007 I can still see the task in my Outlook. Is there no further connection? What is the concept?
  2. If I make a link from OneNote to a project, project task or an opportunity and open these links from OneNote, there is only the normal Outlook-task form not the BCM-form with the right task subject, but no further dates. Is this normal?
  • Anonymous
    November 19, 2008
    Hi, Gersch:
  1. For your first question, can you be more specific where are you seeing the project task? I am not able to repro your scenario: a project task will be listed in the "To-Do list", but it is not listed as a regular outlook task. And when a project task is deleted, you will not see it anymore, other than in the Deleted Items folder.
  2. That appears to be a bug from our side. Thanks for pointing that out. Will let you know when it will be fixed. Yi[MSFT]
  • Anonymous
    December 02, 2008
    Long have me to wait, but now there is a german version of BCM für PPC. After installation you have an icon under programs which is called "Geschfts- kontakte". In german is must be "Geschäfts- kontakte". There is missing an "ä".

  • Anonymous
    December 10, 2008
    I can´t understand, why there is no direct synchronization between BCM for Outlook 2007 (offline) and BCM in Office Live Small Business (online)? You only can go the way over the normal Outlook? Will that be two different products now and in the future? It would be a really good thing, if there would be the same structur of contacts (accounts and persons) from Pocket Outlook to normal Outlook to BCM to Office Live to CRM.

  • Anonymous
    December 11, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    December 20, 2008
    to 1. I tried it again to delete a project task, in the BCM-Project or in the To-Do-Bar. No problem. Sorry! To sync project tasks to Pocket PC, it should work a syncronization of the To-Do-Bar between PC and PPC. So it is no problem of BCM, or? What should I do in practice to see my project tasks on the road, on the PPC? To copy manuell to the task list and then back in the office to complete the "real" project tasks? The very good project funktionality of BCM is useless. I´m wondering, that there is no solution, because Office 2007 is so long available. An integration in the PPC-version of BCM makes no sense, because I need all tasks in one list. What to do????

  • Anonymous
    December 20, 2008
    Ideas for OneNote-integration:

  • create account and contact from ON
  • ...
  • Anonymous
    February 01, 2009
    Hello Vinit, as you wrote: As we are currently working on our next release, it would be nice to know your scenarios for having integration between OneNote and BCM. my integration szenarios: (I work with the German version so I do not know the exact phrase used in the English one!)
  1. Add an OneNote entry to the dropdown where new objects for history could be created (Neues Historienelement). A new history entry should be created. Then a new note in OneNote should be created with a link from and back to BCM object. This will help to make navigation between BCM and OneNote seamless. This will help BCM to use OneNote as a fully featured note taking tool. (BCM is pretty simple now...)
  2. It would be fine if the path, where to create OneNote notes, could be selected under options. Thats it. A simple but powerful integration to make working with contactinformation faster and smarter. I hope this was helpful to improve BCM and OneNote integration. I would be great to get some feedback on this. Thanks Matthias Fetsch
  • Anonymous
    May 01, 2009
    My question was: ...2. If I make a link from OneNote to a project, project task or an opportunity and open these links from OneNote, there is only the normal Outlook-task form not the BCM-form with the right task subject, but no further dates. Is this normal? Your answer was: ...2. That appears to be a bug from our side. Thanks for pointing that out. Will let you know when it will be fixed. Now I have installed SP2 for BCM. The link to a project task now works, but not the link to a project. Why is this not fixed? Do I have now to wait up to Office 2010 for fixing?

  • Anonymous
    June 09, 2009
    Now there are the first infos about Office 2010 int e web. Will be the new BCM part of the beta of Office 2010 which we can download further on the year? Or when do we get time to test?

  • Anonymous
    December 27, 2009
    I have a HTC touch diamond.  I have downloaded Business Contacts for Pocket PC v2. I have Windows Mobile 6.5 professional.  The BCM screen displays poorly with only half the search fields being able to be seen.  Is there a more recent version of BC for pocket PC?  Or is there a fix for this problem

  • Anonymous
    February 03, 2010
    I have installed Office 2010 Beta on both my Windows XP Professional and Vista Ultimate machines, with BCM 2010 Beta.  It works great on both systems, but when I go to Synchronize with my Windows Mobile 6.0 Business Contact Manger, both ActiveSync (XP) and WMDC (Vista) have this error when it attempts to sync: "Microsoft Business Contact Manager Synchronization" "Unexpected error opening Business Contact Manager store." Can you point me to any reason for this?

  • Anonymous
    February 10, 2010
    Will there be a 2010 version of Pocket BCM along with Outlook 2010 and perhaps compatible with Windows Mobile 7? I am currently running Outlook 2007 with Business Contact Manager and syncing with Pocket BCM 2.0 on a Palm Treo 800w running Windows Mobile 6.1.  It works great! I don't see a better solution out there for BCM users to have their Business Contact data on a smartphone. There is Companionlink of course, but that is not as elegant as Pocket BCM. I am looking to upgrade my phone. It seems like a good idea to start fresh with Windows 7, Outlook 2010 and Windows Mobile 7, but without an updated Pocket BC to match, it will be an incomplete solution. Currently, either Android, Iphone, Palm WebOS nor Blackberry have a solution to sync a phone with Outlook BCM. Microsoft has to be the one to create this solution if they want Outlook BCM data to be available on a Windows Mobile Pocket PC smartphone. IMHO, a good sync solution for Outlook 2010 would help win over to Windows Mobile 7, all the Outlook BCM users who simply must have access their data on their phones, myself included. Suggestions for new version: The current application works good but it would be nice to be able to enter BCM history items (emails, business notes and tasks)into the smartphone and have emails to business contacts sync back to the desktop which does not happen with the current Pocket BCM v2.0. With the current version,I can enter new contacts, birthdays, anniversaries, categories and even Details comments on the phone, but no history items.

  • Anonymous
    March 31, 2010
    Have you guys seen this Technet Blog yet? http://blogs.technet.com/office2010/archive/2009/08/28/business-contact-manager-for-outlook-2010.aspx There are people that need help folks!! JM

  • Anonymous
    June 04, 2010
    Hi, Can you tell me Where is the BCM 2010 Add-in: Business Contacts for Smart Phone? Thanks

  • Anonymous
    June 04, 2010
    Alvaro, we're updating the BCM mobile app now for use with BCM 2010. Whie I can't get you a firm date yet, we expect to release by mid-summer.  Thanks, Chris

  • Anonymous
    August 08, 2010
    I appreciate the concern which is been rose. The things need to be sorted out because it is about the individual but it can be with everyone

  • Anonymous
    September 19, 2010
    I have a HTC Touch HD running windows mobile 6.1 and on my desktop XP SP3 + Outlook 2007 + Business Contact Manager + Activesync 4.5. I try to install BCM on my HTC but without success. What am i doing wrong here? I do not find any clear answer on this issue.

  • Anonymous
    October 03, 2010
    Any update on BCM 2010 for WM yet? Mid-summer has now been & gone!! Have updated my computer & now obviously get a BCM store error when synching (current WM version is Business Contacts for Pocket PC 2.0). Also want to know when I can get hold of a WM7 phone ... but that's for another blog!!

  • Anonymous
    November 03, 2010
    I do not expect an anwer for the WM7 phone or BCM 2010 for mobile.  

  • Anonymous
    November 03, 2010
    That is the way MS is. The technet blog is not being answered, this will not be answered either.  You purchased teh product and now since they got your money you can be stuck with it.

  • Anonymous
    December 08, 2013
    December 8, 2013 What is the status of Business Contact Manager (BCM)?   The Microsoft Dynamics CRM site gives a quiz to qualify the visitor and each time, the result  tells me that I should be using Business Contact Manager.  I like the idea of using Outlook since I am familiar with it. The most recent version of BCM is 2010 but there is little information available on the Microsoft site and I couldn't find any detailed "user" forums on other sites?   Where can I find most information about BCM? In particular, I would like to know:

  1.  Where is the website to ask the following questions?
  2.  Where do I find the typical workflow for setting up BCM for a professional service business.
  3.  Database File?  Where is the BCM database (path?) and what is it's file name and what format is it in?  This would be important to Back Up and would be the file to restore in case of a computer crash.  
  4. How flexible is the data base file?  Can I read/edit it in Access?
  5.  I have found some posts that sound like some existing BCM users have access to the BCM database by syncing on their Smartphones.  How do I connect  Windows Phone 8 to have access to the information in the data base?  
  6.  Can BCM sync with my Office365 P1account?
  7.  Are there any critical issues? Where do the BCM Users share this kind of information? Any help will be appreciated. Kevin