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Microsoft Partner Summit 2017 14-15 November






Joinincredible global and local speakers, see world-leading innovation,and explore the amazing advances Australian businesses andMicrosoft partner organisations are making at Microsoft Partner Summit 2017.

Heldacross 2 days, the Microsoft Partner Summit brings together thebest minds in the industry, delivering the skills, solutions andconnections required for individuals and businesses to engage,adapt and grow in the digital age. Designed to intersect yourbusiness aspirations with practical support and learning, thesessions will help you build your business, go-to-market, and sellwith Microsoft.

As oursociety and business landscape evolves, it’s never been morecritical to embrace innovation and build new capabilities toadvance your digital transformation - join us to discover how youcan give your organisation the edge.






CorporateVice President Industry, Microsoft

Tonileads Microsoft’s strategy for driving digital transformationacross public sector and commercial industry customers andpartners in support of its mission to empower every person andorganisation on the planet to achieve more. Her organisation isresponsible for defining industry-specific needs with engineeringteams, defining industry solution selling go-to-market, andhelping cultivate a thriving ecosystem for partner-led industrysolutions globally.

Professor Brian Cox OBE


Professor Brian Cox OBE is one of the world’sforemost communicators of all things scientific. He’s a particlephysicist at the University of Manchester and Royal SocietyProfessor for Public Engagement in Science. His research includesthe ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN and theHI experiment at DESY in Hamburg. At Microsoft Summit 2017, Brianwill reflect on the nature of disruption and change through thelessons learned in science.




Strategist,Tech Research Asia

Trevorspecialises in helping clients understand the dynamics of thediverse Asia Pacific region to get the best out of technologyinvestments and opportunities. His driving question is: “What isreal when it comes to digital transformation?” Learn which strategiesand tech are being implemented, how customers are going about it,and the current and future opportunities for partners.

Microsoft Partner Summit 2017

14-15 NovemberInternational Convention Centre, Darling Harbour, Sydney


Partners can extend the experience by an additionaltwo days by registering their technical teams for Microsoft Tech Summit