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App-V 5.0 SP2 and UE-V 2.0 are now available

downloadgreenWe are excited to announce the broad availability of Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP) 2013 R2 for download. MDOP is a suite of virtualization, management and security technologies available as a subscription for Software Assurance customers that helps maximize the benefits offered by Windows.

In addition to support for Windows 8.1 and virtualization of Office 2013, this release of MDOP 2013 R2 includes the launch of Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) 5.0 Service Pack 2 (SP2) and User Experience Virtualization (UE-V) 2.0, which make it easier for customers to personalize, deploy and manage virtual applications across devices. MDOP 2013 R2 also offers enhancements to the Microsoft BitLocker Administration and Monitoring tool (MBAM 2.0 SP1), including multi language support.

For all the details please see the following:

MDOP 2013 R2 Now Available

J.C. Hornbeck | Solution Asset PM | Microsoft GBS Management and Security Division

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  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hi, i am trying to create a connection group between office 2013 and adobe packages. and on client side, i get the following error in the event log, "Connection group could not be published, because the virtual COM Settings of the individual packages conflict. how to resolve this issue?

  • Anonymous
    December 02, 2013
    Nice, but still supported with SCCM2012 SP1 ? The client Appv need to upgrade to this new version ?

  • Anonymous
    December 02, 2013
    Any release notes available with a list of fixes included in this release? Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    December 03, 2013
    Is the sequenced version of the App-V 5.0 Client UI available also? I know from beta this was going to be provided as an additional app/

  • Anonymous
    December 03, 2013
    Is it "App-V 5.0 R2" or "App-V 5.0 SP2" that was just released?  All the other blogs are calling it SP2, and my download of MDOP 2013 R2 only has App-V 5.0_SP2 installers.

  • Anonymous
    December 03, 2013
    Sorry, it's App-V 5.0 SP2. The post should be updated now.

  • Anonymous
    December 03, 2013
    I've downloaded the MDOP 2013 iso. It contains only the client and sequencer under the 5.0_SP2 installers folder. Are there discrete updates to 5.0_SP1 server  or will they be available via Microsoft Update?

  • Anonymous
    December 05, 2013
    Also, there is no RDS client for appv 5 sp2. is it missing or there any alternate location to download?

  • Anonymous
    December 05, 2013
    After updating the client from SP2 beta to SP2 a lot of virtual applications that worked fine before don't start anymore :/

  • Anonymous
    December 05, 2013
    Are we likely to see App-v SP2 appear on Microsoft's update catalogue? (if yes, any estimated ETA?)

  • Anonymous
    December 05, 2013
    Where can i Get the sequenced (.appv) version of the Client UI that was availabe in the Beta. It does not appear to be included in the MDOP 2013R2 release! @Naqendra Kumar. The RDS client has never been included in MDOP. For production you need to download that from the MS Licensing site and is only available if you have a RDS license. Or you can get it from TechNet under A for App-V rather than D for mDOP.

  • Anonymous
    December 05, 2013
    I'm in the same boat as VB above. I've downloaded the MDOP 2013 R2 iso (filename SW_DVD5_Dsktp_Optimization_Pck_SA_2013_R2_English_MVLS_MLF_X19-11716.ISO) from the volume licensing center but it only includes the app-v client and sequencer, not the server. I looked in the app-v for RDS and desktop (5.0 SP2) isos but they both just include the client and sequencer as well. Is this supposed to be in a different download?

  • Anonymous
    December 05, 2013
    Sorry for the confusion but SP2 does not include an update for the server piece. We have more information on that here: blogs.technet.com/.../important-notes-regarding-the-app-v-5-0-sp2-update.aspx.

  • Anonymous
    December 10, 2013
    app-v apps are failing to launch using sp2 client and app-v 5 sequencer packages. are sequences also should be updated to sp2 for the apps to work? or sp2 client should be able to launch sp1 or 5.0 sequences?

  • Anonymous
    April 07, 2014
    I've been looking to setup a single sever test pilot of APP-V 5.0 but unable to locate the installation files to install the server portion. Can anyone point me in the right direction of where I may find the appv_server_setup.exe?
