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Miss American Beauty’s email

Sonja – Miss American Beauty from the IT Screen Goddess Calendar project emailed me:

“Hey howdy saw your blog if you REALLY do want to join a road show email me sonja@itgoddess.info - we organise road shows etc. across Australia.

Our funds from sales of Screen Goddess calendar are to help pay for MORE road shows - visit schools tafe's uni's MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

We just did one in WA (over 2,000 school kids) about to kick off regional NSW later Vic (again more than 2,000 expected) and QLD (at least 1,500) this year.

IF YOU WANT TO DO IT JUST CONTACT ME:-)) sonja@itgoddess.info



Wow – count me in Sonja! I benefited from many “Women in Engineering/IT” wisdom when I was in School/Uni (thanks to Comalco Smelting for sponsoring my Engineering Scholarship throughout my Bachelor degree at UNSW), so I think it’s time that I do my bit to help young women to make more informed career decisions!
