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April update to WSS 3.0 SDK online now live!

I’m happy to announce that the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 SDK has been updated online on MSDN!


What’s new in the April update of the WSS 3.0 Online SDK:

New conceptual sections:

Content Migration

Change Log and Synchronizing Applications

Creating Declarative, No-Code Workflow Editors


Procedural topics:

How to: Create a Custom Field Type and Field Control

How To: Extend the STSADM Utility


Schema reference topics for the following schemas:

Content Migration XML Schema Reference: Contains over 180 element topics that detail the eight migration schemas

Workflow Configuration Schema


Greatly expanded reference material for over 300 types in the following namespaces:

· Microsoft.SharePoint

· Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration

· Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment

· Microsoft.SharePoint.EmailIntegration

· Microsoft.SharePoint.Navigation

· Microsoft.SharePoint.MobileControls

· Microsoft.SharePoint.StsAdmin

· Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages

· Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls

· Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow


As well as expanded reference material for the following Web Services:

· Authentication Web Service

· Copy Web Service


This update also includes numerous updates and revisions to existing SDK content.


Note: The WSS 3.0 SDK download will be updated with the next online update, currently scheduled for the end of June.


I want to thank everyone who contributed their time and effort to making this update possible. We’ve added an immense amount of detailed technical content, with more to come. Check it out!
