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Update; Windows Server Operating System Management Pack for Operations Manager 2007


The Windows Server Operating System management pack provides the fundamental monitoring basics for computers running the Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server 2003, 2003 R2, 2008 and 2008 R2 Operating System




Feature Summary

  • Availability

    • Key Operating System Services: Required services are checked for status (for
      example, running, not running, or paused)
    • Storage: Logical hard drives are checked for availability, sufficient free
      space, and integrity of the NTFS partition.
    • Network: Network adapters are checked for connection health, name and IP
      address conflicts.
  • Performance

    • Processor: System processor(s) performance is checked system-wide.
      Processors can optionally be monitored on a per processor basis.
    • Memory: Memory consisting of physical memory and virtual memory (also known
      as page files) is monitored using the following performance indicators:
      • Available memory (in MB)
      • Pages per second
      • Page file percent usage
    • Disks and Partitions: Logical disks/partitions and physical disks are
      monitored, and performance data is collected for average disk seconds per read,
      disk seconds per write, and disk seconds per transfer. Monitoring is also
      provided for fragmentation of logical disks. Depending on which version of the
      operating system is being monitored, either logical or physical monitoring is
      enabled by default. Refer to the MP guide for more detail.
    • Network Adapter: Network adapters are monitored for the number of bytes
      received per second, the number of bytes sent per second, and the total bytes
      per second. In addition, the health state of the network adapter is evaluated
      and is set to Healthy if connected and Critical if disconnected.