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WSUS server update synchronization error



I am writing to inquire about an issue with the WSUS server update synchronization. We are currently using "Synchronize from Microsoft Update" for updates. The synchronization has been working well until recently, but it has failed several times, and now manual synchronization is also not possible.

The error message received states, "An HTTP error occurred." Upon further investigation, it shows the message "Cannot connect to the remote server," along with the error, "The connection was closed due to a lack of response from a connected member, or the host did not respond."

Windows updates on the server have been completed, and ports 80 and 443 are open, so I am unsure what the issue might be. This server is currently in use within our organization, and I wanted to check with you before contacting our network team.

Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Windows Server 디바이스 및 배포 Windows 업데이트, 기능 또는 역할 설치

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  1. 익명

    이 응답은 자동 번역되었습니다. 따라서 문법적 오류나 이상한 표현이 있을 수 있습니다.


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    설명에 따르면 귀하의 문제가 WSUS와 관련이 있음을 이해합니다.

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    즐거운 하루 보내세요.



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