
다음을 통해 공유


Contains the methods for managing a label. For information about labels, see Labels.


Method Name Return Type Description
ads AdSelector Gets a selector used to filter the list of ads associated with this label.
adGroups AdGroupSelector Gets a selector used to filter the list of ad groups associated with this label.
campaigns CampaignSelector Gets a selector used to filter the list of campaigns associated with this label.
getColor string Gets the background color that's used in the UX for this label.
getDescription string Gets the label's description.
getEntityType string Gets this entity's type.
getId string Gets the ID that uniquely identifies this label.
getName string Gets the label's name.
keywords KeywordSelector Gets a selector used to filter the list of keywords associated with this label.
remove void Removes this label.
setColor(string color) void Sets the background color to use in the UX for this label.
setDescription(string description) void Sets the label's description.
setName(string name) void Sets label's name.


Gets a selector used to filter the list of ads associated with this label.


Type Description
AdSelector A selector used to filter the list of ads associated with this label.


Gets a selector used to filter the list of ad groups associated with this label.


Type Description
AdGroupSelector A selector used to filter the list of ad groups associated with this label.


Gets a selector used to filter the list of campaigns associated with this label.


Type Description
CampaignSelector A selector used to filter the list of campaigns associated with this label.


Gets the background color that's used in the UX for this label.


Type Description
string The background color that's used in the UX for this label. The color is always returned in the form, #RRGGBB. For example, if you set color to red, this method returns #FF0000.


Gets the label's description.


Type Description
string The label's description.


Gets the label's name.


Type Description
string The label's name.


Returns this entity's type.


Type Description
string This entity's type, which is Label.


Gets the ID that uniquely identifies this label.


Type Description
string The ID that uniquely identifies this label.


Gets a selector used to filter the list of keywords associated with this label.


Type Description
KeywordSelector A selector used to filter the list of keywords associated with this label.


Removes this label.


Type Description
void Returns nothing.

setColor(string color)

Sets the background color to use in the UX for this label.


Name Type Description
color The background color to use in the UX for this label. You may specify the color using:
  • A three-byte hexadecimal number in the form, #RRGGBB. For example, #CB0400.
  • One of the 16 known CSS color names. For example, aqua, yellow, and fuchsia.
Consider accessability when choosing the color.


Type Description
void Returns nothing.

setDescription(string description)

Sets the label's description.


Name Type Description
description A description that describes the label's use. The maximum size is 200 characters. To remove a description, use an empty string ("").


Type Description
void Returns nothing.

setName(string name)

Sets the label's name.


Name Type Description
name The label's new name. The name is case sensitive and must be unique within the account. The maximum size is 80 characters. The method trims leading and trailing whitespace from the name. To get a list of label names already used in this account, see AdsApp.labels.


Type Description
void Returns nothing.

See also