
다음을 통해 공유

Customer Billing Service Operations

The Customer Billing service defines the following service operations.

Service Operation Description Request Limits
AddInsertionOrder Adds an insertion order to the specified account. N/A.
CheckFeatureAdoptionCouponEligibility Check the FAC eligibility of an account. 100 AccountIds
ClaimFeatureAdoptionCoupons Claim feature adoption coupons. 100 AccountCouponPairs
DispatchCoupons Dispatch coupons of the specified coupon class name owned by the specified customer. 1 CouponClassName
GetAccountMonthlySpend Gets the amount spent by the account in the specified month. 1 AccountId
GetBillingDocuments Gets the specified billing documents. 25 BillingDocumentInfo
GetBillingDocumentsInfo Gets a list of objects that contains billing document identification information, for example the billing document identifier, amount, and account identifier. Not applicable.
RedeemCoupon Redeems a coupon to the specified account. 1 CouponCode
SearchCoupons Searches for coupons that match a specified criteria from within the set of coupons where the supplied customerID is identified as the ownerCustomer. 4 Predicates
SearchInsertionOrders Searches for insertion orders that match a specified criteria. 6 Predicates
UpdateInsertionOrder Updates an insertion order within the specified account. 1 AccountId
1 InsertionOrder