
다음을 통해 공유

Translator 3.0: Dictionary Examples

Provides examples that show how terms in the dictionary are used in context. This operation is used in tandem with Dictionary lookup.

Request URL

Send a POST request to:


See Virtual Network Support for Translator service selected network and private endpoint configuration and support.

Request parameters

Request parameters passed on the query string are:

Query Parameter Description
api-version Required parameter.
Version of the API requested by the client. Value must be 3.0.
from Required parameter.
Specifies the language of the input text. The source language must be one of the supported languages included in the dictionary scope.
to Required parameter.
Specifies the language of the output text. The target language must be one of the supported languages included in the dictionary scope.

Request headers include:

Headers Description
Authentication headers Required request header.
See Authentication>available options for authentication.
Content-Type Required request header.
Specifies the content type of the payload. Possible values are: application/json.
Content-Length Optional.
The length of the request body.
X-ClientTraceId Optional.
A client-generated GUID to uniquely identify the request. You can omit this header if you include the trace ID in the query string using a query parameter named ClientTraceId.

Request body

The body of the request is a JSON array. Each array element is a JSON object with the following properties:

  • Text: A string specifying the term to look up. This property should be the value of a normalizedText field from the back-translations of a previous Dictionary lookup request. It can also be the value of the normalizedSource field.

  • Translation: A string specifying the translated text previously returned by the Dictionary lookup operation. This property should be the value from the normalizedTarget field in the translations list of the Dictionary lookup response. The service returns examples for the specific source-target word-pair.

An example is:

    {"Text":"fly", "Translation":"volar"}

The following limitations apply:

  • The array can have at most 10 elements.
  • The text value of an array element can't exceed 100 characters including spaces.

Response body

A successful response is a JSON array with one result for each string in the input array. A result object includes the following properties:

  • normalizedSource: A string giving the normalized form of the source term. Generally, this property should be identical to the value of the Text field at the matching list index in the body of the request.

  • normalizedTarget: A string giving the normalized form of the target term. Generally, this property should be identical to the value of the Translation field at the matching list index in the body of the request.

  • examples: A list of examples for the (source term, target term) pair. Each element of the list is an object with the following properties:

  • sourcePrefix: The string to concatenate before the value of sourceTerm to form a complete example. Don't add a space character, since it's already there when it should be. This value can be an empty string.

  • sourceTerm: A string equal to the actual term looked up. The string is added with sourcePrefix and sourceSuffix to form the complete example. Its value is separated so it can be marked in a user interface, for example, by bolding it.

    • sourceSuffix: The string to concatenate after the value of sourceTerm to form a complete example. Don't add a space character, since it's already there when it should be. This value can be an empty string.

    • targetPrefix: A string similar to sourcePrefix but for the target.

    • targetTerm: A string similar to sourceTerm but for the target.

    • targetSuffix: A string similar to sourceSuffix but for the target.


      If there are no examples in the dictionary, the response is 200 (OK) but the examples list is an empty list.


This example shows how to look up examples for the pair made up of the English term fly and its Spanish translation volar.

curl -X POST "https://api.cognitive.microsofttranslator.com/dictionary/examples?api-version=3.0&from=en&to=es" -H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: <client-secret>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "[{'Text':'fly', 'Translation':'volar'}]"

The response body (abbreviated for clarity) is:

                "sourcePrefix":"They need machines to ",
                "targetPrefix":"Necesitan máquinas para ",
                "sourcePrefix":"That should really ",
                "targetPrefix":"Eso realmente debe ",
            // ...list abbreviated for documentation clarity