

Reserved file and URI scheme names in Windows

You can use URI associations to automatically launch your app when another app launches a specific URI scheme. But there are some URI associations that you can’t use because they are reserved. If your app registers for a reserved association, that registration will be ignored. This topic lists the reserved file and URI scheme names that are not available to your app.

Reserved file types

There are two types of reserved file types: file types reserved for built-in apps and file types reserved for the operating system. When a file type reserved for a built-in app is launched, only the built-in app will launch. Any attempt to register your app with that file type is ignored. Similarly, any attempt to register your app with a file type reserved for the operating system also will be ignored.

File types reserved for built-in apps:

.aac .icon .pem .wdp
.aetx .jpeg .png .wmv
.asf .jxr .pptm .xap
.bmp .m4a .pptx .xht
.cer .m4r .qcp .xhtml
.dotm .m4v .rtf .xltm
.dotx .mov .tif .xltx
.gif .mp3 .tiff .xml
.hdp .mp4 .txt .xsl
.htm .one .url .zip
.html .onetoc2 .vcf
.ico .p7b .wav

File types reserved for the operating system

The following file types are reserved for the operating system:

.accountpicture-ms .its .ops .url
.ade .jar .pcd .vb
.adp .js .pif .vbe
.app .jse .pl .vbp
.appx .ksh .plg .vbs
.application .lnk .plsc .vhd
.appref-ms .mad .prf .vhdx
.asp .maf .prg .vsmacros
.bas .mag .printerexport .vsw
.bat .mam .provxml .webpnp
.cab .maq .ps1 .ws
.chm .mar .ps1xml .wsc
.cmd .mas .ps2 .wsf
.cnt .mat .ps2xml .wsh
.com .mau .psc1 .xaml
.cpf .mav .psc2 .xdp
.cpl .maw .psm1 .xip
.crd .mcf .pst .xnk
.crds .mda .pvw
.crt .mdb .py
.csh .mde .pyc
.der .mdt .pyo
.dll .mdw .rb
.drv .mdz .rbw
.exe .msc .rdp
.fxp .msh .reg
.fon .msh1 .rgu
.gadget .msh1xml .scf
.grp .msh2 .scr
.hlp .msh2xml .shb
.hme .mshxml .shs
.hpj .msi .sys
.hta .msp .theme
.inf .mst .tmp
.ins .msu .tsk
.isp .ocx .ttf

Reserved URI scheme names

The following URI scheme names are reserved and can't be used by your app:

application.manifest inffile ms-settings:network-dialup scrfile
application.reference insfile ms-settings:network-ethernet scriptletfile
batfile internetshortcut ms-settings:network-mobilehotspot shbfile
bing javascript ms-settings:network-proxy shcmdfile
blob jscript ms-settings:network-wifi shsfile
callto jsefile ms-settings:nfctransactions smb
cerfile ldap ms-settings:notifications stickynotes
chm.file lnkfile ms-settings:personalization sysfile
cmdfile mailto ms-settings:privacy-calendar tel
comfile maps ms-settings:privacy-contacts telnet
cplfile microsoft.powershellscript.1 ms-settings:privacy-customdevices tn3270
dllfile ms-accountpictureprovider ms-settings:privacy-feedback ttffile
drvfile ms-appdata ms-settings:privacy-location unknown
dtmf ms-appx ms-settings:privacy-messaging usertileprovider
exefile ms-autoplay ms-settings:privacy-microphone vbefile
explorer.assocactionid.burnselection ms-excel ms-settings:privacy-speechtyping vbscript
explorer.assocactionid.closesession msi.package ms-settings:privacy-webcam vbsfile
explorer.assocactionid.erasedisc msi.patch ms-settings:proximity wallet
explorer.assocactionid.zipselection ms-powerpoint ms-settings:regionlanguage windows.gadget
explorer.assocprotocol.search-ms ms-settings ms-settings:screenrotation windowsmediacenterapp
explorer.burnselection ms-settings:batterysaver ms-settings:speech windowsmediacenterssl
explorer.burnselectionexplorer.closesession ms-settings:batterysaver-settings ms-settings:storagesense windowsmediacenterweb
explorer.closesession ms-settings:batterysaver-usagedetails ms-settings:windowsupdate wmp11.assocprotocol.mms
explorer.erasedisc ms-settings:bluetooth ms-settings:workplace wsffile
explorer.zipselection ms-settings:connecteddevices ms-windows-store wsfile
file ms-settings:cortanasearch ms-word wshfile
fonfile ms-settings:datasense ocxfile xbls
hlpfile ms-settings:dateandtime office zune
htafile ms-settings:display onenote
http ms-settings:lockscreen piffile
https ms-settings:maps regfile
iehistory ms-settings:network-airplanemode res
ierss ms-settings:network-cellular rlogin