CCD コード例
次のサンプル コードは、ディスプレイの接続および構成 (CCD) API を使用して複製ビューを設定する方法を示しています。 複製ビューでは、2 つ以上のディスプレイが同じコンテンツを同時に表示し、基本的に 1 つのディスプレイから別のディスプレイに出力をミラーリングします。
このコードは、1 つのモニターをプライマリ ディスプレイとして設定し、互いに複製するプライマリではない他の 2 つのモニターを設定するなど、より複雑なシナリオに拡張できます。
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
INT64 Int64FromLuid(LUID value)
largeInt.HighPart = value.HighPart;
largeInt.LowPart = value.LowPart;
return largeInt.QuadPart;
std::wstring GetMonitorFriendlyName(LUID adapterId, UINT32 targetId)
targetName.header.size = sizeof(DISPLAYCONFIG_TARGET_DEVICE_NAME);
targetName.header.adapterId = adapterId; = targetId;
LONG status = DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo(&targetName.header);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS)
printf("DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo failed, error: %ld\n", status);
return L"";
return targetName.monitorFriendlyDeviceName;
int SetupPathsInClone()
UINT32 numPathArrayElements = 0;
UINT32 numModeInfoArrayElements = 0;
std::vector<DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO> pathArray;
std::vector<DISPLAYCONFIG_MODE_INFO> modeInfoArray;
LONG status;
// Determine the size of the path and mode information arrays to hold all valid paths
status = GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes(QDC_ONLY_ACTIVE_PATHS | QDC_VIRTUAL_MODE_AWARE, &numPathArrayElements, &numModeInfoArrayElements);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS)
printf("GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes failed, error: %ld\n", status);
return 1;
// Allocate memory for the path and mode information arrays
// Obtain the path and mode information for all possible paths
status = QueryDisplayConfig(QDC_ONLY_ACTIVE_PATHS | QDC_VIRTUAL_MODE_AWARE, &numPathArrayElements,, &numModeInfoArrayElements,, nullptr);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS)
printf("QueryDisplayConfig failed, error: %ld\n", status);
return 1;
// Find the primary path by searching for an active path that is located at desktop position (0, 0)
DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO* primaryPath = nullptr;
for (UINT32 i = 0; i < numPathArrayElements; ++i)
if (pathArray[i].flags & DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_ACTIVE)
DISPLAYCONFIG_SOURCE_MODE& sourceMode = modeInfoArray[pathArray[i].sourceInfo.sourceModeInfoIdx].sourceMode;
if (sourceMode.position.x == 0 && sourceMode.position.y == 0)
primaryPath = &pathArray[i];
if (!primaryPath)
printf("Primary path not found\n");
return 1;
// Determine the user-friendly name of the primary monitor
std::wstring primaryMonitorName = GetMonitorFriendlyName(primaryPath->sourceInfo.adapterId, primaryPath->;
printf("Primary monitor: %ws\n", primaryMonitorName.c_str());
// TODO: Pick which monitors to clone
// For this sample, we pick the first active monitor other than the primary
DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO* newClonePath = nullptr;
for (UINT32 i = 0; i < numPathArrayElements; ++i)
if (&pathArray[i] != primaryPath && (pathArray[i].flags & DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_ACTIVE))
newClonePath = &pathArray[i];
if (!newClonePath)
printf("No suitable path found for cloning\n");
return 1;
// Determine the user-friendly name of the clone monitor
std::wstring newCloneMonitorName = GetMonitorFriendlyName(newClonePath->sourceInfo.adapterId, newClonePath->;
printf("Will clone with monitor: %ws\n", newCloneMonitorName.c_str());
// If the paths don't have the same support for virtual topology, we can't clone them together
printf("Primary and clone paths do not have the same support for virtual topology\n");
return 1;
// How to apply clone depends on whether the paths support virtual modes
// In virtual clone, there are two possible options to setup clone depending on
// whether we want to specify the resolution for the cloned paths
bool shouldCloneWithoutSpecifyingMode = false;
if (shouldCloneWithoutSpecifyingMode)
// Pick an arbitrary clone group ID to use to associate the paths
// QueryDisplayConfig will not return existing clone group IDs since it returns
// the paths with their full source modes, so we can just use a constant value.
const UINT cloneGroupId = 1;
primaryPath->sourceInfo.sourceModeInfoIdx = DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_SOURCE_MODE_IDX_INVALID;
primaryPath->targetInfo.desktopModeInfoIdx = DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_DESKTOP_IMAGE_IDX_INVALID;
primaryPath->targetInfo.targetModeInfoIdx = DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_TARGET_MODE_IDX_INVALID;
primaryPath->sourceInfo.cloneGroupId = cloneGroupId;
newClonePath->sourceInfo.sourceModeInfoIdx = DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_SOURCE_MODE_IDX_INVALID;
newClonePath->targetInfo.desktopModeInfoIdx = DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_DESKTOP_IMAGE_IDX_INVALID;
newClonePath->targetInfo.targetModeInfoIdx = DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_TARGET_MODE_IDX_INVALID;
newClonePath->sourceInfo.cloneGroupId = cloneGroupId;
// Alternatively, we can use the same source mode for all the cloned paths if we want to specifically control
// the resolution (in this case we are just copying the source mode info from the primary path to the newly
// selected path which takes the resolution, position, and pixel format). They are implicitly cloned because
// they share the same position.
DISPLAYCONFIG_SOURCE_MODE& primaryPathSourceMode = modeInfoArray[primaryPath->sourceInfo.sourceModeInfoIdx].sourceMode;
DISPLAYCONFIG_SOURCE_MODE& newPathSourceMode = modeInfoArray[newClonePath->sourceInfo.sourceModeInfoIdx].sourceMode;
newPathSourceMode = primaryPathSourceMode;
// We should also clear the desktop mode info since we are adjusting the source mode on the newly cloned path and
// it may need to be recalculated
newClonePath->targetInfo.desktopModeInfoIdx = DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_DESKTOP_IMAGE_IDX_INVALID;
// Since the paths don't support virtual clone, we need to check if they are on the same adapter to support hardware clone
if (Int64FromLuid(primaryPath->sourceInfo.adapterId) != Int64FromLuid(newClonePath->sourceInfo.adapterId))
printf("Primary and clone paths are not on the same adapter\n");
return 1;
// For hardware clone, we simply assign the same source ID to both paths and clear all the
// mode information from the second path since the hardware may not support the same mode
newClonePath-> = primaryPath->;
primaryPath->targetInfo.targetModeInfoIdx = DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_TARGET_MODE_IDX_INVALID;
primaryPath->targetInfo.desktopModeInfoIdx = DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_DESKTOP_IMAGE_IDX_INVALID;
newClonePath->sourceInfo.sourceModeInfoIdx = DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_SOURCE_MODE_IDX_INVALID;
newClonePath->targetInfo.targetModeInfoIdx = DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_TARGET_MODE_IDX_INVALID;
newClonePath->targetInfo.desktopModeInfoIdx = DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_DESKTOP_IMAGE_IDX_INVALID;
// Apply the topology changes temporarily. If we want to persist the changes we should also set SDC_SAVE_TO_DATABASE.
status = SetDisplayConfig(numPathArrayElements,, numModeInfoArrayElements,,
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS)
printf("SetDisplayConfig failed, error: %ld\n", status);
return 1;
return 0;