Certificate Lifecycle Deployment
In this tutorial, you will learn how to deploy the components for the Certificate Lifecycle on Azure scenario.
There are three flavours of the deployment:
Environment | Description | Link |
LAB | Deploy full functional environment for DEMO testing. No manual steps required. | |
Production (base) | Deploy only KeyVault, Event Grid, Stroage Account and Automation Account. Manual steps required to integrate with existing resources. | |
Production (optional DASHBOARD to deploy after the previous base deployment) | Deploy only a Log Analytics, a Runbook (on the existing Automation Account) to injest Dashboard data, and a Workbook to display certificates expiration status. Manual steps required to integrate with existing resources. |
LAB deployment
The goal of the LAB is to showcase a comprehensive solution for the automated renewal of certificates issued by non-integrated Certificate Authorities.
To initiate the deployment of the LAB environment, verify to have the Owner role on the subscription then click on the Deploy to Azure button provided above. This action will trigger the deployment process within the Azure Portal. You will be prompted to provide input parameters.
For resources such as key vaults, automation accounts and event-grid, which necessitate globally unique names, kindly replace the UNIQUESTRING
placeholder with a unique string of your choice, following the resource's constraints (e.g., maximum character count, lowercase only, etc.).
Parameters that require your primary attention are listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Default value |
Subscription | The subscription where the resources will be deployed. | |
Resource Group | The resource group where the resources will be deployed. | |
Region | The region where the resources will be deployed. | |
Domain Administrator Password | The password of the Active Directory domain administrator. | |
CA Admin Password | The password of the certificate authority administrator. | |
Key Vault Name | The name of the key vault. | DEMO-KV-<UNIQUESTRING > |
Event Grid Name | The name of the event grid system topic. | DEMO-EG-<UNIQUESTRING > |
Storage Account Name | The name of the storage account. | demosa*<UNIQUESTRING >* |
Automation Account Name | The name of the automation account. | DEMO-AA-<UNIQUESTRING > |
Additional parameters needed for the deployment can be left to their default values for the purpose of this LAB. Those parameters are listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Default value |
Virtual Network Address Range | The address range of the virtual network. | |
Virtual Network Name | The name of the virtual network. | ad-vnet |
Subnet Name | The name of the subnet. | ad-vnet-subnet |
Subnet Range | The address range of the subnet. | |
Domain Name | The name of the Active Directory domain to be created. | demo.com |
Domain Administrator User Name | The name of the Active Directory domain administrator. | demoadmin |
DC VM Size | The size of the domain controller virtual machine. | Standard_D2s_v3 |
DC VM Name | The name of the domain controller virtual machine. | dc01 |
DC private IP Address | The private IP address of the domain controller virtual machine. | |
CA VM Size | The size of the certificate authority virtual machine. | Standard_D2s_v3 |
CA VM Name | The name of the certificate authority virtual machine. | ca01 |
CA Admin User Name | The name of the certificate authority administrator. | caadmin |
Webhook Name | The name of the webhook. | clc-webhook |
Worker Group Name | The name of the Hybrid Worker Group. | EnterpriseRootCA |
Recipient | The email address of the recipient to be notified when a certificate is renewed and available on the key vault. | john.doe@demo.com |
Webhook Expiry Time | The expiry time of the webhook. | 1 year |
Schedule Start Time | The start time of the scheduled runbook job. | Initial start time with a recurrence of 6 hours |
_Current Date Time In Ticks | The current date time in ticks. This parameter is used to generate unique strings to use during the deploy of role assignments. | [utcNow('yyyy-MM-dd')] |
The deployment process is expected to take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
LAB environment description
The LAB environment is designed to represent an in-depth technical overview of an automated renewal process for certificates from non-integrated CAs, which embodies the entire workflow shown below.
The LAB environment is structured to showcase the seamless workflow, allowing for a complete demonstration of the automated certificate management process. Let's delve into the key components, shown in the diagram below, constituting this environment:
Virtual Network and Machines:
- A virtual network housing a /24 subnet accommodating two virtual machines.
- One virtual machine acts as the domain controller for the Active Directory, simulating the server that receives the renewed digital certificate at the conclusion of the workflow.
- Another virtual machine serves as the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), running the Microsoft Certificate Services configured as the Enterprise Root Certification Authority (CA). The CA is set up with a certificate template issuing certificates with a 5-day validity, tailored for continuous activation within the demo environment.
The CA virtual machine is configured also as an SMTP server to allow for email communication in this demo environment.
Key Components:
- A Key Vault housing the initial certificate and all its renewals issued by the CA.
- An Event Grid System Topic triggered by the Key Vault nearing the certificate expiration. This event triggers a Webhook, initiating the execution of a RunBook.
- A Storage Account Queue used to store the certificate information, which is then retrieved by the RunBook.
- An Automation Account defining:
- The PowerShell script-based RunBook.
- Associated Webhook for the RunBook.
- The Hybrid Worker Group containing the CA as a Hybrid RunBook Worker.
- Variables defining the SMTP server for email communication.
RunBook Execution Steps on the CA as a Hybrid RunBook Worker: The RunBook performs the following steps:
- Reads the Key Vault name and the expiring certificate's details from the webhook body triggered by the Event Grid.
- Connects to Azure to retrieve certificate data from the Key Vault.
- Extracts certificate template OID information and recipient email addresses defined within the certificate's "Recipient" tag.
- Requests a new CSR (Certificate Signing Request) from the Key Vault to be submitted to the CA.
- Connects to the CA, requests a certificate with the previously obtained CSR, and presents it within the Key Vault to conclude the renewal process.
- Sends emails to the identified recipients.
The RunBook performs the actions described above on Azure, using the System Managed Identity of the automation account, and inside the Certification Authority, using the system account (domain computer account) of the CA server. To access the Azure Key Vault, the System Managed Identity of the automation account has been granted the "Key Vault Certificate Officer" role on the Key Vault.
Certificate Retrieval: The DC01, configured as the server expecting the renewed certificate via the Key Vault extension, receives the certificate in its machine's personal certificate store after the polling period elapses.
To access the Azure Key Vault, the System Managed Identity of the DC01 virtual machine has been granted the "Key Vault Secret User" role on the Key Vault.
Conclusion of the Demo: At this stage, the demonstration concludes successfully.
Real-World Implementation: In a real-world scenario, an additional step is required to bind the certificate to the respective service (e.g., binding the certificate to IIS for a web certificate).
The LAB environment also includes the deployment of a Dashboard to monitor the expiration status of certificates stored in the Key Vault. While these resources are optional in the production environment, they are deployed and automatically configured in the LAB environment to showcase the dashboard's output. The workflow includes the following additional steps:
Data Ingestion Runbook Execution: A Runbook, executed directly from Azure (without requiring the context of a Hybrid Worker), retrieves certificate data from the Key Vault and sends this information to a custom table defined in the Log Analytics workspace. The Runbook runs on a scheduled cadence.
Workbook Visualization: A Workbook queries the data from the custom table and displays it in both a pie chart and a detailed table, highlighting certificates in the following statuses: "Not Expired" (green), "Expiring Soon" (yellow), and "Expired" (red).
Executing the Certificate Lifecycle in the LAB environment
The LAB is fully automated and requires no manual intervention. The following steps are provided to verify the whole process and to showcase the seamless workflow.
LAB environment deployment: The LAB environment is deployed using the ARM template provided in this repository. Connect to the Domain Controller VM via RDP using the credentials provided during the deployment process. Use this VM as a jumpbox to connect to the CA VM with the same credentials (member of Domain Admins group) used to connect to the DC.
Certificate Creation: The certificate is created and stored in the Key Vault. The certificate is configured with a 5-day validity, and the Key Vault is configured to trigger the Event Grid when the certificate is nearing expiration. Open the KeyVault an select the Certificate Section. You should see the certificate created by the deployment named "democert".
To access the certificate section you need at least the "Key Vault Certificate Officer" role on the Key Vault.
Certificate Near Expiration The certificate is nearing expiration, and the Key Vault triggers the Event Grid, which in turn triggers the Webhook, initiating the execution of the RunBook. Open the Event Grid System Topic and select the Subscriptions Section. You should see the "CertLC" subscription, select it to see the URL of the Webhook created by the deployment. The graph should show the events generated by the Key Vault that correspond to the triggering of the Webhook.
RunBook Execution The RunBook is executed on the CA as a Hybrid RunBook Worker. At the end of the execution, the certificate is renewed and stored in the Key Vault and an email is sent to the recipient. Connect to the CA VM and open the Certificate Server Console. Select "Issued Certificate" and you should see the renewed certificate.
Open the MailViewer tool provided on the desktop of the CA server (which also serves as an SMTP server in this LAB) and select the most recent ".eml" file. You should see the email sent by the RunBook to the recipient defined in the certificate's "Recipient" tag.
Certificate Retrieval At this stage, the certificate is renewed and stored in the Key Vault.
The tag "Recipient" is maintained in the new certificate object inside the Key Vault.
The DC01, configured as the server expecting the renewed certificate via the Key Vault extension, receives the certificate in its machine's personal certificate store after the polling period elapses. Connect to the DC VM and open the Certificate Manager Console. Select "Personal" and you should see the renewed certificate.
Dashboard A scheduled job runs every hour to retrieve information about the expiration of the certificates stored in the Key Vault. To ensure that data is collected immediately after deployment, you can manually run the
Runbook. To view the dashboard displaying the expiration status of certificates stored in your Key Vault, navigate to the Monitor section and select the created Workbook.Note: In the LAB deployment, the Runbook adds some "fake" data to demonstrate all possible expiration statuses: 'Not Expired' (green), 'Expiring Soon' (yellow), and 'Expired' (red).
Production - base deployment
The Production base deployment creates a Key Vault, an Event Grid System Topic configured with two subscriptions, a Storage Account containing the 'certlc' queue and an Automation Account containing the RunBook and the webhook linked to the Event Grid.
To initiate the deployment of the Production environment, verify to have the Owner role on the subscription then click on the Deploy to Azure button provided above. This action will trigger the deployment process within the Azure Portal. You will be prompted to provide input parameters.
Parameters that require your primary attention are listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Default value |
Subscription | The subscription where the resources will be deployed. | |
Resource Group | The resource group where the resources will be deployed. | |
Region | The region where the resources will be deployed. | |
Key Vault Name | The name of the key vault. | |
Event Grid Name | The name of the event grid system topic. | |
Storage Account Name | The lowercase name of the storage account. | |
Automation Account Name | The name of the automation account. | |
CA Server | The name of the certificate authority server. | |
SMTP Server | The name of the SMTP server for notification e-mail. |
Additional parameters needed for the deployment can be left to their default values. Those parameters are listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Default value |
Webhook Name | The name of the webhook. | clc-webhook |
Worker Group Name | The name of the Hybrid Worker Group. | EnterpriseRootCA |
Webhook Expiry Time | The expiry time of the webhook. | 1 year |
Schedule Start Time | The start time of the scheduled runbook job. | Initial start time with a recurrence of 6 hours |
_Current Date Time In Ticks | The current date time in ticks. This parameter is used to generate unique strings to use during the deploy of role assignments. | [utcNow('yyyy-MM-dd')] |
The deployment process is expected to take approximately 2 minutes to complete.
Manual Steps for basic deployment
To integrate the solution with your existing environment, you need to perform the following manual steps:
Configure an Hybrid Worker VM installing the Azure Hybrid Worker Extension on the Certification Authority server (or on a server joined to the same AD domain) and adding it to the Hybrid Worker Group defined in the Automation Account.
Install the following Powershell modules on the Hybrid Worker VM:
# Required powershell modules for the Hybrid Worker Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force Register-PSRepository -Default -InstallationPolicy Trusted Install-Module Az.Resources -requiredVersion 6.6.0 -Repository PSGallery -Scope AllUsers -Force Install-Module Az.Compute -requiredVersion 5.7.0 -Repository PSGallery -Scope AllUsers -Force Install-Module Az.Storage -requiredVersion 5.5.0 -Repository PSGallery -Scope AllUsers -Force Install-Module Az.KeyVault -requiredVersion 4.9.2 -Repository PSGallery -Scope AllUsers -Force Install-Module Az.Accounts -requiredVersion 2.12.1 Install-Module PSPKI -Repository PSGallery -Scope AllUsers -Force
Add the 'System' account of the Hybrid RunBook Worker VM the "Read" and "Enroll" permissions to the Certificate Template(s) used to generate the certificates.
Install the Key Vault extension on the servers that need to retrieve the renewed certificates from the Key Vault.
Add the 'Key Vault Secret User' role to the the servers with the Key Vault extension on the Key Vault containing the certificates.
If you've specified the SMTPServer parameter during deployment, ensure the following:
- the Hybrid RunBook Worker VM can reach the SMTP server,
- the SMTP port is open in the firewall,
- the SMTP server accepts mail submissions from the Hybrid RunBook Worker VM.
Import the certificates into the Key Vault and TAG them with the administrator e-mail address for notification purposes. If multiple recipients are required, the e-mail addresses should be separated by comma or semicolon. The expected tag name is 'Recipient' and the value is the e-mail address(es) of the administrator(s).
Production - optional dashboard deployment
The optional Production dashboard deployment sets up a Log Analytics workspace with a custom table to track the expiration dates of each certificate stored in the Key Vault. It also includes a Runbook, configured within the existing Automation Account, to ingest data into this custom table, and a Workbook to visualize the certificates' expiration status.
To initiate the deployment of the optinal dashboard in the Production environment, verify to have the Owner role on the subscription then click on the Deploy to Azure button provided above. This action will trigger the deployment process within the Azure Portal. You will be prompted to provide input parameters.
Parameters that require your primary attention are listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Default value |
Subscription | The subscription where the resources will be deployed. | |
Resource Group | The resources will be deployed to the specified resource group, which must be the same one where the production base deployment was previously executed. | |
Region | The region where the resources will be deployed. | |
Workspace Name | The name of the Log Analytics workspace. | |
Table Name | The name of the custom table defined in Loag Analytics to store certificates expiration data. | |
Data Collection Endpoint Name | The name of the Data Collection Endpoint (DCE) | |
Data Collection Rule Name | The name of the Data Collection Rule (DCR). | |
Workbook Display Name | The name of the Workbook. | |
Key Vault Name | The name of the EXISTING Key Vault containing the certificates. | |
Automation Account Name | The name of the EXISTING Automation Account containing that will store the new Runbook |
Additional parameters needed for the deployment can be left to their default values. Those parameters are listed in the table below:
Parameter | Description | Default value |
SKU | The pricing tier of the Log Analytics Workspace | PerGB2018 |
Retention In Days | The number of days to retain data. | 120 |
Resource Permissions | Specify true to use resource or workspace permissions, or false to require workspace permissions. | true |
Heartbeat Table Retention | The number of days to retain data in Heartbeat table | 30 |
WorkbookID | The unique guid for this workbook instance | automatically created GUID |
| Schedule Dashboard Data Start Time | The start time of the scheduled runbook job. | Initial start time with a recurrence of 1 hours |
The deployment process is expected to take approximately 2 minutes to complete.
Manual Steps for the dashboard optional deployment
To integrate the dashboard with your existing environment, you need to perform the following manual steps:
- Add the 'Monitoring Metrics Publisher' role to the managed identity of the Automation Account on the Dta Collection Rule (DCR).
- Add the 'Monitoring Metrics Publisher' role to the managed identity of the Automation Account on the Dta Collection Endpoint (DCE).
- Add the 'Log Analytics Contributor' role to the managed identity of the Automation Account on the Log Analytics Workspace.
- Add the 'Key Vault Crypto Office' role to the managed identity of the Automation Account on the Key Vault.
- Add the 'Key Vault Certificates Officer' role to the managed identity of the Automation Account on the Key Vault.