
ResourceNameAvailability Class

Information regarding availability of a resource name.


ResourceNameAvailability(*, name_available: bool | None = None, reason: str | _models.InAvailabilityReasonType | None = None, message: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description

<code>true</code> indicates name is valid and available. <code>false</code> indicates the name is invalid, unavailable, or both.


<code>Invalid</code> indicates the name provided does not match Azure App Service naming requirements. <code>AlreadyExists</code> indicates that the name is already in use and is therefore unavailable. Known values are: "Invalid" and "AlreadyExists".


If reason == invalid, provide the user with the reason why the given name is invalid, and provide the resource naming requirements so that the user can select a valid name. If reason == AlreadyExists, explain that resource name is already in use, and direct them to select a different name.


Name Description

<code>true</code> indicates name is valid and available. <code>false</code> indicates the name is invalid, unavailable, or both.


<code>Invalid</code> indicates the name provided does not match Azure App Service naming requirements. <code>AlreadyExists</code> indicates that the name is already in use and is therefore unavailable. Known values are: "Invalid" and "AlreadyExists".


If reason == invalid, provide the user with the reason why the given name is invalid, and provide the resource naming requirements so that the user can select a valid name. If reason == AlreadyExists, explain that resource name is already in use, and direct them to select a different name.