
Composite Control Macros


The latest version of this topic can be found at Composite Control Macros.

These macros define event sink maps and entries.

BEGIN_SINK_MAP Marks the beginning of the event sink map for the composite control.
END_SINK_MAP Marks the end of the event sink map for the composite control.
SINK_ENTRY Entry to the event sink map.
SINK_ENTRY_EX Entry to the event sink map with an additional parameter.
SINK_ENTRY_INFO Entry to the event sink map with manually supplied type information for use with IDispEventSimpleImpl.


Declares the beginning of the event sink map for the composite control.



[in] Specifies the control.


   //Make sure the Event Handlers have __stdcall calling convention
   SINK_ENTRY(IDC_CALENDAR1, DISPID_CLICK, &CMyCompositeCtrl::ClickCalendar1)
   SINK_ENTRY(IDC_CALENDAR2, DISPID_CLICK, &CMyCompositeCtrl::ClickCalendar2)


CE ATL implementation of ActiveX event sinks only supports return values of type HRESULT or void from your event handler methods; any other return value is unsupported and its behavior is undefined.


Declares the end of the event sink map for the composite control.



   //Make sure the Event Handlers have __stdcall calling convention
   SINK_ENTRY(IDC_CALENDAR1, DISPID_CLICK, &CMyCompositeCtrl::ClickCalendar1)
   SINK_ENTRY(IDC_CALENDAR2, DISPID_CLICK, &CMyCompositeCtrl::ClickCalendar2)


CE ATL implementation of ActiveX event sinks only supports return values of type HRESULT or void from your event handler methods; any other return value is unsupported and its behavior is undefined.


Declares the handler function ( fn) for the specified event ( dispid), of the control identified by id.

    id, Â
    dispid, Â
    fn Â)


[in] Identifies the control.

[in] Identifies the specified event.

[in] Name of the event handler function. This function must use the _stdcall calling convention and have the appropriate dispinterface-style signature.


   //Make sure the Event Handlers have __stdcall calling convention
   SINK_ENTRY(IDC_CALENDAR1, DISPID_CLICK, &CMyCompositeCtrl::ClickCalendar1)
   SINK_ENTRY(IDC_CALENDAR2, DISPID_CLICK, &CMyCompositeCtrl::ClickCalendar2)


CE ATL implementation of ActiveX event sinks only supports return values of type HRESULT or void from your event handler methods; any other return value is unsupported and its behavior is undefined.


Declares the handler function ( fn) for the specified event ( dispid), of the dispatch interface ( iid), for the control identified by id.

    id, Â
    iid, Â
    dispid, Â
    fn Â)


[in] Identifies the control.

[in] Identifies the dispatch interface.

[in] Identifies the specified event.

[in] Name of the event handler function. This function must use the _stdcall calling convention and have the appropriate dispinterface-style signature.


      //Make sure the Event Handlers have __stdcall calling convention
      SINK_ENTRY_EX(IDC_CALENDAR1, __uuidof(DCalendarEvents), DISPID_CLICK, 
      SINK_ENTRY_EX(IDC_CALENDAR2, __uuidof(DCalendarEvents), DISPID_CLICK, 


CE ATL implementation of ActiveX event sinks only supports return values of type HRESULT or void from your event handler methods; any other return value is unsupported and its behavior is undefined.


Use the SINK_ENTRY_INFO macro within an event sink map to provide the information needed by IDispEventSimpleImpl to route events to the relevant handler function.

    id, Â
    iid, Â
    dispid, Â
    fn, Â
    info Â)


[in] Unsigned integer identifying the event source. This value must match the nID template parameter used in the related IDispEventSimpleImpl base class.

[in] IID identifying the dispatch interface.

[in] DISPID identifying the specified event.

[in] Name of the event handler function. This function must use the _stdcall calling convention and have the appropriate dispinterface-style signature.

[in] Type information for the event handler function. This type information is provided in the form of a pointer to an _ATL_FUNC_INFO structure. CC_CDECL is the only option supported in Windows CE for the CALLCONV field of the _ATL_FUNC_INFO structure. Any other value is unsupported thus its behavior undefined.


The first four macro parameters are the same as those for the SINK_ENTRY_EX macro. The final parameter provides type information for the event. CE ATL implementation of ActiveX event sinks only supports return values of type HRESULT or void from your event handler methods; any other return value is unsupported and its behavior is undefined.

IDispEventSimpleImpl Class

This class provides implementations of the IDispatch methods, without getting type information from a type library.


This class and its members cannot be used in applications that execute in the Windows Runtime.

template <UINT nID, class T, const IID* pdiid>  
class ATL_NO_VTABLE IDispEventSimpleImpl : public _IDispEventLocator<nID, pdiid>


A unique identifier for the source object. When IDispEventSimpleImpl is the base class for a composite control, use the resource ID of the desired contained control for this parameter. In other cases, use an arbitrary positive integer.

The user's class, which is derived from IDispEventSimpleImpl.

The pointer to the IID of the event dispinterface implemented by this class.


IDispEventSimpleImpl provides a way of implementing an event dispinterface without requiring you to supply implementation code for every method/event on that interface. IDispEventSimpleImpl provides implementations of the IDispatch methods. You only need to supply implementations for the events that you are interested in handling.

IDispEventSimpleImpl works in conjunction with the event sink map in your class to route events to the appropriate handler function. To use this class:

  • Add a SINK_ENTRY_INFO macro to the event sink map for each event on each object that you want to handle.

  • Supply type information for each event by passing a pointer to an _ATL_FUNC_INFO structure as a parameter to each entry. On the x86 platform, the _ATL_FUNC_INFO.cc value must be CC_CDECL with the callback function calling method of __stdcall.

  • Call DispEventAdvise to establish the connection between the source object and the base class.

  • Call DispEventUnadvise to break the connection.

You must derive from IDispEventSimpleImpl (using a unique value for nID) for each object for which you need to handle events. You can reuse the base class by unadvising against one source object then advising against a different source object, but the maximum number of source objects that can be handled by a single object at one time is limited by the number of IDispEventSimpleImpl base classes.

IDispEventSimplImpl provides the same functionality as IDispEventImpl, except it does not get type information about the interface from a type library. The wizards generate code based only on IDispEventImpl, but you can use IDispEventSimpleImpl by adding the code by hand. Use IDispEventSimpleImpl when you don't have a type library describing the event interface or want to avoid the overhead associated with using the type library.


IDispEventImpl and IDispEventSimpleImpl provide their own implementation of IUnknown::QueryInterface enabling each IDispEventImpl or IDispEventSimpleImpl base class to act as a separate COM identity while still allowing direct access to class members in your main COM object.

CE ATL implementation of ActiveX event sinks only supports return values of type HRESULT or void from your event handler methods; any other return value is unsupported and its behavior is undefined.

For more information, see Supporting IDispEventImpl.

See Also

Composite Control Global Functions