
Third-Party Firewall Settings

Describes required settings for third-party firewall products.

The XNA Game Studio Express setup program adjusts Windows Firewall settings to allow the XnaTrans.exe application to send and receive network traffic. This is necessary in order for your development PC to communicate with the Xbox 360 console. If you are using a firewall product other than Windows Firewall, you will need to configure this firewall to allow XnaTrans.exe to send and receive network traffic.

Some firewall products enable you to unblock entire applications, some enable you to unblock specific ports, and some, such as Windows Firewall, enable you to do both. To unblock the entire XnaTrans.exe application, specify the following executable.

<install dir>\Microsoft XNA\XNA Game Studio Express\v1.0\Bin\XnaTrans.exe

In the above path, <install dir> refers to the directory beneath which XNA Game Studio Express is installed. By default, this directory is %ProgramFiles%.

To unblock specific ports, configure your firewall using the following information.

Port Protocol Inbound or Outbound
1000 UDP outbound
1001 TCP outbound
3825 UDP inbound
3835 UDP inbound

Firewall Settings for Connectivity to Xbox LIVE

You may also need to unblock ports on firewall devices between your Xbox 360 console and the external network to allow the console to connect to the Xbox LIVE service. For more information, see the following Knowledge Base article.

Xbox 360: Port settings for Xbox LIVE