
XmlConvert.ToDateTimeOffset Method (String, String)

Microsoft Silverlight will reach end of support after October 2021. Learn more.

Converts the supplied String to a DateTimeOffset equivalent.

Namespace:  System.Xml
Assembly:  System.Xml (in System.Xml.dll)


Public Shared Function ToDateTimeOffset ( _
    s As String, _
    format As String _
) As DateTimeOffset
public static DateTimeOffset ToDateTimeOffset(
    string s,
    string format


  • format
    Type: System.String
    The format from which s is converted. The format parameter can be any subset of the W3C Recommendation for the XML dateTime type. For more information see XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes. The string s is validated against this format.

Return Value

Type: System.DateTimeOffset
The DateTimeOffset equivalent of the supplied string.


Exception Condition

s is nulla null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).


s or format is an empty string or is not in the specified format.


If the offset specified within the input string will cause an overflow in the deserialized representation of the DateTimeOffset, a FormatException is thrown.

When more than seven digits are specified for fractional seconds, the value is rounded. For example, 00000004 becomes 0000000 and 00000005 becomes 0000001.


Dim xmlString As String = _
    "<?xml version='1.0'?>" & _
    "<transactions>" & _
       "<transaction>" & _
          "<id>123456789</id>" & _
          "<amount>1.00</amount>" & _
          "<currency>USD</currency>" & _
          "<time>2007-08-03T22:05:13-07:00</time>" & _
       "</transaction>" & _

Dim output As New StringBuilder()

' Create an XmlReader
Using reader As XmlReader = XmlReader.Create(New StringReader(xmlString))
    Dim time As String = reader.ReadElementContentAsString()

    ' Specify a format against which time will be validated before conversion to DateTimeOffset
    ' If time does not match the format, a FormatException will be thrown.
    ' The specified format must be a subset of the W3C Recommendation for the XML dateTime type
    Dim format As String = "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sszzzzzzz"
        ' Read the element contents as a string and covert to DateTimeOffset type
        Dim transaction_time As DateTimeOffset = XmlConvert.ToDateTimeOffset(time, format)
    Catch e As Exception
    End Try
End Using
' Display the output to the TextBlock control
OutputTextBlock.Text = output.ToString()

String xmlString =
    @"<?xml version='1.0'?>

StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();

// Create an XmlReader
using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(xmlString)))
    string time = reader.ReadElementContentAsString();

    // Specify a format against which time will be validated before conversion to DateTimeOffset
    // If time does not match the format, a FormatException will be thrown.
    // The specified format must be a subset of the W3C Recommendation for the XML dateTime type
    string format = "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sszzzzzzz";
        // Read the element contents as a string and covert to DateTimeOffset type
        DateTimeOffset transaction_time = XmlConvert.ToDateTimeOffset(time, format);
    catch (Exception e)
// Display the output to the TextBlock control
OutputTextBlock.Text = output.ToString();

Version Information


Supported in: 5, 4, 3

Silverlight for Windows Phone

Supported in: Windows Phone OS 7.1, Windows Phone OS 7.0

XNA Framework

Supported in: Xbox 360, Windows Phone OS 7.0


For a list of the operating systems and browsers that are supported by Silverlight, see Supported Operating Systems and Browsers.