
How to Manage Application Groups in the Server Management Console

You can display and manage one or more applications in application groups in the Application Virtualization Server Management Console. This can be useful when you want to do the following:

  • Organize many applications into more manageable subgroups.

  • Create groups of applications specific to a department or other company division.

  • Group similar types of applications, such as financial software.

  • Simplify access permissions or license management by group.

  • Change the properties of applications and application groups within a group simultaneously.

You can create a group, place it where you would like in the console's Applications tree, and import applications to the group. Then you can configure and manage the group's properties to affect all of its applications. You can also move applications among groups.

Note   Moving applications into groups does not affect the locations of their files (SFT, OSD, or SPRJ) on the server's file system.

In This Section

How to Create an Application Group Provides step-by-step instructions for creating an application group.

How to Move an Application Group Provides step-by-step instructions for moving an application group.

How to Rename an Application Group Provides step-by-step instructions for renaming an application group.

How to Remove an Application Group Provides step-by-step instructions for removing or deleting an application group.

How to Manage Applications in the Server Management Console

How to Perform Administrative Tasks in the Application Virtualization Server Management Console