
Manage Connectivity by using Windows SBS Console

Updated: August 21, 2008

Applies To: Windows SBS 2008

In the Windows SBS Console, on the Network tab, Connectivity contains administrative tasks that allow you to manage the following network connectivity components:

  • Internet Connection

  • Internet Domain Name

  • Web Server Certificate

  • Firewalls

  • Virtual Private Network

  • Windows SBS POP3 Connector

  • Internet E-Mail

The following table lists the connectivity tasks that are available in Windows SBS Console and their descriptions. Some of the tasks are group specific and are only visible when a connectivity component is selected.

Available connectivity tasks

Task Name Description

Connect to the Internet

Starts the Connect to the Internet Wizard. You can run this wizard to set up or fix your Internet connection for any of the following reasons:

  • The Internet connection on your server did not set up successfully during installation.

  • You installed a new router.

If your server is connected to the network and the router is configured properly, the Internet connection can be set up when you install the Windows SBS 2008 operating system.

Set up your Internet address

Starts the Internet Address Management Wizard, which enables you to purchase, configure, and manage the Internet address for your server.


The server must be connected to the Internet to run this wizard, or you must manually configure your domain name.

Configure a virtual private network

Starts the Set Up Virtual Private Networking Wizard, which allows you to enable or disable a VPN.

Add a trusted certificate

Starts the Add a Trusted Certificate Wizard, which enables you to install trusted certificates on the server.


You must set up your Internet address before running this wizard.

Fix my network

Starts the Fix My Network Wizard, which finds potential network issues and attempts to fix them by resetting the affected networking services to their previous working states.

Refresh this view

Refreshes the Windows SBS Console Connectivity page.

View Internet connection properties

Opens the Internet Connection properties page and allows you to:

  • Manage the router.

  • View any UPnP data or UPnP-enabled ports, and determine if UPnP is supported or enabled on the router.

View Internet domain name properties

Opens the Internet domain name properties page, which enables you to:

  • View the status of your domain.

  • View the status of the last dynamic update from the DNS client.

  • Change your credentials with your domain name provider.

  • Change the settings of the DNS dynamic update client, turn on or off dynamic update, and update time.

View certificate properties

Opens the CertificateProperties page, which enables you to view your certificate properties.

View Certificate Installation Package

Opens the location of the Certifcate installation package located at which is stored in the \\servername\users\public\public downloads shared folder. Network users can download the certificate distribution package onto their computers on the local area network, and then can save the distribution package to a removable media, such as a USB drive or a CD. The users can then take the removable media to a remote computer or remote device, where they can install the self-signed server certificate.

If the server is configured to use a trusted certificate that was purchased from a third party certification authority, users do not need to install the self-signed server certificate on their remote computers or remote devices.

How do I import an existing certificate?

Opens a Help topic that explains how to import a trusted certificate that you have already purchased, and then move it to Windows SBS 2008.

Remove my trusted certificate

Opens the Remove my trusted certificate message box, which allows you to remove the trusted certificate from your Web site. This task is displayed only when you have successfully completed the Add a trusted certificate task on Connectivity page.

Fix my Web site certificate

Opens the Fix my Web site certificate message box, which allows you to fix the trusted certificate for your Web site.


If a trusted certificate is found, it is re-bound to the Web site. If no trusted certificate is found, the self-signed certificate is bound to the Web site.

View firewall properties

Opens the Firewall Properties page, which allows you to open additional ports in the server firewall.

View virtual private network properties

Opens the Virtual Private Network properties page.

View POP3 Connector properties

Opens the Windows SBS POP3 Connector Properties page, which allows you to:

  • Add, remove, or modify POP3 accounts to map to Exchange Server mailboxes.

  • Use the schedule controls to specify a schedule for how often you want the server to retrieve POP3 e-mail messages. In addition, the Retrieve now button on the Scheduling page forces an immediate download of the POP3 e-mail messages from your Internet service provider (ISP) to your server.

View outbound Internet e-mail properties

Starts the Configure Internet Mail Wizard, which allows you to configure your server to route e-mail to a smart host that is managed by your Internet service provider (ISP).