
I’m installing Windows SBS 2008 from the DVD

Updated: November 12, 2009

Applies To: Windows SBS 2008

Follow the steps in this section only if you are installing Windows SBS 2008 from the DVD. If your computer came with Windows SBS 2008 preinstalled on it, follow the steps in the Windows SBS 2008 is preinstalled on my computer section earlier in this document.

When default values that are typical for a small business are provided during the installation, it is recommended that you accept these values.


Before you install Windows SBS 2008, make sure that you complete the steps in the Before You Begin installing Windows SBS 2008 section of this document.


Before you install Windows SBS 2008 on a pre-existing computer, Microsoft recommends that you fully format and then repartition the hard disk drives of the pre-existing computer. By formatting and repartitioning the hard disk drives, you remove the possibility that hidden partitions remain on the drives.

Step 1: Install the operating system

Windows SBS 2008 first installs the operating system, and then you provide information about your organization that is used to configure the operating system and to finish the installation.


After the operating system is installed, do not customize your server until you finish "Step 2: Configure the Windows SBS 2008 operating system."

Estimated completion time: Approximately 30 minutes. (Estimated completion times throughout this procedure are based on minimum hardware requirements.)

To install the operating system

  1. Connect your computer to your network with a network cable.


Installation may fail if you disconnect your computer from the network.

  1. Turn on your computer, and then insert the Windows SBS 2008 DVD into the DVD drive.

    If you are performing an unattended installation, connect the removable media (such as a floppy disk or a USB flash drive) that contains your answer files. Depending on the contents of your answer files, you may not see some or any of the following installation screens.

  2. Restart your computer. When the message “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD” appears, press any key.


If your computer does not start from the DVD, ensure that the CD-ROM drive is listed first in the BIOS boot sequence. For more information, see the documentation from the computer manufacturer.

  1. Select the Language that you want to install, Time and currency format, and Keyboard or input method, and then click Next.

  2. Click Install now.

  3. Type your product key in the text box, and then click Next.

  4. Read the license terms. If you accept them, select the I accept the license terms check box, and then click Next.


If you do not choose to accept the license terms, the installation does not continue.

  1. Click Custom (advanced) to select where you want to install the Windows operating system.

  2. Create a partition (if necessary), and then select the partition where you want to install the Windows operating system.

    1. If a hard disk is not listed (for example, a Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA) hard disk), you must load device drivers. Obtain the device driver from the manufacturer and save it to removable media (such as a floppy disk or a USB flash drive). Attach the removable media to your computer, and then click Load Driver. After the driver is loaded and the hard disk is listed, complete either c. or d. in this step.


If you decide that you do not need to load any device drivers to access your hard disk, on the Select the driver to be installed page, click Back to return to the Where do you want to install Windows page.

2.  If you are installing Windows SBS 2008 on a computer that is running a Windows operating system that does not support an upgrade, it is recommended that you delete the system partition, and then re-create new partitions. When you delete a partition, any existing data on the partition is permanently lost.

    To delete a partition, select the partition, click **Drive options (advanced)**, and then click **Delete**. After you delete the system partition, create a partition by using the instructions in either **c.** or **d.** in this step.


After you click Drive options, you will not see it again. In that case, just skip that part of the step which refers to Drive Options.

3.  To create a partition from an unpartitioned space, click the hard disk that you want to partition, click **Drive options**, click **New**, and then in the **Partition size** text box, type the partition size you want to create. For example, if you use the recommended partition size of 60 gigabytes (GB), type **61440**, and then click **Apply**. After the partition is created, click **Next**. The partition is formatted before the installation continues.

4.  To create a partition that uses all of the unpartitioned space, click the hard disk drive that you want to partition, click **Drive Options**, click **New**, and then click **Apply** to accept the default partition size. After the partition is created, click **Next**. The partition is formatted before the installation continues.


You cannot change the partition where you install the operating system after you finish this step. You must reinstall Windows SBS 2008 if you want to change the partition.
For more information, see the “Disk Management” section in “Planning Your Windows Small Business Server 2008 Network” at the Microsoft Web site (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=104282).

During the installation, temporary files are copied to an installation folder on your computer, which takes about 15 minutes. After the Windows SBS 2008 operating system is installed, your computer restarts. Now, you are ready to configure the Windows SBS 2008 operating system.

Step 2: Configure the Windows SBS 2008 operating system

During this phase of the installation, you are prompted to answer a few questions about your organization. This information is used to configure the operating system. Use the information that you documented in the Windows SBS 2008 Installation Worksheet to help you answer these questions.


Before beginning this step, ensure that the local network adapter is connected to a router or a switch that is turned on and functioning properly.

Estimated completion time: Approximately 30 minutes

To configure Windows SBS 2008

  1. Read the information on the Continue installation page, and then click Next.

  2. On the Verify the clock and time zone settings page, click Open Date and Time to verify the clock and time zone settings to select the date, time, and time zone settings for your server. When you are finished, click Next.

  3. If your network is connected to the Internet, click Go online and get the most recent installation updates (recommended). Getting the latest updates helps ensure a successful installation.

    If your network is not connected to the Internet or if you choose not to get updates, click Do not get the most recent installation updates.


If an error occurs while you are getting the latest updates, the error is logged on the Installation Finished page.

The **Connecting your server** page appears, and you can track the installation progress.
  1. On the Company information page, type information about your organization, and then click Next. This information is stored and used to configure your server tools so that you do not have to supply the same information multiple times.

  2. On the Personalize your server and your network page, type the name of your server in the Server Name text box. The server name must be a unique name on your network, and you cannot change the name after the installation finishes.

    Type the name of your internal domain in the Internal Domain Name text box. A domain enables you to manage access to resources on your network (for example, user accounts, client computers, shared folders, or printers). Default settings are provided for your internal domain. This separates your local (internal) network from the Internet (external) network.


You cannot change the server name or the internal domain name after you finish this step.

  1. Click Next.

  2. On the Add a network administrator account page, type the information for a new administrator account.


Do not name the network administrator account either “Administrator” or “Network Administrator.” These account names are reserved for use by the system.


The new administrator account is not used until after the installation completes and you log on to your server for the first time. Until that time, you use the built-in administrator account with a blank password. You can also use the built-in administrator account to unlock the desktop if it becomes locked during a long installation. The built-in administrator account is disabled after the final server restart.
Write down your administrator account password and store it in a safe place. You will use this password if you ever need to restore your directory services by using Directory Services Restore Mode (DSRM). For information about how to synchronize the DSRM password with your network administrator account, see the topic “Synchronize the DSRM Password with Windows Small Business Server 2008 Network Administrator Password” (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=169595).

  1. Click Next. A settings summary page appears. Click Back if you want to change any of these settings; otherwise, click Next

  2. The Expanding and installing files page displays the progress of the final installation process. This takes time to complete, and your computer will restart a couple of times.

  3. After the last server restart, the Installation finished page appears. If there are noncritical issues listed, click View installation issues. This opens the Installation issues page of the Windows SBS Console. Resolve the installation issues.

  4. Click the Windows SBS Console Home page, and then click Getting Started Tasks. You should complete the Getting Started Tasks immediately after your Windows SBS 2008 installation finishes. For more information, see the Getting Started Tasks section later in this document.


After the installation finishes, you are automatically logged on with the new administrator account that you added during installation. The built-in administrator account password is set to the same password as the new administrator account, and then the built-in administrator account is disabled.