
Change software update settings

Updated: July 13, 2009

Applies To: Windows SBS 2008

Windows SBS 2008 includes a set of default update policies to help ensure that critical and security updates are deployed as soon as possible. In some cases, you might want to modify the policies to meet unique needs for your organization. Policies that can be changed include update approval levels for server and clients, the time that updates are installed or whether they are downloaded only, and whether any clients or servers should be excluded from update management. (By default, all domain-joined computers are included for update management.)


You must be a network administrator to complete this procedure.

To change software update settings

  1. Open the Windows SBS Console.

  2. On the navigation bar, click Security.

  3. Click the Updates tab, and then in the tasks pane, click Change the software update settings.

  4. On the Server Updates and Client Updates tabs, choose from the following four update options:

    • High   All updates, service packs, and Windows Small Business Server update rollups are automatically approved for installation.

    • Medium   All security, critical, and definition updates, and all Windows Small Business Server update rollups are automatically approved for installation.

    • Low   All security and definition updates are automatically approved for installation.

    • None   No updates are automatically approved for installation.

  5. On the Schedule tab, choose how and when to update your servers and client computers.

  6. On the Included Computers tab, choose the computer names and update groups that you want included in updates. You can also change the update group to which individual computers belong.

  7. Click OK to apply the changes.