
Install Terminal Services Client Access Licenses by Using a Web Browser

Applies To: Windows Server 2008

The Web installation method can be used when the computer running the TS Licensing Manager tool does not have Internet connectivity, but you have access to the Web by means of a Web browser from another computer. The URL for the Web installation method is displayed in the Install Licenses Wizard.

Membership in the Administrators group, or equivalent, is the minimum required to complete this procedure. Review details about using the appropriate accounts and group memberships at Local and Domain Default Groups (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=83477).

To install Terminal Services client access licenses by using a Web browser

  1. Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, point to Terminal Services, and then click TS Licensing Manager.

  2. Verify that the connection method for the Terminal Services license server is set to Web Browser by right-clicking the license server on which you want to install Terminal Services client access licenses (TS CALs), and then clicking Properties. On the Connection Method tab, change the connection method if necessary, and then click OK.

  3. Right-click the license server on which you want to install the TS CALs, and then click Install Licenses. The Install Licenses Wizard starts.

  4. Click Next.

  5. On the Obtain Client License Key Pack page, click the hyperlink to connect to the Terminal Server Licensing Web site.

    If you are running TS Licensing Manager on a computer that does not have Internet connectivity, note the address for the Terminal Server Licensing Web site, and then connect to the Web site from a computer that has Internet connectivity.

  6. On the Terminal Server Licensing Web page, under Select Option, select Install Client Access License tokens, and then click Next.

  7. Provide the following required information:

    • License Server ID   A 35-digit number, in groups of 5 numerals, which is displayed on the Obtain Client License Key Pack page in the Install Licenses Wizard.

    • License Program   Select the appropriate program through which you purchased your TS CALs.

    • Last name or surname

    • First name or given name

    • Company name

    • Country/region

    You can also provide the optional information requested, such as company address, e-mail address, and phone number. In the organizational unit field, you can describe the unit within your organization that this license server will serve.

  8. Click Next.

  9. The License Program that you selected on the previous page will determine what information you will need to provide on this page. In most cases, you will have to provide either a license code or an agreement number. Consult the documentation provided when you purchased your TS CALs. In addition, you will need to specify which type of TS CAL (for example, Windows Server 2008 Terminal Server Per Device Client Access License) and the quantity that you want to install on the license server.

  10. After you have entered the required information, click Next.

  11. Verify that all of the information that you have entered is correct. To submit your request to the Microsoft Clearinghouse, click Next. The Web page then displays a license key pack ID generated by the Microsoft Clearinghouse.


Retain a copy of the license key pack ID. Having this information with you will facilitate communications with the Microsoft Clearinghouse, should you need assistance with recovering TS CALs.

  1. In the Install Licenses Wizard, on the Obtain Client License Key Pack page, enter the license key pack ID in the boxes provided, and then click Next. The TS CALs are installed on your license server.

  2. On the Completing the Install Licenses Wizard page, click Finish. The license server can now issue TS CALs to clients that connect to a terminal server.

Additional references