
Managing Fibre Channel Fabrics

Applies To: Windows Server 2008

In the Fibre Channel Fabrics node of the Storage Explorer console tree, you can view detailed information about components in your Fibre Channel fabrics, such as host bus adapters (HBAs), and Fibre Channel switches. Depending on the type of Fibre Channel switches that you have in your fabric, you can also use Storage Explorer to easily access the management portals of those switches.


Discovery of Fibre Channel nodes is partly achieved by querying the Fibre Channel switches in your storage area network (SAN). The Fibre Channel commands that a switch can support depend on the hardware manufacturer of the switch, the model of the switch, and the version of the firmware running on the switch. If a switch does not support the commands issued by Storage Explorer, you will not be able to see that switch, and possibly some of the servers connected to it.


To view and manage your Fibre Channel fabric, you must enable the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) exception on every server running Windows Server 2008 that is part of your fabric. Enable this exception by using Windows Firewall from Control Panel. For more information, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=94683.

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