
Appendix B: Install MSDE on Windows 2000

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2, Windows Server Update Services

If you are using Windows 2000 for WSUS and do not have access to Microsoft SQL Server 2000, you should install Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE) prior to running WSUS Setup. This section gives step-by-step instructions for this task.

Installing MSDE on Windows 2000 Server is a four-step process. First, you must download and expand the MSDE archive to a folder on your WSUS server. Next, use a command prompt and command-line options to run MSDE Setup, set the sa password, and assign WSUS as the instance name. Then, when the MSDE installation finishes, you should verify that the WSUS instance is running as a Windows NT service. Finally, you must add a security patch to MSDE to protect your WSUS server.

Step 1: Download and Expand the MSDE Archive

You must download and expand the MSDE archive to a folder on your WSUS server. To obtain SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000) Release A, go to the Download Center at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=35713.

To expand the MSDE archive

  1. Double-click the MSDE archive (MSDE2000a.exe).

  2. Read the license agreement and click I Agree.

  3. In the Installation Folder box, type a path, and then click Finish. For example, type C:\MSDE2000. The MSDE archive copies MSDE installation files to the installation folder you specify.

Step 2: Install MSDE

Use a command prompt and command-line options to run MSDE Setup, set the sa password, and assign WSUS as the instance name. When the MSDE installation finishes, you should verify the WSUS instance is running as an NT service.

To install MSDE, set the sa password, and assign an instance name

  1. At the command prompt, navigate to the MSDE installation folder specified in “Step 1: Download and expand the MSDE archive.”

  2. Type the following:

    setup sapwd="password" instancename="WSUS"

    where password is a strong password for the sa account on this instance of MSDE. This command launches the MSDE setup program, sets the sa password, and names this instance of MSDE to WSUS.

To verify that the WSUS instance of MSDE installed

  1. Click Start, and then click Run.

  2. In the Open box, type services.msc, and then click OK.

  3. Scroll down the list of services, and verify that a service named MSSQL$WSUS exists.

Step 3: Update MSDE

You must download and install the security patch described in the bulletin "MS03-031: Cumulative Security Patch for SQL Server." To obtain SQL Server 2000 (32-bit) Security Patch MS03-031, go to the Download Center at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=37271.

To read bulletin MS03-031, go to the Microsoft Help and Support Web site at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=37270.

To install SQL Server 2000 (32-bit) Security Patch MS03-031

  1. Double-click SQL Server 2000 (32-bit) Security Patch MS03-031 (SQL2000-KB815495-8.00.0818-ENU.exe).

  2. On the Welcome page, click Next.

  3. Read the End User License Agreement, click I accept the license terms and conditions, and then click Next.

  4. On the Instance to Update page, use the Instance box to select the WSUS instance, and then click Next.

  5. On the Authentication Mode page, select Windows Authentication, and then click Next.

  6. On the Ready to Install page, click Install.

  7. On the Hotfix Complete page, click Finish.