
Deploying Your IPSec Solution

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

After scoping your needs, building IPSec policies, and determining your strategy for assigning the policies to specific OUs, test the IPSec policies in a lab environment and conduct a pilot project before rolling them out for production use.

To ensure that IPSec policy functions as expected and provides the appropriate level of security, test specific IPSec policy configurations on clients and servers in a lab environment, and then conduct pilot or beta tests in a limited operational environment before conducting a full-scale deployment. Test both functional behavior and the policy assignment steps required to ensure that one end of the communication does not receive a policy that blocks communication until the other end receives a compatible policy.

Follow the steps shown in Figure 6.11 to deploy IPSec.

Figure 6.11   Deploying Your IPSec Solution

Deploying Your IPsec Solution