
Synchronization Manager overview

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

Synchronization Manager overview

Using Synchronization Manager, you can control when your offline files are synchronized with files on the network. This ensures that you have the latest information from your network or from the Internet when you need it, while minimizing the disruption to work on your system.

You can use Synchronization Manager to automatically synchronize the information that is available to you offline in the following ways:

  • Every time you log on or log off your computer

  • At specific intervals while your computer is idle

  • At scheduled times

You can apply these options in various combinations to offline files for each shared resource.

Synchronization Manager compares items on the network to those that you opened or updated while working offline, and then makes the most current version available to both the computer and the network. Items that you can synchronize include individual files, folders and their contents, and offline Web pages. Synchronization Manager provides a single location where you can go to synchronize shared files that are available offline, regardless of the type of file or program that was used to make the file available offline.

For more information about using offline items, see Offline Files and Synchronization Manager.


  • You must share files before you can use them with Offline Files. Once shared, the files appear in the list of items that are available for synchronization.