
Creating and Installing Job Submission and Activation Filters in Windows HPC Server 2008 Step-by-Step Guide

Applies To: Windows HPC Server 2008

This step-by-step guide provides guidelines for writing a custom filter application for Windows® HPC Server 2008. You can write a job submission filter or a job activation filter to enforce site specific submission and activation policies.

This guide provides information about when to use custom filters, guidelines for writing a filter application, C# code samples, and then walks through the steps for adding the filter to the appropriate cluster-wide parameters in Windows HPC Server 2008.


To complete the steps in this guide, you will need:

  • A head node with Windows HPC Server 2008 installed.

  • The HPC Pack 2008 Fix for Job XML Import and Export Issues update. This update affects the job XML schema.

  • A development environment in which to write and compile a filter application.

  • Administrative permissions on the head node in order to add the filters to the cluster-wide parameters.

In this guide: