
Windows HPC Server 2008: Getting Started

Applies To: Windows HPC Server 2008

This section contains information about how to perform the initial set up for Windows HPC Server 2008.

In this section

This section includes the following documents:

Title Description

Windows HPC Server 2008 Release Notes

These release notes address late-breaking issues and information about this release of Windows HPC Server 2008.

Windows HPC Server 2008 Service Pack 1 Release Notes

These release notes address late-breaking issues and information about the installation of Windows HPC Server 2008 Service Pack 1.

Windows HPC Server 2008 Service Pack 2 Release Notes

These release notes address late-breaking issues and information about the installation of Windows HPC Server 2008 Service Pack 2.

Windows HPC Server 2008 Getting Started Guide

This guide provides basic conceptual information and general procedures for installing a high performance computing cluster using Windows HPC Server 2008.

Job Submission in Windows HPC Server 2008 Quick Reference

This topic provides links to help topics for performing common job submission and job management actions using the three primary job submission interfaces in Windows HPC Server 2008: HPC Job Manager, the Command Prompt window, and HPC PowerShell.

Node Management in Windows HPC Server 2008 Quick Reference

This topic provides links to help topics for performing common node management actions using the three primary cluster management interfaces in Windows HPC Server 2008: HPC Cluster Manager, the Command Prompt window, and HPC PowerShell.

Windows HPC Server Hardware Compatibility

This topic provides links to resources on the Microsoft website and the websites of selected hardware vendors about hardware and drivers that are compatible with Windows HPC Server 2008.

Additional references