


Applies To: Microsoft HPC Pack 2012, Microsoft HPC Pack 2012 R2

Provides subcommands to manage credentials and soft card certificates.


These subcommands for credentials and soft card management were introduced in Microsoft® HPC Pack 2008 R2 with Service Pack 2(SP2). The subcommands extend or replace the corresponding cluscfg subcommands that are deprecated as of HPC Pack 2012.




hpccred createcert

Enrolls the user in a certificate and place the certificate in the user's store.

hpccred delcreds

Deletes the credential of a given user.

hpccred getcreds

Gets the soft card credential of the user.

hpccred mailcred

Specifies the credential for the account used to send email notification.

hpccred setcreds

Sets user credentials in the credential cache.

hpccred /?

Displays Help at the command prompt.

hpccred /help

Displays Help at the command prompt.