
hpcpack upload


Applies To: Microsoft HPC Pack 2012, Microsoft HPC Pack 2012 R2

Uploads a package, file, or VHD to a Windows Azure storage account. You can specify an account by using the node template name, the head node and node template name, or the Windows Azure storage account name and its storage key or Shared Access Signature (SAS) token.


This subcommand was introduced in HPC Pack 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) and is not supported in previous versions.


hpcpack upload <packageName> /nodetemplate:<nodeTemplateName> [/container:<containerName>]
[/relativePath:<path>] [/description:<”my description”>] [/blocksize:<blockSize>]
[/blobtype:<PageBlob|BlockBlob>] [/usehttp] [/folder]

hpcpack upload <packageName> /scheduler:<headNodeName> /nodetemplate:<nodeTemplateName>
[/container:<containerName>] [/relativePath:<path>] [/description:< "my description">]
[/blocksize:<blockSize>] [/blobtype:<PageBlob|BlockBlob>] [/usehttp]

hpcpack upload <packageName> /account:<storageAccountName> (/key:<storageKey>|/sas:<SAS token>)
[/container:<containerName>] [/relativePath:<path>] [/description:<”my description”>]
[/blocksize:<blockSizeInt>] [/blobtype:<PageBlob|BlockBlob>] [/usehttp] [/folder]

hpcpack upload {/? | /help}





Specifies the package that you want to upload. The package must be a valid OPC package (you can use hpcPack create to create an OPC package).

The expected location is relative to the current folder. You can specify an absolute path.

For example: C:\AzurePackages\myPackage.zip.


Specifies a Windows Azure node template. HpcPack uses the Windows Azure account name and storage key that is associated with the node template.


Specifies a Shared Access Signature (SAS) token.


This parameter was introduced in Microsoft® HPC Pack 2012 and is not supported in previous versions.


Specifies the head node of the cluster. You can use this parameter along with the /nodetemplate parameter if there is no default head node specified on your computer.


Specifies the public name of the Windows Azure storage account (the same storage name that you specify in the Windows Azure Node Template).

This is the value of <storageAccountName> in the public URL of the account: https://<storageAccountName>.blob.core.windows.net.

If you specify /account, you must also specify /key.


Specifies the access key for the Windows Azure storage account. You can view this value in the Summary page for the storage account (in the Windows Azure portal).

If you specify /key, you must also specify /account.


Specifies the name of the container in the Windows Azure storage account that you want to upload the file to. If you do not specify this parameter, files and packages are uploaded to the default location: a container named hpcpackages in the storage account.

The hpcsync command copies OPC packages from the hpcpackages container to the Windows Azure nodes (when you run hpcsync manually, or as part of the provisioning process when Windows Azure nodes are added to an HPC cluster). The hpcpackages container can be used for OPC packages that you want to ensure are always present on the Windows Azure nodes. Optionally, for VHDs or other files that you want to handle differently, such as job input or output files, you can upload them to a different container in the storage account.


Specifies a path relative to the root directory under which the packages are installed on the Windows Azure Nodes by the hpcsync command. The relative path helps you organize the deployment location of applications on the Windows Azure Nodes. This parameter is only relevant for OPC packages.

The relative path also simplifies the target directory, which is useful when you need to specify the command to run, for example: job submit %CCP_PACKAGE_ROOT%\<relativePath>\myExe.exe


Do not specify this parameter when uploading SOA services or XLL files.

You cannot install more than one package to the same relative path or to the same parent folder within a relative path.


Specifies a description of the package.


Specifies the size of the block, in bytes, that the file will be separated into when uploading. The default block size is 4 MB (4194304 bytes). 4 MB is also the maximum block size. You might want to specify a smaller block size if you are experiencing an unstable network connection.


Specifies the type of blob to upload. The valid options are PageBlob (default) and BlockBlob.


Specifies the name of the folder that receives the files you want to upload. If you do not specify this parameter, hpcpack upload will upload the files to the container root.


Specifies that you want to override the default https channel over port 443 and force the communication to http over port 80.


This parameter was introduced in HPC Pack 2008 R2 with Service Pack 3 (SP3) and is not supported in previous versions.


Displays Help at the command prompt.


Displays Help at the command prompt.


  • By default, files and packages are uploaded to a container named hpcpackages in the storage account. The hpcsync command copies OPC packages from this container to the Windows Azure nodes (when you run hpcsync manually, or as part of the provisioning process when Windows Azure nodes are added to an HPC cluster). Because of the automatic sync, the hpcpackages container can be used for packages that you want to ensure are always present on the Windows Azure nodes. Optionally, for VHDs or other files that you want to handle differently, such as job input or output files, you can upload them to a different container in the storage account.

  • For more information about blob types, see Understanding Block Blobs and Page Blobs.

  • If you upload a VHD, it must be of fixed size. It cannot be dynamically sized, which is the default. The hpcpack mount command only works for fixed size VHDs.


To upload lizard.zip to the default container on the storage account that is associated with a node template named AzureWorker, and specify a relative path so that the command to run the executable is mpiexec %CCP_PACKAGE_ROOT%lizard\xhplmkl.exe (if you sync to the nodes using the default root folder):

hpcpack upload C:\AzurePkgs\lizard.zip /nodetemplate:AzureWorker /relativePath:lizard /description: "input file included, needs 32 cores"

To upload myService.zip to the default container on the storage account that associated with a node template named AzureWorker:

hpcpack upload C:\AzurePkgs\myService.zip /nodetemplate:AzureWorker

To upload myXLL.zip to the default container on the storage account that associated with a node template named Azure Worker:

hpcpack upload myXLL.zip /nodetemplate:"Azure Worker" /description: "64 bit XLL"

To upload myFile.txt to a container named myInputFiles by using myStorageKey:

hpcpack upload C:\myJobData\Job1\myFile.txt /account:<myStorageAccount> /key:<myStorageKey> /container:myInputFiles

To upload myFile.txt to a container named myInputFiles by using mySASToken:

hpcpack upload C:\myJobData\Job1\myFile.txt /account:<myStorageAccount> /sas:<mySASToken> /container:myInputFiles