


Applies To: Microsoft HPC Pack 2012, Microsoft HPC Pack 2012 R2

Detects, clears, or repairs HPC-specific firewall rules for an HPC cluster.

For examples of how this command can be used, see Examples.


hpcfwutil {clear | detect | reset | verify | include | exclude
| setexclusion | register | unregister} [/v]

hpcfwutil {/? | /help}





Deletes all of the HPC-specific firewall rules under the HPC Private and HPC Public rule groups.


Determines whether the HPC Private and HPC Public firewall rule groups are present and turned on.


Resets the HPC-specific firewall rules to the default state. The default state is the state of the rules during the setup of HPC Pack, after setup creates and enables the rules.


Verifies the default HPC rules.


Includes the HPC rules for network interface.


Excludes the HPC rules for network interface.


Includes or excludes HPC rules for multiple network interfaces based on subnet.


Registers an application with the firewall.


Unregisters an application with the firewall.


Displays verbose output, which specifically indicates the rules that the command creates or deletes. This parameter has no effect if you specify detect.


Displays Help at the command prompt.


Displays Help at the command prompt.


  • The exit code for the command is 1 if the command fails or 0 if the command succeeds.

  • For the detect option, the output has the following format:

    HPC Public      : {OK | DISABLED | NOT FOUND}
    HPC Private     : {OK | DISABLED | NOT FOUND}
  • For the clear and reset options, the command has no output unless you also use the /v option.

  • When you specify the reset option, the command iterates though the list of HPC rules that were added during installation, and then checks that each rule exists. If the rule exists, the command checks whether the rule is enabled. If the rule is not enabled, the command enables the rule. If the rule does not exist, the command adds and enables the rule.

  • This command is supported only for Windows® HPC Server 2008 R2.


To determine whether the HPC Private and HPC Public firewall rule groups are present and turned on, type:

hpcfwutil detect

To reset the HPC-specific firewall rules to the default state and display a list of the rules that the hpcfwutil command creates or deletes when resetting the rules, type:

hpcfwutil reset /v

Additional references