
Step 6: Run Diagnostic Tests on the Cluster


Applies To: Microsoft HPC Pack 2012, Microsoft HPC Pack 2012 R2

After you have configured your head node and added nodes to the cluster, you should run diagnostic tests to validate cluster functionality and to troubleshoot any configuration issues.

For example, you can run the tests in the Network Service suite of System diagnostic tests to verify network connectivity for network nodes.

To run diagnostic tests on the cluster

  1. If HPC Cluster Manager is not already open on the head node, open it.

  2. In Node Management, in the Navigation Pane, click Nodes.

  3. In List or Heat Map view, select one or more nodes.

  4. Right-click your selection, then click Run Diagnostics.

  5. In the Run Diagnostic Tests dialog box:

    1. In Tests to run, select one or more tests.

    2. Nodes to test displays the selection that you made in the node list or heat map.

    3. Optionally, click Configure Test Parameters to specify test parameters, if applicable.

    4. Optionally, click Run Tests as Different User to specify the credentials of a different user to run the diagnostic tests. By default, the credentials of the current HPC cluster administrator are used to run the diagnostic tests.

    5. Click Run.

  6. To view test results: In Diagnostics, in the Navigation Pane, click Test Results. The diagnostic tests that have run or are running appear in the views pane.

  7. To view detailed information about a test, double-click the test. To expand the information in a section of the test results, click the plus symbol (+) for that section.