
Step 2: Install HPC Pack with Remote Databases


Applies To: Microsoft HPC Pack 2012, Microsoft HPC Pack 2012 R2

After the remote database servers are prepared as described in Step 1: Prepare the Remote Database Servers, you can start the installation process of HPC Pack on the head node.

To install HPC Pack with remote databases

  1. Connect the head node computer to the HPC networks, according to the topology that you chose for your HPC cluster.

  2. If you have not already done so, install on the head node computer a version of the Windows Server operating system that is supported by your version of HPC Pack.

  3. Log on to the head node computer using the domain account for which you created a SQL Server login on each instance of SQL Server that you configured for the HPC databases, as explained in Step 1: Prepare the Remote Database Servers. This domain account must also be a member of the local Administrators group on the head node computer.

  4. To start the HPC Pack installation wizard on the head node computer, run setup.exe from the HPC Pack installation media or from a network location.

  5. When you reach the Select Installation Type page, click Create a new HPC cluster by creating a head node, and then click Next.

  6. On the Select Installation Location for HPC Databases page, click the Remote Server column for each database that you want to install on the remote servers, and then click Next.

  7. On the Specify SQL Connection String for Remote HPC Database page, specify the name of the remote database server and the instance name (for example, SQLSERVER\HPCDB), the database name, and the type of authentication required by the databases.

    If you are familiar with SQL connection strings and you want to specify the SQL connection string directly, click Use Advanced Database Connection Options, and then type or modify the suggested SQL connection string according to the following syntax:

    • For Windows authentication:

      Data Source=<computer_name>\<instance_name>;Initial Catalog=<database_name>;Integrated Security=True
    • For SQL Server authentication:

      Data Source=<computer_name>\<instance_name>;Initial Catalog=<database_name>;User ID=<user_name>;Password=<password>


    • <computer_name> is the name of the remote database server where you want to install the HPC database.

    • <instance_name> is the name of the instance of SQL Server that you configured for the HPC database.

    • <database_name> is the name of the database that you created in the instance.

    • <user_name>, when using SQL Server authentication, is the login name of the user that you want to use to connect to the HPC database

    • <password>, when using SQL Server authentication, is the password for the user

  8. To test the connection to the database and go to the next step, click Next.


    • If an error message appears that states the remote database could not be accessed, review the information that you specified and try again. If you continue to see the error message, security might not be properly configured for the database, or Windows Firewall on the remote database server might not be permitting the head node computer to connect. Review Step 1: Prepare the Remote Database Servers, and ensure that the remote database server meets the requirements listed there.

    • Installation of HPC Pack with a remote database can fail if the machine account of the head node was previously associated as a normal user (not an owner) of the database. If this problem occurs, remove the machine account of head node from the list of users of the database.

  9. Repeat the two previous steps for all HPC databases that you selected to install on a remote database server.

  10. Continue to follow the steps in the installation wizard to complete the installation of HPC Pack.

Additional considerations

  • For more information about deploying the head node computer, see Step 2: Deploy the Head Node in the Getting Started Guide for HPC Pack.

  • If an error message appears during the final installation process that states an HPC service could not be started, it might indicate a connection problem between the head node computer and the remote database server where you installed the HPC database for that service. For example, if the error message is for the HPC Management Service, the HPC database affected is the cluster management database. Select to retry the installation because this might indicate only a transient issue. If the installation succeeds, continue to monitor for issues in the future, and consider changing the remote database server where you store the HPC database. If the installation fails again, try troubleshooting the connection between the head node computer and the remote database server, or try installing the HPC database on a different server.

See also