

Represents the heap objects gathered by IActiveScriptProfilerControl3::EnumHeap Method.


typedef struct _PROFILER_HEAP_OBJECT  
    UINT size;    union {        PROFILER_HEAP_OBJECT_ID objectId;        PROFILER_EXTERNAL_OBJECT_ADDRESS externalObjectAddress;    };    PROFILER_HEAP_OBJECT_NAME_ID typeNameId;    USHORT flags;     USHORT optionalInfoCount;} PROFILER_HEAP_OBJECT;  


Member Type Description
objectId PROFILER_HEAP_OBJECT_ID Type The ID of the heap object.
externalObjectAddress PROFILER_EXTERNAL_OBJECT_ADDRESS Type The external object address of an object, such as a C++-allocated object, that is outside the JavaScript heap.
typeNameId PROFILER_HEAP_OBJECT_NAME_ID Type The ID of the heap object type name, retrieved from IActiveScriptProfilerHeapEnum::GetNameIdMap. Only one of externalObjectAddress or typeName is present depending on the flags value.
flags PROFILER_HEAP_OBJECT_FLAGS Enumeration The flags that contain basic information about the heap object.
optionalInfoCount USHORT The number of PROFILER_HEAP_OBJECT_OPTIONAL_INFO Structure records that are available for the heap object.