Developer Information Index for Internet Explorer 8
This information index gives you a high level view of the information available for Internet Explorer 8 for Windows, Windows Server 2003, and Microsoft Vista. This Information Index connects you to specific overviews, reference materials, technical articles, and blog entries that will be useful to developers. The goal is to organize information by topic and make it easily accessible.
These Release Notes give you information about installing Internet Explorer 8 and contain information about known issues and possible workarounds for those issues.
Introduction to the new developer tools for IE8. This entry describes the new tools that provide an integrated and simple-to-use visual interface to the platform, enabling fast experimentation.
The JScript Profiler in Developer Tools helps identify and fix performance related issues by providing critical JScript related performance data to the web developer.
The JScript Profiler in Developer Tools helps identify and fix performance related issues by providing critical JScript related performance data to the web developer.
Add-on design can greatly impact browser responsiveness and the performance of opening /closing the IE window or tab. Guidance is provided for designing performance into add-ons.
The DEP/NX memory protection feature helps foil attacks by preventing code from running in memory that is marked non-executable. This feature is enabled by default in Internet Explorer 8 on Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista SP1 and later.
The IE7 Phishing Filter feature blocks over a million phishing attacks weekly. IE8 builds on this capability with the new SmartScreen® Filter, a replacement that improves upon the Phishing Filter in a number of important ways.
IE8 includes improvements to Compatibility View that help end-users when they visit web sites that are not yet ready for IE8’s new, more standards-compliant defaults. This blog post describes the technical background and how this new functionality works.
This article describes the Compatibility View List, also known as the Compatibility List. It explains how the Compatibility View List was created, how to determine if your site is in the list, and how to have your site removed from the list.
Many commonly used applications and Windows system components depend on the MSIE WebBrowser control to render web pages from within their program. IE8 renders pages running within instances of the WebBrowser control in IE7 Standards Mode by default.
Internet Explorer 8, as of Beta 2, offers native JSON parsing and serialization. This new native JSON functionality enables Internet Explorer 8 aware AJAX applications to run both faster and safer.
With Activities you can access services from any webpage. WebSlices bring your favorite pieces of the web with you. WebSlices are portions of a webpage that you can subscribe to and view updates directly from the Favorites bar. This posting provides a short summary and examples of these new IE8 features.