
IE compatibility changes by version

The compatibility cookbook describes compatibility changes in the most recent versions of Internet Explorer. We've grouped this information by function, so that you can more easily find related information. However, there are times when it's useful to know when specific changes were made. Here is a list of cookbook topics that were added for each of the most recent versions of Internet Explorer.

Unless otherwise specifically mentioned, topics apply to later versions of Windows Internet Explorer. Changes introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 9, for example, apply to Internet Explorer 10, IE11, and so on.

Note  You might be able to use legacy document modes to emulate the behavior of earlier versions. If you do this, keep in mind it's a temporary solution at best. Starting with Internet Explorer 11, document modes are considered deprecated, and are not supported in Microsoft Edge. For best results, update your sites and apps to use features and techniques supported by industry standards and multiple browsers.


Changes introduced for Microsoft Edge

The following topics were added for Microsoft Edge:

Changes introduced for IE11

The following topics were added for IE11:

Changes introduced for Internet Explorer 10

The following topics were added for Internet Explorer 10:

Changes introduced for Internet Explorer 9

The following topics were added for Internet Explorer 9:

Minor changes in recent versions of Internet Explorer

Each version of Internet Explorer includes many changes, too many to be fully documented. The following lists detail a few of the minor changes that you may not have seen reported elsewhere:

ActiveX controls and plugin changes

Browser features and compatibility changes

CSS and layout compatibility changes

HTML and DOM compatibility changes

JavaScript compatibility changes

Legacy feature support changes