
Modifying the Version Section of SmpData.inf

In most cases, it should not be necessary to modify the INF Version section of SmpData.inf.

The Version section of a modem INF file has the following modem-specific characteristics:


The Version section should contain a Class entry so that someone reading the file can easily determine that the file installs a modem.

The Class entry for modems is always Modem.


All devices are assigned to a device setup class, identified by a GUID, so the class installer can identify them.

The Version section of the modem INF must contain a ClassGuid directive:

Modem Class ClassGuid





The Signature directive in modem INF files is generally set to $WINDOWS NT$.

For more information about the version section, see INF Version Section.

Example Version Section

The following is an example of a Version section for an INF file that installs a modem:

Signature="$WINDOWS NT$"

Note that the Provider directive indicates who developed the INF file -- not who developed the component that is installed by the INF file.



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