
Project Settings: Link Tab (Windows CE 5.0)

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This tab displays linker settings for user-created projects. You can configure these settings according to your needs during the development process.

For more information about this dialog box, see Project Settings Dialog Box.

If you cannot view the entirety of a setting name, value, or description in the dialog box, you can resize the panes to display the complete text. When you hover the cursor over a setting value that is not completely visible, Platform Builder displays a tooltip containing the entire value.

The following table shows names and descriptions of the options available on this tab.

Setting Description
Additional Libraries Specifies additional libraries to link to your target executable, DLL, or static library.
Fixed Base Address Specifies a fixed base address in memory for a file, which is sent to the linker. By default, this setting is not enabled for DLLs, and is enabled for other project types.

See Also

Build Process Customization | Project Settings Dialog Box

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