
Workspace Creation

In Platform Builder, you can create a workspace in the IDE or from the command-line. You use this workspace to work on both platforms and projects. Regardless of what you use your workspace for, IDE workspaces and command-line workspaces each offer unique advantages.

IDE workspaces provide an easier method for learning how to use Platform Builder, and enable you to more quickly create and configure a platform or project. Also, from the IDE, you can perform any task that is possible in a command-line build environment by selecting Open Release Directory from the Build menu. This opens a command prompt build window with the command-line build environment variables set.

Command-line workspaces are easier to share in a source code control environment. Also, command-line builds are useful when you port Microsoft® Windows® CE to new hardware, such as creating a new board support package (BSP).

With either workspace approach, your platform configuration is based on one of two core configurations: HLBASE or IABASE. HLBASE configurations contain the features for headless devices, while IABASE configurations contain the features for display-based devices. For more information, see Feature Management.

For more information about platform configurations that you can select, see Configuration Selection.

See Also

Build System | Source Code Control | Workspace Creation in the IDE | Creating a Workspace from the Command-Line | Project Creation

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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