
Find in Files Dialog Box (Windows CE 5.0)

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This dialog box enables you to search in multiple files, and includes the following items.

  • Find What
    Use to type the string or regular expression to match.

    You can use the button at the right of the drop-down list to display a list of regular search expressions.

    When you select an expression in this list, the expression is substituted as a string in the Find What text box and the Regular Expression option is automatically selected.

    You can also use the drop-down list to select from a list of up to 16 previous search strings.

    For more information on regular expressions, search on "regular expressions" in the Index.

  • In files/file types
    Use to select or type the file name extension of the type of file you want to find.

    You can use wildcard symbols such as the asterisk (*) and the question mark (?).

    You can use multiple filters by separating the filters with semicolons.

    You can use the drop-down list to select from a list of predefined filters.

  • In folder
    Use to select or type the primary folder that you want to search.

    You can use the browse button (...) to display the Choose Directory dialog box to change drives and directories.

    You can also use the drop-down list to select from folders you have previously searched.

  • Match whole word only
    Select to find text strings matching the Find What string, which are preceded and followed by a space, tab, or punctuation character, or are at the start or end of a line.

    Otherwise, the search finds and returns any matching string, including fragments of larger strings.

  • Match case
    Select to find only text strings that exactly match the case of the characters in the Find What string.

    Otherwise, the command finds strings with either uppercase or lowercase characters that match the characters in the Find What string.

  • Regular expression
    Select to use regular expressions in the Find What text box.

  • Look in subfolders
    Select to extend the search to subfolders.

  • Output to pane 2
    Select to send the output of the Find in Files command to the Find in Files 2 tab of the Output window.

    This allows you to view the results of two Find in Files operations at the same time.

  • Advanced
    Click to select additional folders to search.

    This button displays an extended dialog that allows you to add, delete, and organize folders for searching.

  • Look in additional folders
    Use to add folders for searching.

    • To add a folder to this list, do the following:

      a. Double-click the empty selection.

      b. Type the path and file name, or use the browse button (...) to display the Choose Directory dialog box to change drives and directories.

    • To remove a folder from this list, select and delete the text entry.

See Also

Finding a String in Multiple Source Files | Text Search Methods

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