
Adding the Tahoma Font or an OK Button to a Dialog Box (Windows CE 5.0)

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If you have a project that contains resources for a dialog box, you can add the Tahoma font or an OK button to the dialog box.

To add the Tahoma Font or an OK button

  1. Choose the ResourceView tab and then choose a dialog box.
  2. Open Dialog Properties by right-clicking the dialog box icon.
  3. Choose from the following:
    • To add the Tahoma font, on the General tab choose the Font button; then select the Tahoma font.

    • To add an OK button, on the General tab, from the ID list, select IDOK, and then enter a caption for the button.

      To make the button visible in the dialog, select Visible.

      **Note   **For toolbars, create images that are 16 x 16 pixels.

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