
mixerGetLineInfo (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function retrieves information about a specific line of a mixer device.



  • hmxobj
    Handle to the mixer device object that controls the specific audio line.

  • pmxl
    Pointer to a MIXERLINE structure.

    This structure is filled with information about the audio line for the mixer device.

    The cbStruct member must always be initialized to be the size, in bytes, of the MIXERLINE structure.

  • fdwInfo
    Flags for retrieving information about an audio line.

    The following table shows the possible flags.

    Flag Description
    MIXER_GETLINEINFOF_COMPONENTTYPE The pmxl parameter will receive information about the first audio line of the type specified in the dwComponentType member of the MIXERLINE structure.

    This flag is used to retrieve information about an audio line of a specific component type.

    Remaining structure members except cbStruct require no further initialization.

    MIXER_GETLINEINFOF_DESTINATION The pmxl parameter will receive information about the destination audio line specified by the dwDestination member of the MIXERLINE structure.

    This index ranges from zero to one less than the value in the cDestinations member of the MIXERCAPS structure.

    All remaining structure members except cbStruct require no further initialization.

    MIXER_GETLINEINFOF_LINEID The pmxl parameter will receive information about the audio line specified by the dwLineID member of the MIXERLINE structure.

    This is usually used to retrieve updated information about the state of an audio line.

    All remaining structure members except cbStruct require no further initialization.

    MIXER_GETLINEINFOF_SOURCE The pmxl parameter will receive information about the source audio line specified by the dwDestination and dwSource members of the MIXERLINE structure.

    The index specified by dwDestination ranges from zero to one less than the value in the cDestinations member of the MIXERCAPS structure.

    The index specified by dwSource ranges from zero to one less than the value in the cConnections member of the MIXERLINE structure returned for the audio line stored in the dwDestination member.

    All remaining structure members except cbStruct require no further initialization.

    MIXER_GETLINEINFOF_TARGETTYPE The pmxl parameter will receive information about the audio line for the Target.dwType member of MIXERLINE.

    This flag is used to retrieve information about an audio line that handles the target type (for example, MIXERLINE_TARGETTYPE_WAVEOUT).

    An application must initialize the Target.dwType, Target.wMid, Target.wPid, Target.vDriverVersion and Target.szPname members of the MIXERLINE structure before calling mixerGetLineInfo.

    All of these values can be retrieved from the device capabilities structures for all media devices.

    Remaining structure members except cbStruct require no further initialization.

    MIXER_OBJECTF_HMIXER The hmxobj parameter is a mixer device handle returned by the mixerOpen function.

    This flag is optional.

    MIXER_OBJECTF_MIXER The hmxobj parameter is a mixer device identifier in the range of zero to one less than the number of devices returned by the mixerGetNumDevs function.

    This flag is optional.

    The following flags are supported in other versions of Windows, but not in Windows CE.

    Flags not supported in Windows CE

Return Values

Returns MMSYSERR_NOERROR if successful or an error otherwise.

The following table shows the possible values.

Value Description
MIXERR_INVALLINE The audio line reference is invalid.
MMSYSERR_BADDEVICEID The hmxobj parameter specifies an invalid device identifier.
MMSYSERR_INVALFLAG One or more flags are invalid.
MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE The hmxobj parameter specifies an invalid handle.
MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM One or more parameters are invalid.
MMSYSERR_NODRIVER No mixer device is available for the object specified by hmxobj.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.12 and later. Version 2.12 requires DXPAK 1.0 or later.
Header: Mmsystem.h.
Link Library: Coredll.lib.

See Also

MIXERLINE | MIXERCAPS | mixerOpen | mixerGetNumDevs | Hardware Audio Mixer Functions

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