
NMLISTVIEW (Windows CE 5.0)

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This structure contains information about a list-view message. This structure is the same as the NM_LISTVIEW structure, but has been renamed to fit standard naming conventions.

typedefstructtagNMLISTVIEW {NMHDRhdr;intiItem;intiSubItem;UINTuNewState;UINTuOldState;UINTuChanged;POINTptAction;LPARAMlParam;}NMLISTVIEW,FAR* LPNMLISTVIEW;


  • hdr
    NMHDR structure that contains information about this message.
  • iItem
    Identifier of the list-view item, or -1 if not used.
  • iSubItem
    Identifier of the subitem, or zero if none.
  • uNewState
    Specifies the new item state. This member is zero for messages that do not use it.
  • uOldState
    Specifies the old item state. This member is zero for messages that do not use it.
  • uChanged
    Set of flags that indicate the item attributes that have changed. This member is zero for messages that do not use it. Otherwise, it can have the same values as the mask member of the LVITEM structure.
  • ptAction
    Specifies a POINT structure that indicates the location at which the event occurred. This member is undefined for messages that do not use it.
  • lParam
    Specifies the item's application-defined 32-bit value. This member is undefined for messages that do not use it.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.0 and later.
Header: Commctrl.h.

See Also

NMHDR | List-View Controls Structures

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