
Adding Project-Specific or Platform-Specific Files During the Makeimg.exe Phase

  1. Create a Project.loc or Platform.loc file in the Platform or Project directory.

    For example:


    – or –


    This is the same process that is required to create project-specific or platform-specific .reg, .bib, or .dat files. The prefix name does not matter. However, you must use the .loc extension.

  2. Add the names of the modules, excluding the .exe or .dll extension, that require localization during the Makeimg.exe phase to your newly created Project.loc or Platform.loc file.

    Note   Msim.dll supports all locales that are based on the 1252 code page. However, during the build process the U.S. resources of the msim module are not replaced. To have these resources localized, add the msim module to Project.loc.

See Also

Make Binary Image Tool | Platform Localization

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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