
Windows Media Player Methods

Windows Media Player control supports the following methods.

Programming element Description
Cancel Cancels the Open method before the file completes opening.
FastForward Scans rapidly forward through the current clip.
FastReverse Scans rapidly backward through the current clip.
GetCodecDescription Retrieves the descriptive name of the given codec.
GetCodecInstalled Retrieves a value indicating whether a given codec is installed.
GetCodecURL Retrieves the URL location containing additional information about the given codec.
GetCurrentEntry Retrieves the current clip being played by the Windows Media Player control.
GetMarkerName Retrieves the name of a marker, given its marker number.
GetMarkerTime Retrieves a value specifying the presentation time of a given marker.
GetMediaInfoString Retrieves show or clip information.
GetMediaParameter Retrieves the value of the specified parameter for an indexed Advanced Stream Redirector (ASX) entry.
GetMediaParameterName Retrieves the name of the specified parameter for an indexed ASX entry.
Next Jumps to the next clip in a playlist.
Open Asynchronously opens a specified clip.
Pause Suspends playback at the current position in the clip.
Play Starts playing a clip from the starting position or continues playing a paused or stopped clip.
Previous Jumps to the previous clip in a playlist.
SetCurrentEntry Selects a clip for playback by the Windows Media Player control.
Stop Stops playback of the current clip.

See Also

Windows Media Player Control

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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