

This interface provides the ability to access and change a specified service object. The service object is accessed from the IPMBootableDevice interface.

The following code sample shows one technique for accessing a service object from an Automation client.

Dim tService as Object
Set tService = tBootableDevice.GetService( <params> )

The following table shows this interface's methods.

Method Description
IPMService::Id Retrieves the service class identifier associated with the service object.
IPMService::Name Obtains or sets the name of the service object.
IPMService::CategoryId Obtains the service category identifier associated with the service object.
IPMService::InitService Initializes a service from a bootable device object and a service information object.
IPMService::IsServiceReleaseable Returns a value that shows whether the service can be released.
IPMService::ConfigureServiceUI Displays a dialog box that allows you to configure the service.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Service.h, Cemgr.idl.

See Also

Kernel Connectivity | IPMBootableDevice

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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